Stop the wolf....

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So many are fooled by this "Balance of Nature" type argument....which is a STEAMING PILE of horse puckey.

Right from the Horses mouth; A rep for the group trying to install wolves in CO, the RMWAF, quoted;

“It's the missing voice that we have, it's the missing predator that we have,” Darlene Kobobel with the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center said, “we have to have that brought back just to restore that balance.”

Kobobel is also one of the organizers for a group trying to get the question on the ballot. She and proponents of the measure say it comes down to biology and adding an apex predator to Colorado.

The initial plan would be to introduce 20-30 gray wolves on the Western Slope.

“Right now, we’re out of balance, right now we have so many deer that it is out of control. Not that wolves would come into towns or cities but it’s still the fact that because of that, it’s just simple math,” said Kobobel.


"WE NEED WOLVES to Restore Balance?" Where have we heard that crap before.....?

The hunting solution, a net positive;
Special 3 day Archery hunts in RNP....$600/ per hunter. Low income folks get preference and discounted tag.

Then when the bow guys don't kill enough it up to a 2 day special rifle hunts.

$300k goes to the park/ COFG....20% goes to admin....families get the meat, park restores "Balance" a win win

They want ro dump them in western Colorado so they don't have to deal with them on the Front range. Manage them like they are doing with their bears I guess. It's crap, but it's effective on the uneducated public.

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They want ro dump them in western Colorado so they don't have to deal with them on the Front range. Manage them like they are doing with their bears I guess. It's crap, but it's effective on the uneducated public.

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put em in downtown colo springs and Denver see how the cheetoes eaters like them when they are pissing on their weed.
Heres the estimated costs for the Co from the Co legislative council, below in Italics. My bet; they haven't factored in the many unintended consequences that we have experienced in the northern states. Seems like this is just the costs for the management plan. .....

According to a study from the Legislative Council staff, if the question makes it onto the ballot and voters approve it, the cost would be around $344,363 for the first year of the program in 2021.

This cost refers to the work required by CPW to come up with a plan for wolf management. In the second year of the program, the council estimates it could be about $467,387.
Heres a link to the CPW wolf resolution, ITS AN EYE OPENER.


Heres an excerpt;

Several wolf advocates advance the perception that elk and deer populations in southern Colorado are overabundant and consequently, both of these potential prey species and their ecosystems would benefit from the presence of wolves. CPW has monitored the populations of both species for decades. Likely prey populations, like deer and elk, across southern management units have been producing fewer young, and managers have documented an alarming decline in survival of fawns and calves over the past 10 years.

Eight of the 14 deer herds in southwest Colorado are far below management objectives, and are exhibiting low productivity. Such low recruitment translates to a low harvestable surplus; any additive mortality from predation will not be compatible with current deer herd management goals developed through a public process. In the past five years, post-hunt calf to cow ratios (the number of calves counted per one hundred cow elk) have declined precipitously in the Southwest and Southeast regions of the state. Cow elk harvest has been intentionally and dramatically reduced in southwest Colorado, at a considerable loss of hunting opportunity, to respond to concerns over elk populations and to keep elk herds within population objective ranges.

This reduction demonstrates a lack of surplus elk in southern populations, and CPW plans to focus future research toward understanding survival of newborn elk calves. Consequently, the addition of wolves into southern Colorado would require a revision and further reduction of deer and elk management populations and harvest objectives. While surveys of Coloradans about wolves have reflected general public support for wolves living in Colorado, the cost of having and managing wolves will fall squarely upon farmers, ranchers and sportspersons.

That fact must be considered when the future of wolves in Colorado is contemplated. Wolves and wolf management is costly, and currently no funding source to pay to support wolves has been identified.

CPW has been cutting its budget, programs and staffing since 2008. The agency cannot afford to take on the management of wolves while maintaining existing program responsibilities that serve residents and visitors to Colorado.

Without additional funding, or reductions in existing programs to compensate for the increased expense, efforts to actively release wolves into the state are not possible.

No wolf advocacy group has stepped forward and offered to fund a wolf management program.

[more at link]

Shocking.... not. They want them, they just don't wanna pay for them

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So many are fooled by this "Balance of Nature" type argument....which is a STEAMING PILE of horse puckey.

Right from the Horses mouth; A rep for the group trying to install wolves in CO, the RMWAF, quoted;

“It's the missing voice that we have, it's the missing predator that we have,” Darlene Kobobel with the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center said, “we have to have that brought back just to restore that balance.”

Kobobel is also one of the organizers for a group trying to get the question on the ballot. She and proponents of the measure say it comes down to biology and adding an apex predator to Colorado.

The initial plan would be to introduce 20-30 gray wolves on the Western Slope.

“Right now, we’re out of balance, right now we have so many deer that it is out of control. Not that wolves would come into towns or cities but it’s still the fact that because of that, it’s just simple math,” said Kobobel.


"WE NEED WOLVES to Restore Balance?" Where have we heard that crap before.....?

The hunting solution, a net positive;
Special 3 day Archery hunts in RNP....$600/ per hunter. Low income folks get preference and discounted tag.

Then when the bow guys don't kill enough it up to a 2 day special rifle hunts.

$300k goes to the park/ COFG....20% goes to admin....families get the meat, park restores "Balance" a win win


I guarantee Darlene's husband sits down to pee.
“While surveys of Coloradans about wolves have reflected general public support for wolves living in Colorado, the cost of having and managing wolves will fall squarely upon farmers, ranchers and sportspersons.”

Does anything make progressive’s happier than wolves AND spending other people’s money??? Win/win for them.
“While surveys of Coloradans about wolves have reflected general public support for wolves living in Colorado, the cost of having and managing wolves will fall squarely upon farmers, ranchers and sportspersons.”

Does anything make progressive’s happier than wolves AND spending other people’s money??? Win/win for them.

Think about it...what an ingenious plan formulated by the Anti Hunters.

Then on top of that they have divided the hunting community as some have fallen for their 'Essential to the ecosystem' BS ....

Genius plan really..........Worked with the Yellowstone intro and its woking in CO

“While surveys of Coloradans about wolves have reflected general public support for wolves living in Colorado, the cost of having and managing wolves will fall squarely upon farmers, ranchers and sportspersons.”

Does anything make progressive’s happier than wolves AND spending other people’s money??? Win/win for them.

I've seen far more negative responses from nonhunters towards the introduction of wolves than support. Seen plenty of people collecting signatures for the petition tuck tail and run when asked to explain why wolves are good and should be introduced. Most that I've talked to are solidly against the introduction.
“While surveys of Coloradans about wolves have reflected general public support for wolves living in Colorado, the cost of having and managing wolves will fall squarely upon farmers, ranchers and sportspersons.”

Does anything make progressive’s happier than wolves AND spending other people’s money??? Win/win for them.

add another check on the Win board since the hunting opportunities will be further limited, essentially shrinking hunting, which is what I honestly think is the goal in the longgame with wolves in the first place.

Those carrying the torch from these "progressive people" will be touting small ungulate populations in 15 years and calling for game agencies to cut wayy back on general deer and elk hunting. You can roll your eyes and think that's crazy but for crying out loud, think about all the other crazy stuff in 2019 that you wouldn't have imagined in 2000??
2020 Rokslide wolf hunt, and we can get reimbursed by the Foundation for Wildlife Management for every one killed. Punch a tag or 2 and it's a free trip.

Rokslide wolf hunt? It wouldn't make it out of the truck.

Everyone would be yapping about who was the most hardcore, what color camo works best, sitka vs kuiu, and whether the wolves should or shouldn't have been introduced. Occasionally, a rokslide admin would decree a new order based on the discussion and their expert knowledge on creating a website and then they would all start vigorously nodding their heads in agreement with what their overloads said.

This would proceed until their heads fell off or they all died from sucking up all the oxygen in the cab.
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Rokslide wolf hunt? It wouldn't make it out of the truck.

Everyone would be yapping about who was the most hardcore, what color camo works best, sitka vs kuiu, and whether the wolves should or shouldn't have been introduced. Occasionally, a rokslide admin would decree a new order based on the discussion and their expert knowledge on creating a website and then they would all start vigorously nodding there heads in agreement with what their overloads said.

This would proceed until their heads fell off or they all died from sucking up all the oxygen in the cab.
Put down the bong and step away from the keyboard. How many of the admins have you actually met in person? None of the ones I have met, or any of the other members, have been anything like that in person. I think it would be a wolf's worst nightmare to have a Rokslide crew roll up into their drainage with bad intentions.

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Those carrying the torch from these "progressive people" will be touting small ungulate populations in 15 years and calling for game agencies to cut wayy back on general deer and elk hunting. You can roll your eyes and think that's crazy but for crying out loud, think about all the other crazy stuff in 2019 that you wouldn't have imagined in 2000??

Theirs another agenda that comes into play after the call to reduce tags.... just saying. Reduction of ungulates and thriving cute cuddly wolves are not the end game for these organizations.
Just curious, before all these progressives moved into Colorado, did the state make hunting a protected right like it is in many other states? If not, Colorado may be in trouble in the future.

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Rokslide wolf hunt? It wouldn't make it out of the truck.

Everyone would be yapping about who was the most hardcore, what color camo works best, sitka vs kuiu, and whether the wolves should or shouldn't have been introduced. Occasionally, a rokslide admin would decree a new order based on the discussion and their expert knowledge on creating a website and then they would all start vigorously nodding their heads in agreement with what their overloads said.

This would proceed until their heads fell off or they all died from sucking up all the oxygen in the cab.

go start your own progressive hunting website then. But that would require initiative, work and brains.
If those whining about wolves spent a similar amount of time hunting them...something might get accomplished.

Lion, wolf, and bear quotas go unfilled year after year after year.
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