Not being argumentative, just giving my perspective. For the record, I like my Exo pack better.
Why not?
- the current style of their pack is identical to the current fashion in ultralight hiker circles.
- You can't stand it up (traditional framed packs do stand up because the tubing forms a foot)
It stands as well as every othere pack I have used (Exo, Gregory, Osprey).
- Their their use of 3/4 inch webbing and gateway clips is non standard.
True, but easy to replace and get from SO.
- Gateway clips are more difficult to do/undo than normal clips
True, but I have not noticed this in any way that matters, and given the flexibility they provide I prefer them to side release buckles in many cases.
- the seams of the pack are not sealed
Easy to fix, I would rather not have something I can do add to the price of the pack.
- Hunting packs should have more pockets
Agree, but not many more.
- They make the packs out of bleeding edge fabrics and in the past have used loud fabrics
- Their logo which is the sun rising over a tent happens to also resemble an eye over a pyramid

, I cut logo patches off of almost everything, on my SO the stitch holes then got covered with seam sealer.
- They take FOUR FRIGGIN WEEKS to ship
Yeah, that is annoying, but they ship fast if in stock.
- They only operate 4 days a week
- Their customer service is unexceptional
This is contrary to my experience.
Now for "why":
- Great backpack design. Works well.
I would say good design, but not sure I can call it great when compared to my Exo K4.
- The backpack frame is made from easily replaceable/ repairable parts (except for the gatekeepers)
This is nice.
- You can get morale patches that fit nicely over their logo
Just cut the thing off.
My own why not:
-can be tricky to get adjusted and comfortable.
-I don't like the 1 inch side release buckle on the hip belt and the double attachment to this causes the hip but to collapse on me as it is almost too big, but the smaller belt is without question too small for me.
-Odd loads can distort the frame and be uncomfortable.
-Wide base is annoying
-Lightest pack that can comfortably haul 120 pounds.
-Large amount of flexibility both in fit and bag configuration.