Buying a tikka last week, roughtech ember in stainless, 6.5prc...
Gun didn't have the muzzle break on it, I asked if it was in the box or what? Was told tikkas don't have threaded barrels or brakes, there was 2 other tikkas right in line with the 1 I picked that had installed brakes.
6.5prc isn't enough gun for anything in this state, maybe for coyotes or close range for white tails if I pick my shots.
Tried pushing a ruger american, much better gun all around.
I'm headed to the same place to pick up suppressor in the coming weeks, cant wait to see what that turns up. Old guy tried to help with my fingerprints on a kiosk, took longer to do 1 finger (the last finger) then all the others. Told him I picked the jolene s suppressor, but was informed that was a bad choice as it isn't full auto rated and id shoot it apart in less then 100 rounds.