Suppressor wait times

2/21 and waiting. thought last week would be the lucky call. cheers to waiting for the good things in life.
I got the call yesterday and this afternoon I'll be picking up my Nomad LT!
Almost 14 months..
And people think the feds should run our health care 😒
they said the new 90 days seemed realistic in march when I paid for one. Should have gotten it in june. just called recently...over a month later its still pending (not even assigned for review). Talked to the LGS last week and they said its looking like 6 months or more again.
they said the new 90 days seemed realistic in march when I paid for one. Should have gotten it in june. just called recently...over a month later its still pending (not even assigned for review). Talked to the LGS last week and they said its looking like 6 months or more again.
The silencer shop tracker median was 80 some days when I certified in May, it is 169 now.
The silencer shop tracker median was 80 some days when I certified in May, it is 169 now.

Backlog from all the new buyers plus trying to catch up on all the paper form 4's they screwed over with the efile system. Had to happen sometime. Hopefully they balance it out in the next year or so.
they said the new 90 days seemed realistic in march when I paid for one. Should have gotten it in june. just called recently...over a month later its still pending (not even assigned for review). Talked to the LGS last week and they said its looking like 6 months or more again.
It's hilarious and totally indicative of these clowns..
They invent a new super slick system, totally F over all the guys in the old system, then the new system basically reverts back to nearly the exact speed as the old system!
You can't make this stuff up
Want to know something that always irked me? I have to jump through all these hoops for a tiny piece of steel/aluminum that really doesn't do what people think and isn't the least bit dangerous. At work I can hire anybody off the street to handle and detonate explosives with as little as a background check submitted. After 6-12 months of work I have to let them go because their background check finally came back and they failed. I realize why it's done this way but there are improvements for both systems that could be implemented.
Want to know something that always irked me? I have to jump through all these hoops for a tiny piece of steel/aluminum that really doesn't do what people think and isn't the least bit dangerous. At work I can hire anybody off the street to handle and detonate explosives with as little as a background check submitted. After 6-12 months of work I have to let them go because their background check finally came back and they failed. I realize why it's done this way but there are improvements for both systems that could be implemented.
Good luck fixing the government, I honestly hope it works out for you.
What’s the over/under that a year from now efile will take just as long as the old paper system…..seems to be trending up and not down since the beginning of the year.