I may have posted this story before, and it wasn't overhead at a bow shop range, but it was told directly to me.
Dude walks in with the Team Hoyt or whatever team shooter shirt on.. He had a somewhat fancy an aluminum bow case so I was pretty curious what he was gonna pull out of there. Opened it up and it was like a 20 year old bow and he had about 20 somewhat mismatched arrows. I made some small talk with him and he informed me that he is the world record holder for most robin-hooded arrows. I asked him how he knew that, and he said he has searched all over the internet and can't find a single person that claims to have more. He also holds the record for the longest "streak" - his first one was in like 1980 something and his most recent one was last Tuesday, so he's going on like 30 some years by this point. I gave him a "makes sense!" nod and got out of his way..
So then he steps up to the line with his 20 some arrows and proceeds to shoot them all at one spot on a target 20 yards away, and ends up with a ~10" group. He then walked up to the target, pulled out the 5-6 outermost arrows and headed back to the line to shoot them and repeat the process.. each round producing a tighter group until after a while he finally robin-hooded one. He then gave himself a nod of approval, went and wrote it down in a notebook, put his bow and arrows back in the case, and left..