Suppressor wait times

It sure as hell isn’t my background check. I’m about as vetted as they come.
Cougar-we've talked and I share your frustration.

I've mentioned this before, TS and above clearance, number of fingerprint cards, having official passports and numerous visas, and databases your in and several other markers make the time much much longer. Totally ass backwards.

In the form 4 cases throughout my buddies and 25+cans in the past few years, if your a civilian, no LE your gonna get fast times. Average Joe buddies of mine-even with criminal history-beat me on every can. SMH.
Cougar-we've talked and I share your frustration.

I've mentioned this before, TS and above clearance, number of fingerprint cards, having official passports and numerous visas, and databases your in and several other markers make the time much much longer. Totally ass backwards.

In the form 4 cases throughout my buddies and 25+cans in the past few years, if your a civilian, no LE your gonna get fast times. Average Joe buddies of mine-even with criminal history-beat me on every can. SMH.
Interesting, might be why mine are slow as cold molasses.
Cougar-we've talked and I share your frustration.

I've mentioned this before, TS and above clearance, number of fingerprint cards, having official passports and numerous visas, and databases your in and several other markers make the time much much longer. Totally ass backwards.

In the form 4 cases throughout my buddies and 25+cans in the past few years, if your a civilian, no LE your gonna get fast times. Average Joe buddies of mine-even with criminal history-beat me on every can. SMH.
That has got to be the stupidest thing I’ve heard in a long time. I didn’t know that, and never would have guessed that all my badges, clearances, etc would actually be holding up the process. In a weird sort of head-up-your-rear government logic, it makes complete sense. Absolutely unreal….
My 2 trust eform4’s were approved yesterday, 109 days, my fastest processing yet! Trusts will always be slower than individual since there are more review steps
Ugh - seeing all these short approvals (days, and in some cases hours) leaves me with such mixed feelings... on one hand, happy for all those that are getting quick turnarounds... seemingly those with a singular trust are getting through expeditiously. I envisioned them being able to be used by the wife and myself to take the kids hunting separately, so seemingly made sense to me to have them in a 2-responsbile party trust. Oh well, guess I can't complain too much - the longest in jail is only like 161 days (though have 3 others keeping it company right away - hoping for a big batch approval). Sounds like there are others who have and are still waiting longer than I have. Every time I get an email on my phone I perk up just a smidge and wonder if that is the one! 🤞
CA somehow just had some harvester evo's come back in stock. They were out of stock yesterday. Time to roll the dice I guess...
Ordered a diligent defense enticer L-tI from Bauer this morning. My ffl sent info for transfer and shipping to them. Will update when I receive. Doing individual no trust.
Threw my hat into the ring for the fast approval times.

Ordered a suppressor at Capitol Armory today. Not a prior customer, so will have to go through the hoops to get all set up, including home fingerprints. Nobody around me does the electronic kind. Should provide a decent example of the full process timeline.
Purchased 3 on monday with Silencer Central. Had the submission meeting today. These will all be in a trust I already have with them. One last year was February to November. We will see how quickly or longly these go. I am in WA and there are new background check laws that started with the new year, so hoping that does not hurt the process.

Also the customer rep said they processed about 38,000 with the BOGO sale they had!
Purchased 3 on monday with Silencer Central. Had the submission meeting today. These will all be in a trust I already have with them. One last year was February to November. We will see how quickly or longly these go. I am in WA and there are new background check laws that started with the new year, so hoping that does not hurt the process.

Also the customer rep said they processed about 38,000 with the BOGO sale they had!

I'm now three weeks post purchase and have yet to have anything formally filed. The fingerprint kit took a few days longer than I expected to get fulfilled and shipped by CA. I received them last friday and had them at a distribution center by Saturday. It appears they were received this past Wednesday. I have not yet got the email that they were processed and that we are ready to proceed with next steps. The fullfilment, shipping, and processing of the fingerprints has been a slower process than I imagined.
I'm now three weeks post purchase and have yet to have anything formally filed. The fingerprint kit took a few days longer than I expected to get fulfilled and shipped by CA. I received them last friday and had them at a distribution center by Saturday. It appears they were received this past Wednesday. I have not yet got the email that they were processed and that we are ready to proceed with next steps. The fullfilment, shipping, and processing of the fingerprints has been a slower process than I imagined.
I had that process last year. They have all my finger prints and other required materials on file. ATF online log in also active from last year. So that cut like 30 days out already. Silencer Central had been good for me, but some places can be quicker. I will be patient since I have my Banish 30 to play with now.
Waiting once again. Efile submitted for a TB Ultra 7 today. Last one took 9 months hopefully this one is a little quicker. Have a TB Ultra 5 so don’t have to sweat it before hunting season
Certified 10/28/2023
Approved 3/22/2024
146 days

Traditional trust with one RP