Should all hunts be draw/quota tags?

Should all big game tags be draw/quota tags?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 15.5%
  • Only when there are clearly defined herds & areas

    Votes: 6 5.5%
  • No

    Votes: 33 30.0%
  • This is the stupidest poll ever why would you even ask this?

    Votes: 48 43.6%
  • Departments are doing a pretty good job right now, don't muck with it

    Votes: 6 5.5%

  • Total voters
Folks are done hunting for the year.

Where i live most deer hog and turkey hunting is quota only. Pita for the guy who just wants to hunt some every fall.
Az is the same, been draw for long time. they are finally catching up to bowhunting(deer) also. Hard to plan any hunting with this type of system, but I guess it works .
I dont mind the draws or quotas but the idea of shafting non res this week amd then asking for the help the next week with the take your pick of political problems is getting commical
I have no idea what an ideal system would be and very little data to support my vote, but I voted regardless

White tail deer? No and I think it's dumb in some states (Alabama in the last 5-6 years) where you cannot harvest two does in the same day.

Big Game out West: Draw

Ducks anywhere: think a non-res quota is silly, looking at you South Dakota

Turkeys in the Southeast/East: Would piss a pile of people off, but I'd be in favor of significantly reduced tags. Like 2 per person.
White tail deer? No and I think it's dumb in some states (Alabama in the last 5-6 years) where you cannot harvest two does in the same day.

Big Game out West: Draw

Ducks anywhere: think a non-res quota is silly, looking at you South Dakota

Turkeys in the Southeast/East: Would piss a pile of people off, but I'd be in favor of significantly reduced tags. Like 2 per person.
We don’t think so. Look how bad it is to the neighbors to the north. More states need to have quotas to lessen the pressure on the ducks.
A tag should not have a season or time limit attached. (Within reason)
All to be drawn and valid until antler drop in the new year.
Sell tags, based in the needs of particular areas, and publish the tag quantities sold and success rates for each area/zone permitted.
If the game is a resource, then manage it and publish outcomes.
Thinking hard about this one. I think the reason to have shorter rifle seasons (for example) is because hunter success would go up the longer the season is open, and you would have to start limiting tags that are otherwise unlimited. I think in a lot of states you literally can bow hunt deer from late August til early February. (TX & MO for sure)

In Texas, with landowner (MLDP) tags, you can rifle hunt from Aug til Feb
My heart says no, but the hunt i done in Nebraska on public where i saw wayyyy more hunters than deer says that maybe draws n quotas are not that bad!

That being said, its hard to answer this question as like someone pointed out deer and such here in the east have no reason to be draw lol. Hard to paint this with such a wide brush
Thinking hard about this one. I think the reason to have shorter rifle seasons (for example) is because hunter success would go up the longer the season is open, and you would have to start limiting tags that are otherwise unlimited. I think in a lot of states you literally can bow hunt deer from late August til early February. (TX & MO for sure)

In Texas, with landowner (MLDP) tags, you can rifle hunt from Aug til Feb
Thanks for reading and thinking about it. Why I challenged traditional thinking, is because some only want meat, some want a bull and others want a trophy bull.

That would allow different costs for each type of tag, but if you are going to charge more for a trophy bull, then that would stop a cheap meat tag from taking it and also allow more time to find the right animal.

Meat hunters would spread out more over time and reduce the crowds in the forest.

More time doesn't kill more animals, it reduces hunting pressure. The DOW knows how many animals it wants reduced from each area and could plan the tags accordingly.
No...just no. Hunting in a management tool...Why would you want to handcuff management?
Because management is never the solution. The people affected by their decisions always have better options.

Run a business and you will soon learn from the employees. Autocratic ways always fail.