Put me in the camp off a failure. Mine blew up today. Hasn’t seen a lot of use either. Blew apart at second baffle weld. Found my cover with the 3rd baffle in it 20 yards down range and the rest of the baffles and end cap about 50 yards down range. So two wells actually broke. No baffle strikes. This was with a 20 in 280 ai. The west this thing has seen us about 50 rounds of 300 prc from a 22 in barrel. Prolly 200ish rounds from an 18 in 6.5 creed, 150ish from a 20 in 280 ai a handful from A 20in 6 arc. Hope tge take care of this and it looks good when complete.
For those that have gotten them repaired, how did the repairs turn out? Will they use new baffles or do they repair with the parts you sent in ?