Swarovski disappointment.

Any hunting gear criticism, good or bad is welcome to be posted on Rokslide. Just keep everything organic and respectful. We don’t want plants plugging products or angry non objective bashing. Some venting of frustration is fine. Treat everyone with respect regardless of their post count or title.

There was nothing wrong with the original post however it has gone off the rails. Op, please update us as to how this is handled.
My Els get used 200 days a year. And I am not easy on them. Never had an issues after 3 seasons. I have had to send my 15’s back for service twice. When it’s really cold, below zero, the focus locks up and I crank on it to get to glassing, and I broke it.

Their warranty portal is not ideal. Contact this lady in the service department. She has been great to work with for repairs and some replacement parts;

[email protected]

Friends don’t let friends use vortex…..
Any hunting gear criticism, good or bad is welcome to be posted on Rokslide. Just keep everything organic and respectful. We don’t want plants plugging products or angry non objective bashing. Some venting of frustration is fine. Treat everyone with respect regardless of their post count or title.

There was nothing wrong with the original post however it has gone off the rails. Op, please update us as to how this is handled.
Tony and I haven’t even chatted on this and he read my mind.

If OP is a plant, Swaro’ will let us know.

In the meantime, this site is functioning as it should: gear talk.

That’s why I chimed in about some of the issues I’ve had with Swaro’. Doens’t matter that they’re a sponsor, if there’s problems, let’s talk about it. It can make our gear better…

And someone has to have a 1st post at some point.

OP, balls in your court, still some good advice here. I think it’s worth getting them fixed. It does seem like a very low % problem. Sorry it happened to you. Leaves a bitter taste for sure!

Happened to me with my first inReach Mini and I was pissed! (Had a similar thread like this one with all the same opinions) But turns out it was a defective unit, S&S archery sent me another one and it’s been flawless for 4 seasons now.

Let us know how it turns out. Good luck on the elk hunt. It’s gonna sting for Swaro that thier new customer is using a competitior, but my money is they’ll make it right for you If you’ll let them
For better glass I’ve always used Swaro and Zeiss. I’m not super rough on binos but I also don’t baby them. Between NL’s and EL’s I have 4 pairs right now.

One pair of EL’s I used a ton including while guiding for dall sheep. I got a different pair and used those a ton. The next set of EL’s was for my wife. I got a pair of NL’s last year so my other EL’s haven’t been used a lot the last few years.

My first set my buddy broke the eye piece. He was used to Leica’s which pop in and out. I called Swaro and they sent a new eye piece.

Besides that until my kid lost one of my winged eyecups this year I haven’t had an issue with EL’s or NL’s.

I did drop my BTX off the bed rail of my pickup. It landed on the right side eye piece. It pushed it in and it was blurry. I sent it in and they fixed it free of charge and got it back to me before the season started.

I also had a Swaro scope that quit adjusting properly on the windage. They fixed that also.

My experience with Swaro has been pretty good after using some of their different products over the last 15-20 years. Even when it’s a user error they have taken care of it.

It sucks to get a bum item. Was it Swaro, shipping, the dealer, user error? No one knows.

I would be more worried how the dealer is going to handle it than Swaro.
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Sport Optocs will exchange/return for any reason within 30 days. I know, I’ve done it with nothing wrong with optic just decided I didn’t like that certain product. Got my money back no questions asked.
Well. I finally decided to man up and get a pair of EL’s. Everything was perfect, price, shipping, packaging etc. I take them out, adjust the diopter. WOW…. Unbelievably perfect optic. I put them in my bino harness and continue doing my thing, pull them out again to glass and the diopter is totally off, both eyes are blurry and I’m thinking “what the actual F?…” I chalk it up to them maybe just rubbing on my bino harness and going out if focus. They seem to be fine the next few days when I take them out. Then, yesterday I’m on my back porch just playing with them, everything is perfect, I adjust how I’m sitting and pivot my body to checkout some birds, throw them up to my face and again, everything is totally blurry, diopter isn’t even close to my setting. So now the real concern sets in. Well, I give them a gentle shake and I can hear an audible rattle inside one tube. My heart sinks, I re adjust all the focus settings to perfection one last time trying to trouble shoot what’s causing them to loose focus. One more gentle shake, look through and everything is totally out of focus and almost instant headache causing.

I am unbelievably disappointed in Swarovski. I honestly should have never sold my old Razor HD’s to get these. Needless to say I’m getting my money back and giving Leica a whirl next time . Rant over.
My first expensive optics purchase was a Leica...DOA.
Replaced in a week and still using 5 yrs later