Suppressor wait times

Got an approval this week at 251 days, longer than my last approval which took 235 days.

Two left in the queue, currently at 167 and 122 days.
I am at 317 days now for two. Form 4 trust.

Kind of getting annoyed now. These two will make number 10 and 11 and I bought my first two back in 2005.

Yet my neighbor/hunting buddy bought two local and had them in 74 days total and he has never bought one up until those two.
Looks great! I cannot wait to get my 10-stack Raptor. How’s it sound? Got any other cans to compare it to?
Haven't had a chance to shoot it yet. Other than this I have 2 - 22lr cans and a YHM R9 that I shoot on lower pressure 30 cals. So nothing that should compare to this one. I just put the Raptor in the mail today back to AB so they could swap me out on the reflex size that I want. Hope to have it back next week and hit the range then.
Might research how it works. It's not as big as you think. roughly 4" of the can comes back over my barrel. It's also around 12oz.
I was quite pleased with how light that can is and feels, even with the 5" reflex. It's going to go on my 6mm ARC--I expect maximum sound suppression.
Approved today (Sunday). Certified 02/10. Emailed immediately asking about batching my other pending suppressor.

Edit: I went through Scheels just as an FYI. They price matched other retailers and did everything in house (pics, fingerprints, etc.). Honestly so far they really killed it with customer service.
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Approved today (Sunday). Certified 02/10. Emailed immediately asking about batching my other pending suppressor.

Edit: I went through Scheels just as an FYI. They price matched other retailers and did everything in house (pics, fingerprints, etc.). Honestly so far they really killed it with customer service.
Scheels ALWAYS kills it with customer service in my experience.
Dealer submitted 10/22. ATF kicked back paperwork in February for dealer mistake but told them it doesn't lose it's place in the queue (I had my serious doubts about this!!). New submission date of 3/31/23. Approved today!!!! Thunderbeast Ultra 5 just in time for my elk trip in CO in 2 weeks.