I personally think they are great heads. A lot of money for them now but i bought in when they were $75 a pack and have been happy with them. I had some issues with broken bleeders and them not spinning true after killing elk with them. Solid has always replaced those for free for me no questions asked which is great. If they have a little wobble you can loosen the small torxs head screw reset the head and normally they spin great. You couldn't tell the head was even shot this year that i killed my deer with, it passed through the offside arm bone and into the dirt on the other side.
They fly excellent, and have been the best flying heads i have shot out to 80 yards and I have used several including, Shuttle T's, Kudu, QAD's, Innerloc, Slick Tricks and Buzzcuts. I am going to switch to some DeadMeat heads this year to give expendables a try since they made them legal here but i will be keeping the Solids for hunting in ID. I shoot both the 100gr 1/2" bleeders and 100gr 3/4" bleeders and they have the exact same POI for me at 80 yards. Solid stands behind there heads and i think the 9 heads i have will last me as long as i wan't to shoot them.
The steel is also great, i shot at a bull and missed low two years ago, this season while working another bull on the same ridge i found that arrow and head, it still looked like new, i took it home, dissembled and sharpened it and when reassembled it still spins true and you can't even tell which head it was, that is pretty impressive for sitting two entire winter, spring and summers before finding it. I like that i can pull the bleeders and sharpen them up shaving sharp and then reassemble and they still spin true!!
As far as blood trails i have never lost an animal that i have shot with one and have never had one go more than 80 yards, deer or elk.
Another good flying head is the kudu heads, i will have my wife shooting them this season for elk but personally don't shoot them due to the lack of bleeders and i don't really need the penetration advantage like she does