SilencerCo Scythe Ti failures

Scythe Ti owners: Have you had a Scythe Ti catastrophic failure?

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I'd like to know how many of the failures logged on rokslide are from a decent amount of hand loads that are too hot.
I’d wager the actual failure rate is much lower than 10%. That would be a huge issue for SiCo. I just got my can this week. Only tested a few rounds on my 22” 300 PRC and it sounded great. Probably won’t be used on that rifle much so I’m not too worried about it.

It would be nice if SiCo was more transparent about the issue though and just put some damn barrel length restrictions on it like any other can.
I'd like to know how many of the failures logged on rokslide are from a decent amount of hand loads that are too hot.
I can tell you that mine are hand loads but are not hot. I’ve rarely ran this can hot enough where it was too hot to touch. And that not many rounds especially with 300 prc. The most it took was a 5 shot string then cooled. I almost always only shoot no more than 5 shots before cooling unless it on a ln arc or something. In failed on the third or 5 shots on a 20 in 280 AI. If it can’t handle that, I don’t want it. This was surely a product failure and I wish I could get out from under it and pick up something else which is a shame cuz I like the can. My serial number is around 7000 if that has anything to do with anything. Hopefully his get fixed and never happens again but if I can’t shoot it on a 20 in anything other than maybe a rum, I’m not interested.
Someone shooting something "big" on a short barrel that has blown it up should continue to hammer rounds through it after the warranty fix. I'd like to see if there's repeat failures.

All I've got is a 22" 243 and 16" 223.
I'm putting mine right back on the same rifle and was wondering the same thing. Hoping the fix really fixed it.
I have run mine fairly hot (not hand loads but the can temp). I have been planning to see what temp I actually get it up to but can't seem to remember my multimeter when I go. I always slide the cover back and check temp with my hand. If I can't touch it momentarily then I let it cool.

No failure yet but I'm not going to baby it. If it's going to fail I want it to fail outside of a hunting trip

800F is hot enough to burn the absolute shit out of your hand if you touch it
What's the SN format for these? Mine is SYT30xxxx. Bought it in June 2024 from Scheels in Utah. Is the last 4 the SN?
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Hot handloads or not, it is almost huge cause for concern if it's that close to failure on each shot... So far, mine has around 1k rounds thru it. Mainly 6.5 bitchbiscuit in a 20", but also around 150 rds of 300 win. In 22". No failures yet, knock on wood
I have designed and built a couple dozen suppressors when I had access to a friend’s machine shop. In that process I spent a couple years on the forums dedicated to that subject, studied suppressor patents, etc. Out of all those, two of my designs popped and cost a couple buddies a tax stamp. Both of those were early designs built around a 1.625” OD x 1.5” ID Grade 9 Ti tube, each had a 1.5” blast chamber.

One’s primary host was a 11.5” 556 the other was a 16” 308, both gas guns. My subsequent designs went to 2.5” and even a 3” blast chamber. I also increased the bore diameter of the cones to .323” on 556 and .375” for 30 cal. Those cans are running strong on the same hosts. The increased BC allows the pressure to drop before the gas is compressed in the baffle stack resulting in better sound reduction, but also less back pressure.

Rugged uses a similar philosophy of large BC, and progressive stack and their cans are famous for being well… rugged.

There are nuances to welding Ti and potential bad outcomes such as hydrogen embrittlement if not performed in an inert gas environment, such as argon.

Bottom line is SiCo either A) needs to improve their manufacturing methodology or B) put out barrel length/cartridge restrictions or C) both.

All that said I’m using a Scythe on a 16” 6.5 CM right now… we will see what happens.
I’m curious if the cans that have failed were early production and they’ve solved the issue with newer made cans? Or if any were purchased in the last 6 months or so are also seeing some failures?

FWIW….mine hasn’t failed. Around 250 rounds of 6cm out of an 18” barrel, factory 108’s approx 2,800 fps.
I ordered mine the hour they came out. It was exactly what I’d been waiting for (was actually working with DD to cut a baffle out of the Enticer to make it basically a scythe…and confident it would be very close).

I’ve shot it exclusively with a 20” 7 WSM (ballistic match to PRC except case length). No issues yet. Should be very early serial.
I had my second one fail on me this morning, both on 22 inch Proofs chambered in 300 PRC
Temperatures were in the teens this morning and it failed on the second shot similar to how my first one failed. Scoped me good both times. 😡
Two separate cans or the repaired can? Either way that sucks.
My first and only can and it’s been a pain. Not enough can for a 300 plus cold bore issues which I had been blaming on barrel and gun doesn’t shoot as good with it on either.