Looking for my next rifle caliber

My opinion, fwiw, a 7mm shooting the 180 isn’t that much of a difference between the 6.5prc shooting a 147 or 156.

If you want to take a step up, make it a noticeable step. I’d go with some type of 300 shooting a 215/230/240.
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My opinion, fwiw, a 7mm shooting the 180 isn’t that much of a difference between the 6.5prc shooting a 147 or 156.

If you want to take a step up, make it a noticeable step. I’d go with some type of 300 shooting a 215/230/240.
I agree that is is not much of a practical difference. I shoot a 25 mag with 133s, and the ballistics pretty well match my 7mm with 180s. And, with a 5” shorter barrel.

IMO, he wants another larger, it still makes little sense to accept the unnecessary recoil, so the 7mm.

But, if he wants a big one, 300 prc it is.
The 6.5 will be a great deer and smaller caliber. If you're going to build an elk/moose rifle then Id jump over the 7 and go straight to a 30. I think the 300 WSM is a great option. You can build out a WSM to be very comfortable to lay down behind. You can push that 180 class bullet around 3k fps. Thats more than enough for elk and moose.

On a different note. There is loads of evidence coming out challenging the conventional thought process on needing a big, heavy, high recoiling cartridge to be sufficient on larger big game. Id shoot a 156 Berger or 147 ELDM out of that 6.5 PRC and get something smaller if you're itching for a new rifle.

I owned a custom 300 PRC and custom 7 SAUM. I never took the PRC into the field because of what I saw the SAUM doing internally to everything I shot with it. I sold the PRC and built out a 6.5 creed to use for NRL hunter and maybe a pronghorn hunt.
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The 6.5 will be a great deer and smaller caliber. If you're going to build an elk/moose rifle then Id jump over the 7 and go straight to a 30. I think the 300 WSM is a great option. You can build out a WSM to be very comfortable to lay down behind. You can push that 180 class bullet around 3k fps. Thats more than enough for elk and moose.

On a different note. There is loads of evidence coming out challenging the conventional thought process on needing a big, heavy, high recoiling cartridge to be sufficient on larger big game. Id shoot a 156 Berger or 147 ELDM out of that 6.5 PRC and get something smaller if you're itching for a new rifle.

I owned a custom 300 PRC and custom 7 SAUM. I never took the PRC into the field because of what I saw the SAUM doing internally to everything I shot with it. I sold the PRC and built out a 6.5 creed to use for NRL hunter and maybe a pronghorn hunt.
I am itching for a new rifle. I’ve got a 22lr, AR in 5.56, 6CM, and 6.5prc. Only gap to fill for fun would be between the 5.56 and 6CM I think
Do you have a smaller rifle yet? Like a bolt 6 or a bolt 22 of some flavor? I wouldn't want to hunt with anything larger than a 6.5PRC for game within 600 yards.

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Do you have a smaller rifle yet? Like a bolt 6 or a bolt 22 of some flavor? I wouldn't want to hunt with anything larger than a 6.5PRC for game within 600 yards.

Yes. Bolt and semi 22lr, AR 5.56, bolt 6CM.
I am itching for a new rifle. I’ve got a 22lr, AR in 5.56, 6CM, and 6.5prc. Only gap to fill for fun would be between the 5.56 and 6CM I think
Do you have a suppressor? If not, that would be my vote vs buying another gun.
The difference between those is stark. One has aftermarket support and is more of a blank canvas. The other, well you'll have a hard time even finding an aftermarket stock for it.

I think the 300wsm is the ticket here in a Tikka. Personally, I don't care for the Tikka stocks after shooting my manners and mcmillans but you could swap that out to for something a bit more stable. You could even rebarrel your current gun and use it but let's be honest, you'd want both setup on separate actions eventually so just buy the flavor of 300wsm you want and go from there.
Difference is the x-bolt only needs a $15 shipped trigger spring. I don't even change those. No need for all the changes Tikka fan boys require on their rifles.
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Difference is the x-bolt only needs a $15 shipped trigger spring. I don't even change those. No need for all the changes Tikka fan boys require on their rifles.
It needs a better stock. Except for the SR line, it needs cut and threaded like a tikka. It has the same basic issues.
It needs a better stock. Except for the SR line, it needs cut and threaded like a tikka. It has the same basic issues.
The x-bolt stocks are fine. Many really good.
If you want a shorter barreled x-bolt, just sell the one you have and buy one with a shorter barrel. Resale on used x-bolt and a-bolt 1 & 2 are very good. Definitely better than tikka (at least in the southeast us).
Curious why all the mention of WSM and not the WM. More factory options for bullets typically especially when traveling internationally. Mine is cut and has brake (live in ca) with a limbsaver and its recoil is very manageable.
Curious why all the mention of WSM and not the WM. More factory options for bullets typically especially when traveling internationally. Mine is cut and has brake (live in ca) with a limbsaver and its recoil is very manageable.
Because a short action cartridge on a long action is better than the long action cartridge that is mag length limited.
The x-bolt stocks are fine. Many really good.
If you want a shorter barreled x-bolt, just sell the one you have and buy one with a shorter barrel. Resale on used x-bolt and a-bolt 1 & 2 are very good. Definitely better than tikka (at least in the southeast us).
They're as crap as the tikka stock. A tikka + cut & thread is a lot cheaper than a x-bolt SR. A SS tikka is a lot more weatherproof than the 4140 cerekote xbolt. You can't cerekote the inside of a barrel.
I do actually like the x bolt SR and whish more rifle manufacturers would release something exactly like that. My hang up was really limited stock options and I will not own a rifle that I intend to hunt with that isn't stainless.
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