Just wanted to share a quick update with everyone. I headed out to Idaho for my mule deer tag and ended up tagging my first western big game animal! I’ve always believed in the saying, “Don’t pass on the first day what you’d shoot on the last,” so when the opportunity presented itself, I took it. I dropped this mule deer doe at 410 yards using a 143 ELD-X over 41.8 grains of H4350.
Since my hunt wrapped up quickly, I stayed out in Idaho for a few extra days, splitting time between camping and a cozy cabin. Then I decided to surprise the buddy I was talking about earlier in Colorado, figuring we’d fish for a couple of days before I headed home. Well, he convinced me to grab an elk tag, and that changed everything!
Originally, I planned to use his Bergara in .300 Win Mag, but we discovered it had ejection issues after a few rounds at the range. Instead, I stretched my Bergara in 6.5 Creedmoor out to 700 yards at the range just for fun and decided to stick with it since I had a lot of confidence in it. When the moment came, I put two well-placed shots into this beautiful bull elk's heart at 360 yards. The first shot didn’t even phase him, but the second had him rearing up like the Ferrari logo before tipping over backward into a death roll down the mountain. Unfortunately, the fall snapped off his 5ths, but I couldn’t have been happier with the outcome!
Fast forward to Wisconsin’s deer season, and I kept the streak alive, taking a doe at 50 yards on opening day with a hard quartering shot. Opening days have definitely been kind to me this year!
I've been very impressed with how the 6.5 has performed for me!