Sitka took a stand

Hey Sitka, shut up. You and every company making statement's about politics, the environment, social issues, gun control, all need to shut up. Stick to running your business and stop trying to tell everyone how to think. I don't even care if a company is making a statement I agree with, I still say shut up. The only thing I want to hear out of a company is about their new product line. (Note pages 12 and 13 of this document. Look at the map of state land coupled with uranium cores and rare earth mineral anomalies directly overlaying the proposed road to Ambler on the southern slopes of the Brooks Range.)

You guys and all your organizations should really pay attention to Public Land Transfers and Open Pit Mining potential and plowing-forward plans to bust up the Brooks Range for massive development and resource extraction. Forget about oil extraction in a barren-never-seen-by-public-land-owners spot on the AK map. If you think drilling is bad for the caribou and birds...WTF will open-pit mining for gold, silver, lead, tungsten, tin, copper, uranium, plutonium, chromium, and rare earths do for your public land rights and the environment in which wild things roam? Its taking the wildest ******* place left in North AMERICA and deciding to erase that face and replace it with 60 years of extraction. All accessed from the Dalton Hwy, connected eventually to Red Dog Mine on the South Side and Red Dog to the Dalton Hwy on the North Side.

Red Dog mine news:

Sitka and all other "stars" will orbit around the most popular media black holes (i.e., ANWR) for the attention and marketing energy it provides.

You the public land owner and hunter/explorer of Alaska have to get informed and get involved lest your mamadrama is a closed circular argument that rotate around the reality of development plans operating in the shadows of your last true remoteness.
Sell Iranian 'Tags' - either sex (although old males are a bigger trophy) and then we can go hunting and take their oil. Im only half way serious...

Seems like it would solve way more than one problem.
Some of you will buy trendy Camo made in a country that gives zero ***** about the environment and feel good about it.

I’ll take a company that stands up for American lands and conservation while also putting their money where there mouth.

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Yea the idea that all hunters are conservationists or even give a shit about the animals they hunt is a false narrative. There are hunters that would shoot the last deer in the forest without second thought .

Sadly you are right.

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Some of you will buy trendy Camo made in a country that gives zero ***** about the environment and feel good about it.

Also is there an American owned and also American made hunting clothing company that specializes in technical hunting apparel I’m not aware of? And if they exist are they part of 2% for Conservation?

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Full disclosure : I have NOT read all posts. I've never been to the area in question nor do I know much about drilling and its impact on local wildlife. What do the boots on the ground local AK biologist and AK fish and game have to say about this ? I appreciate a company making a stand as I can then choose to purchase their products or not vs them hiding their stance ( I.E BHA being in cahoots with The Western Law firm who hugely backed BANNING grizzly hunting in Canada) .
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Sitka has just taken a stand against drilling in ANWR. It’s a shame they think responsible oil development should not take place. Being a born and raised Alaskan I understand how important resource development is to our state and our country’s wellbeing. I find it ironic that a company’s clothing that is petroleum-based is against oil development. I have personally hunted in ANWR and the central Arctic and have first-hand experience of the coexistence that takes place between man and animal. I’ve worked as far West as Point Hope and as far East as Kaktovik. The operators and citizens all understand the importance of cohabitation. Please pass this along and show support to Alaska and find another camo manufacturer to purchase from. I will be voicing my opinion to Sportsman’s Warehose and Cabelas. Please join me in taking a stand.
- Josh

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A good reason to buy kuiu
Some of you would leverage you own children’s future for $1.25 /gal of gas. Smh.


The only reason to drill ANWR right now is because a rich corporation (ASRC) wants to get richer and has bought politicians. But, when a corporation spends vast sums to sculp a narrative for almost 40 years it is understandable that so many end up swallowing its line.

Look at Gov. Dunleavy who literally takes contributions from ASRC, then uses his position of public trust to attack a corporation that exercises its first amendment rights.