Stuff overheard at the range or local gun shop

Few years ago I watched a guy shooting a muzzle loader at the range, he definitely has just got it and was trying to get ready for season opening a day or two later. He struggled to push the bullet down the bore and I was about to go talk to him after his next shot and tell him that a starter makes it easier than using his ram rod.
I got up and headed towards him just in time to see him rifle in sand bags about to fire and I see the end of his ramrod sticking out of the barrel . A bang and cloud of smoke and that ramrod was gone to parts unknown . He looked for it around the bench for a few minutes and I couldn't bring myself to tell him he just shot it down range. He figured it out and packed up shortly after
My late brother actually did the same thing at the range 20 years ago. Not a proud moment for him, and he did find the splintered ramrod down range behind the target it hit nearly sideways and ripped mostly in two. I believe the rifle was an old TC Scout. Pretty cool old throw back syle muzzleloader, but a pain to clean.
I may have posted this story before, and it wasn't overhead at a bow shop range, but it was told directly to me.

Dude walks in with the Team Hoyt or whatever team shooter shirt on.. He had a somewhat fancy an aluminum bow case so I was pretty curious what he was gonna pull out of there. Opened it up and it was like a 20 year old bow and he had about 20 somewhat mismatched arrows. I made some small talk with him and he informed me that he is the world record holder for most robin-hooded arrows. I asked him how he knew that, and he said he has searched all over the internet and can't find a single person that claims to have more. He also holds the record for the longest "streak" - his first one was in like 1980 something and his most recent one was last Tuesday, so he's going on like 30 some years by this point. I gave him a "makes sense!" nod and got out of his way..

So then he steps up to the line with his 20 some arrows and proceeds to shoot them all at one spot on a target 20 yards away, and ends up with a ~10" group. He then walked up to the target, pulled out the 5-6 outermost arrows and headed back to the line to shoot them and repeat the process.. each round producing a tighter group until after a while he finally robin-hooded one. He then gave himself a nod of approval, went and wrote it down in a notebook, put his bow and arrows back in the case, and left..
Did you post this story on Archery Talk like 8-10 years ago? I swear this isn't the first time I've read this
Few years ago I watched a guy shooting a muzzle loader at the range, he definitely has just got it and was trying to get ready for season opening a day or two later. He struggled to push the bullet down the bore and I was about to go talk to him after his next shot and tell him that a starter makes it easier than using his ram rod.
I got up and headed towards him just in time to see him rifle in sand bags about to fire and I see the end of his ramrod sticking out of the barrel . A bang and cloud of smoke and that ramrod was gone to parts unknown . He looked for it around the bench for a few minutes and I couldn't bring myself to tell him he just shot it down range. He figured it out and packed up shortly after
I know a guy that actually plugged a deer with a ramrod on his follow up shot. Practice like you play! :ROFLMAO:
I’m a little surprised to see that none of the stories in this discussion have originated from a gun show.

I know you’re not supposed judge a book by its cover, but the wide array of characters I’ve seen at gun shows make me think that there must be some entertaining conversations occurring there.
I’m a little surprised to see that none of the stories in this discussion have originated from a gun show.

I know you’re not supposed judge a book by its cover, but the wide array of characters I’ve seen at gun shows make me think that there must be some entertaining conversations occurring there.
I have been to exactly one gun show and I would have gotten more value out of that 10 bucks if it flew out the window driving to said gun show.
Worked in a gun/outdoor shop a few times over the years. I’m certain I’ve forgot more stupidity than I remember but these were a couple I do remember.

Young urban type, underwear showing and smelling like weed - “y’all got any of dem switches?”
My reply - no and get out….
Y.U.T. - blank stare
Me - did I stutter?
Y.U.T. - shuffles outside.

“Can I see that smith and Weston” or “sig sawyer” always gives me a chuckle.

Was lucky enough to see a brother and sister shooting on the range and in between strings of fire, practice simulated knife fighting complete with the loser falling on the ground.
I just can’t do gun stores, gun ranges, gun shows, or gun YouTubers anymore. It’s friggin clown world out there. And for some reason everyone is an idiot or an a**hole and there’s no reason for either

Thank you everyone for these stories. Good entertainment right here 👍
I'm frightened by the people I've interacted with at the public gun range. The groups they shoot, and feel is ok makes me question hunting public land ever again.
Few years ago, I stopped in a large chain store to grab a box of ammo on my way out of town. Casually walked through the rifle display. They had a Tikka T3X severely marked down.
I asked the kid behind the counter if the sticker was correct or a typo.
"Those aren't great guns so we marked them way down to get rid of them."
$325.00 and I walked out with one.
Few years ago, I stopped in a large chain store to grab a box of ammo on my way out of town. Casually walked through the rifle display. They had a Tikka T3X severely marked down.
I asked the kid behind the counter if the sticker was correct or a typo.
"Those aren't great guns so we marked them way down to get rid of them."
$325.00 and I walked out with one.
Just one?
Had the male equivalent of a lot lizard working a gun counter at murdochs. Went there for feed trough and decided to see if they have any deals on ammo. Any who he starts chatting me up and then complaining about how they have way too much 6.5 CM ammo, which they did since it was so over priced, and how that round can’t kill anything and it’s not legal to hunt with in Montana or Idaho, I let him go for while and then correct him on the hunting regs and he starts getting even more spun up so I just tell him he is right and to have a good day
I heard that the Ruger 22/45 pistol could fire either 22 or 45 rounds by the young man at the Midtown Walmart in Anchorage. Because of the encouragements of our modern culture, many people believe they are far more than they actually are.
Why are you trying to steal my story? Not super cool bro.
Saw a guy at the local public range try to do a full on "John McLane barrel roll shot". Other regulars there said he's known for stuff like that!
There’s a state run rifle range up the road from me. Was shooting a pistol I had just bought on the 25 yard back stop.
Dude rolls up hog leg in one of those thigh rigs, no finger gloves, etc. Asks if he could shoot there as well. I said sure. Well he goes to his truck and brings back a prehung house door. Sets it up with some sort of WV engineering to hold it up.
Commences to shoot the shit out of it with some $100.00 .45.
Standing, kneeling on the ground laying on his back shooting over his head. Blows it to shit. Gathers it up say thanks and leaves.

My favorite is taking my marlin .45/70 ported barrel and shooting it from the covered bench. :D I always tell the redneck to put plugs in. And they don’t.
Touch off a round and they are like WTF man! I’m like I asked you to put ear pro on.
Was at a local gunshop/indoor range a while back... indoor range out to 100yds for rifles which I thought was pretty cool. The two fresh out of highschool kids beside me were trying to sight in their rifles for coyote hunting.

One kid could not get on paper at 50 yards but after twisting his elevation turret enough he finally started hitting the 24" x 18" paper at the 12oclock position... all the way up top. His buddy looked at it and said, "good enough, by the time it gets to 100 it'll drop right into the bullseye"

I just couldn't let that happen so I told them that he would still be way high at 100. He proceeded to get it "dialed in" and looked super frustrated. He looked over at me and asked if I would do it for him. "Sure thing" I said. After a few rounds I got him sighted in. He thanked me and proceeded to shoot 10 rounds at 100. The paper came back with about a 10" group in the center of the paper... him and his buddy looked at each other with with smiles of approval, gave the thumbs up and left to go coyote hunting :oops::oops::oops: