Going back to college in your early 40s...sounds like a terrible idea...but Im considering it.

Certainly careers in mining and oil/gas are widely available, though sometimes located in less desirable areas. I saw mining engineering in a couple of the previous posts and that might be a natural path, building on your previous engineering courses and mechanical aptitude. I’ve been in mining well over 20 years and you can make what you want if the opportunities. There’s lots of ways to get outside, reclamation and environmental opportunities could be in line with your desires. Feel free to DM if it’s something you’d like to explore further.
a friend of mine was a gigolo in Naples Florida, no kidding. Made quite a living as an escort with the rich and single/widowed senior ladies. He used some loophole to get around alleged prostitution charges
I started working on a bachelors in mechanical engineering when I was 38. It took me 5 years to complete while I was working fulltime with 2 little girls at home. It's now been just over 2 years since I graduated from college. I would encourage you to bite the bullet and go. It's opens so many doors having my degree and it was a lot more beneficial going into college with 20 years of work experience. You will be better at picking out what is important to learn and I enjoyed helping the students half my age get a different perspective on life. Good Luck!