Sportsman’s Warehouse


Dec 10, 2019
I was almost as surprised to find my Sportsman’s Warehouse no longer carries Havalon blades as I would have been to find my grocery store no longer carries milk.
I was at sportsman’s the other day and I get the feeling the one near me in nc is closing. While incredible organized it was very low in stock. It had the same product all over the store in what appeared to be an attempt to fill spots
brick and mortar retail is suffering to varying degrees regardless of what your product lines are. less sales and higher rents/wages/utilities and higher overall expenses to keep the doors open. many companies are folding up everywhere and not a whole lot of new ones opening. no secret only the wealthy are doing well...everyone else just barely getting along if you are lucky.
The one I stopped by in Alaska had an excellent selection of bass and crappie rods, but pretty poor stock of anything that you might actually want to buy. The staff just said corporate micro(mis)manages everything
The one I stopped by in Alaska had an excellent selection of bass and crappie rods, but pretty poor stock of anything that you might actually want to buy. The staff just said corporate micro(mis)manages everything
They are not wrong. The one here lost about 50% of its employees (some had been then since it opened in 2014) in about 8 months. Mostly due to issues with corporate.
@CorbLand hit it all on the head above. When the bass pro merger fell through, they panicked. That was their only plan forward, and now that it’s not happening, they don’t know what to do. Corporate leadership is a nightmare, and they’ve driven out all the long term employees with poor treatment, low wages, micromanagement, and every other manner of terrible business practices. I worked at ours for several years, and finally left about 18 months ago and couldn’t be happier. When I left, they were hiring people at higher wages than I was making, and when I asked for a raise I was told there wasn’t money in the budget for it. When I confronted them about the job listings with higher wages and told them I was just gonna quit and reapply to get the new wages, they told me I wasn’t allowed to do that. So I just left and never looked back. Most of their employees are clueless about anything outdoors related, and their inventory and prices usually suck compared with even Bass Pro.

I drive past 3 or 4 Sportsmans warehouses to go buy stuff at Scheels usually. Doesn’t matter to me that they are closer to me, it’s just not worth dealing with the poor customer service, lack of inventory, and incredible lack of knowledge by those who work there.

I hope I’m wrong, but I’ll be Sportsmans is defunct within 10 years.
SW has sucked for so many years now. I haven't stepped foot in one for 2-3 years. What I can't find at my local mom and pop store I can usually find at Scheels.
Lol at crappie fishing....even if you live in the midwest, crappie and bluegill fishing is the blue balls of the fishing world. That and ice fishing.
Hey now, dump on crappie and bluegill fishing all you want, but ice fishing is church in the upper Midwest! I miss the hell out of it! AK winters would be 10x better with something similar.