Silver State Nelson Bighorn Tag

It's hard for me to believe the hunt is here. Ready to start glassing.

Boarded the plane. Ready for vegas. Hopefully I'll have something more exciting to share tomorrow!

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Better put a few bucks in a slot machine when you land 👍🏻
Day 1 was a blasts booked all over. Found 20 sheep and 1 new ram that we need a closer look at. The couple we have been after never shower up. But today is a new day!

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That’s a pretty good day. Have fun and find that big one
I’ll make this brief. We hunted sunup to sundown for 7 days. No shots were fired. Didn’t see anything over low 160s rams. The big couple we were after never showed back up. I’ve learned a lot, and I hope whoever draws this tag next year gives me a call.

I really messed up how I’ve hunted this tag. I should have killed a nice ram in July/August when they were more patternable instead of looking for something that may not exists. We were hoping to find a 175”+ type ram and that may not be out there with the current state of sheep in NV.

In the end I’ve learned that sheep scores don’t matter to me and don’t really mean anything to the average person. They mean a lot to sheep guides and people who will kill multiple.

If you have the opportunity to sheep hunt look at a lot of pictures and find the look you like and try to find something with age on it and shoot it.

I had no experience with sheep and wasn’t sure how to handle this.

My guide has been great and has looked across the state for a “big” ram. Unfortunately, we just haven’t turned up that many 8+ year old rams. The guys are going to keep looking and I will go back if they can find something mature to hunt. The regular season starts 11-20 and that will change the landscape of which units we can hunt based on where the PIW and Dream tag holders kill.

I’ve learned that sheep hunting is hard, rams go on a walk and may not stop in the same unit you are in. I saw over 200 sheep and really got to see the different shapes of their horns. I have an idea of what I would like to look at on my wall and it has nothing to do with score.

I had a blast hiking around the mountains and glassing. I learned a ton glassing next to my guide. If you can afford a guide when you pull the tag you will really enjoy learning about how to find sheep and what they look for when judging sheep.

I’ll let you guys know when I head back out.
Keep your head up @robie . We have all enjoyed following along. I think there is still a giant in your future.
Thank you. I hope I don't sound bitter. I'm grateful for the tag and the opportunity.

I just want to help the next guy who gets a great tag. You can look at 100 sheep and what separates 170" and 175" is 5" across 10 measurements and judging that is very difficult and really shouldn't determine if you go kill a ram or not. Don't make your hunt about looking for a "giant", just find a cool look and go hunt for it.

I've learned that I like lamb tips with some age. Doesn't need to have mass to be the look I'm after. We shall see what the rest of the hunt brings.

If you get a desert tag reach out to me! I would really like to help the next guy.
Thank you. I hope I don't sound bitter. I'm grateful for the tag and the opportunity.

I just want to help the next guy who gets a great tag. You can look at 100 sheep and what separates 170" and 175" is 5" across 10 measurements and judging that is very difficult and really shouldn't determine if you go kill a ram or not. Don't make your hunt about looking for a "giant", just find a cool look and go hunt for it.

I've learned that I like lamb tips with some age. Doesn't need to have mass to be the look I'm after. We shall see what the rest of the hunt brings.

If you get a desert tag reach out to me! I would really like to help the next guy.

Great insight, I am leaving Friday for my sheep hunt.

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Thank you. I hope I don't sound bitter. I'm grateful for the tag and the opportunity.

I just want to help the next guy who gets a great tag. You can look at 100 sheep and what separates 170" and 175" is 5" across 10 measurements and judging that is very difficult and really shouldn't determine if you go kill a ram or not. Don't make your hunt about looking for a "giant", just find a cool look and go hunt for it.

I've learned that I like lamb tips with some age. Doesn't need to have mass to be the look I'm after. We shall see what the rest of the hunt brings.

If you get a desert tag reach out to me! I would really like to help the next guy.
I don't think you sound bitter at all. I think it can be a real pitfall to these tags and even just harder to obtain LE tags. You get hung up on a number and that's what the entire experience becomes about when 99.9% of people would be happy with just the hunt and a good representation of the animal. Seems like you have a great attitude about it and good perspective now, hope you finish it out getting a nice one!
I drew a coveted Idaho rocky bighorn tag in 2022. I talked to many people going into this hunt for advice. Some said I should get a guide (I did DIY), others said hold out for a monster. I think the best advice I received was from a previous IWSF director. ‘There are 180 class rams in this unit if you put in the time but ultimately, go after the ram you like. This is your hunt, your trophy – enjoy it.’

That's exactly what I did. Since then, I've helped two buddies get their rams. None of them were 180 class rams but we made memories that'll last a lifetime. Good luck with the remainder of your hunt. Enjoy it!!

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It’s a tough mental game in the desert and you’re right, the difference in score is hard to judge with the eye. I hope you get back out there and hang your tag on one with the look.
Pulling for you. Hope the fire rebuilds after a couple days of recouping.