Suppressor wait times

Pretty sure I'm seeing something of a run on suppressors just in the last few weeks - a lot of the more popular models are just gone from Gunbroker, or there's only a couple up for sale, when a couple of months ago there were dozens of each available.
Just blows my mind my wife got hers after 9 months, I’m still waiting after more than a year but some are getting theirs within a week! At least some are getting through.
Take down 22 and ultra7 dt
Ultra 7 got approved
Got notified this evening so we will see how long it takes them to get it to me.
Lots of complaints about them but so far so good.
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Under 3 months!

Eform 4 individual
Certified 11/22/23
Approved 2/15/24

Had 2 cans certified that day, will be interesting to see if the other clears tomorrow/next week or in the summer when I figured they would clear.
I checked on silencer shop and my second can was approved the same day as the first. ATF did not email me or my dealer that is was clear. When I picked it up yesterday he said he has had a few clear in the 4-7 day window and if you have multiple in jail they are being batched.
I did a Scythe the end of January in a trust and it’s still pending, so bought a AB A-10 Wednesday to see if it goes faster and certified it yesterday as an individual.
Went ahead an purchased a Scythe rom CA this morning and will do it as individual versus my trust.
I'm struggling still at this point also. Loathe my choice of shops and the stupid silencer shop kiosk.

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Having done a few trusts and now a couple individual applications, there's absolutely no reason for dealers to not certify immediately. That's just poor customer service. I had the same experience, though. My trusts took 2-4 weeks to be certified, and my individuals were certified the same day.
Having done a few trusts and now a couple individual applications, there's absolutely no reason for dealers to not certify immediately. That's just poor customer service. I had the same experience, though. My trusts took 2-4 weeks to be certified, and my individuals were certified the same day.
Been ready to stage all week pretty frustrated with the entire experience.

Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalk
my timeline

I went to a local kiosk and filed all the paperwork, forms, and setup an ATF account 1/11/24
Bought the can from a different dealer who doesn't have a kiosk, 1/12/24
SS compliance review done 1/15/24
SS DocuSign completed 1/15/24
SS tax stamp purchased 1/16/24
Certified and E-form 4 submitted 1/20/24
Approved 3/1/24

my SS dashboard still doesn't show the approval