Sasquatch/Bigfoot/ Steve Isdahl

There has to be something behind all of the Native American stories about Bigfoot. They all describe a similar creature in their areas.

Side note, how much do you think a taxidermist would charge for a Sasquatch mount? Ethics of possibly ending the last of a species aside, Bigfoot would be the trophy of all trophies.
Steve Rinella has an interesting podcast on this subject. It is episode 146 with Laura Krantz. One of his best questions I thought was if these were to exist how many would have to be alive to keep a sustaining population alive.
Always been on the fence with this one having heard wood knocks and watching basically every documentary out there on this topic. The fact that nobody on this sight even says they might’ve seen one, puts the nail in the coffin for me.
I will add though that if they are nocturnal and simply stand still or hide behind trees, there wouldn’t be many sightings at all. Blows my mind in Colorado how many people can walk within 100 yards of me in a blaze orange vest and hat and not notice me
There has to be something behind all of the Native American stories about Bigfoot. They all describe a similar creature in their areas.

Moreover, Native American stories of sasquatch go back centuries when they were isolated with no communication going on between tribes yet they had similar stories about the "hairy man".

Absolutely no question for me whether sasquatch exist. I've experienced too much to think otherwise.
Wonder how many looked at this thread and are embarrassed to even say that they’ve seen something. I’ve only heard one knock, but when I brought it up, my friends gave me hell for the next month. I never said I heard a “Bigfoot” just curious on what could have made that sound

Here is my bigfoot “evidence”, in all of its typical blurry, picture of a picture taken with a disposable camera glory.:ROFLMAO:

Of course you can’t tell in the picture but it had toe imprints too.

We found this single track in a cave that had a mostly rocky floor, with this one ~8’ long patch of soil that you had to walk through. One track in the middle of it.
I watched a couple of Steve Isdahl’s Videos, He is quite the Story teller that’s for sure! My YouTube recommendations starting showing his Videos due to me Watching the Few i did. It was then i Ran across one of his Bigfoot Stories, That was the END For me, I Deleted Any, And Everything about his Channel.

I spent 38 Years on the Wa Coast, Olympic Peninsula, (SUPPOSEDLY Prime Bigfoot Stomping Grounds :ROFLMAO:) I AVIDLY hunted Blacktail Deer, and Black Bear From the time i was 8 years old. My Dad AVIDLY hunted Hound Dogs All of my Life, And Long Before i was Born, Along with Many Lifelong Friends, There isn’t a Mountain Range over there that My Dad, Myself, and Friends haven’t Been on at one point or another. We also AVIDLY Hiked in to Alpine Highland Lakes ALL OVER that Country from the Time i was a little Boy, We would Spend a Week at a Time Camped in the Mountains Sleeping on the Ground, Back in the Middle of NOWHERE.

Anyone wanna take a WILD Guess how many Bigfoot Encounters ALL of us Combined had?
One of the Stories in this Book came from a Guy in the Same Little Town that we lived in on the Wa Coast, We knew the Guy Well, and Stil do today :) My Dad Grew up with him, They worked together Cutting Timber, My Dad is who Taught him. Just after this Bigfoot Story Broke loose, My Dad ran in to the Guy 1 night in the Tavern and Asked him What the Heck the Deal was? The Guy Shamefully, FULLY admitted that EVERYTHING they Said was a LIE. Their was 4 Of them that had hiked in to a Highland Alpine Lake and Spent the Weekend, They all decided it would be Funny to make up a BULLSH&T Bigfoot Story and “Run with it” When they Got home, They Rehearsed the Story and Intended to Stick with it, The News Caught wind of it and Payed them a Visit :ROFLMAO: At this Point they Felt so Deep in it that they Stuck with the BS LIE STORY, ultimately it was published in this Little Book.

This one, The Story they Told was a BALD FACE LIE, They Fully admitted that they Lied. This is EXACTLY how this kind of Crap Starts!
I've been plumbing most of my life, but I've been plumbing for a living now full time for maybe 7 years. A few times a week I'll go to the supply house, and hang out with the other locals plumbers, drinking coffee, complaining about the day's work ahead or past. We often stir up little debates about our work, and things related. The most recent, snakes in crawl spaces. Most of the guys hanging out are a good bit older then me, and have 25-40 years experience, the most of them, of plumbing in the Southeast. There is one guy who claims to have never came across a snake in a crawl space while working. Most of the other guys can count how many they've seen in crawl spaces while working on one hand. I on the other hand see on average about 3 snakes a month while working in crawl spaces. I don't even enter crawl spaces that much because I don't like working in them. Their all stand up guys, and I have no reason to doubt their experience. But their experiences don't discount my experiences, nor vice versa. They've spent more time in crawls then maybe I ever will, but our experiences have been completely different, even though we are plumbing in the same counties. So just because they aren't having the same experiences as me does that mean one of us aren't telling the truth?

I bet millions of people look at the stars every night. If not the stars they at least glance at the night ski. Which is this huge wide vast space that we can see just by looking up. Maybe even a billion people throughout the world look at the night sky each night. I'd bet most of them have never seen anything in the sky that they'd claim as an unidentified flying object. But there has been literally thousands, and thousands, thousands of people who have claimed to see something in the ski that could be claimed as an unidentified flying object. I have on more then one occasion seen things in the sky that were unexplainable. And a couple of those times, the sightings lasted for hours. So does the millions of people who look up at the sky every night, and see nothing, discredit what I seen in the sky? Does their experiences somehow make mine or the other thousands less believable?

I've never set my eyes on a Sasquatch. But my life experiences don't discredit anothers, regardless how close of a life style we might share. I can completely understand how someone could live their entire lives, and never experience something, so that shapes your belief on whichever topic, that's understandable. But that doesn't change the fact that people are witnessing something. And one could call us all crazy, but I bet if we all got together we'd find that we are all alike. Smart, hardworking, passionate, Patriots. And you'd probably find a lot of these guys sharing Bigfoot stories to be straight up dudes that have really experienced something they can't explain. That's been my experiences anyway. Meeting people, hearing them tell their stories, getting to know them, and you realize, wow, these are straight up, hard living intelligent folks. There are a lot of very creditable, well known respected people that have claimed to have sightings, and are putting a lot of their time, and money trying to figure out what they seen. Our experiences don't discredit theirs. Regardless of what we have or haven't seen in our time in the Backcountry, their are decent good people who still live in fear of the woods after what they seen. The fear is real to them.

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One of the Stories in this Book came from a Guy in the Same Little Town that we lived in on the Wa Coast, We knew the Guy Well, and Stil do today :) My Dad Grew up with him, They worked together Cutting Timber, My Dad is who Taught him. Just after this Bigfoot Story Broke loose, My Dad ran in to the Guy 1 night in the Tavern and Asked him What the Heck the Deal was? The Guy Shamefully, FULLY admitted that EVERYTHING they Said was a LIE. Their was 4 Of them that had hiked in to a Highland Alpine Lake and Spent the Weekend, They all decided it would be Funny to make up a BULLSH&T Bigfoot Story and “Run with it” When they Got home, They Rehearsed the Story and Intended to Stick with it, The News Caught wind of it and Payed them a Visit :ROFLMAO: At this Point they Felt so Deep in it that they Stuck with the BS LIE STORY, ultimately it was published in this Little Book.

This one, The Story they Told was a BALD FACE LIE, They Fully admitted that they Lied. This is EXACTLY how this kind of Crap Starts!

So that has to mean they don’t exist then? I’m not doubting you’re expertise in the Coastal Washington Mountains by any means. To most people’s standards you probably are an expert of that specific land. You should absolutely have pride in knowing that tract of land. Expert’s in scientific fields who study topics their entire lives, still find new discoveries about their field in which they have expertise in. Otherwise we would not have any scientific breakthrough, meaning our understanding would become stagnant and no new discoveries would ever happen. Everyone is so afraid to admit they may not know everything going on in this world. That something could never exist because something doesn’t show itself, the percentage of the year that said individual is in the backcountry. Being open to new ideas is how humans have grown intellectually for thousands of years.
Always been on the fence with this one having heard wood knocks and watching basically every documentary out there on this topic. The fact that nobody on this sight even says they might’ve seen one, puts the nail in the coffin for me.

some people have seen something here, you just gotta ask the right folks on this particular thread. You hit the nail on the head with how quick and easy it is for people to begin making fun of. It’s a weak mind that instantly wants to berate another individual for what their mind is open to. It shows their own insecurities and lack of sense of belonging, to want to fit in by disbanding and ostracizing. It’s all funny and easy to talk down too until you meet the wrong person and in person you say belittling things to them. Totally different story then.
Not directed to you at all just ranting in general about people’s immediate responses.
Blows my mind that he might be (is) the best blacktail in the world but the first time I ever see him mentioned on Rokslide it’s about this crazy Sasquatch shit. Check out the HowToHunt Blacktail app. Well worth it if you’re after those grey ghosts. Long live ProGuide66.
I watched a couple of Steve Isdahl’s Videos, He is quite the Story teller that’s for sure! My YouTube recommendations starting showing his Videos due to me Watching the Few i did. It was then i Ran across one of his Bigfoot Stories, That was the END For me, I Deleted Any, And Everything about his Channel.

I spent 38 Years on the Wa Coast, Olympic Peninsula, (SUPPOSEDLY Prime Bigfoot Stomping Grounds :ROFLMAO:) I AVIDLY hunted Blacktail Deer, and Black Bear From the time i was 8 years old. My Dad AVIDLY hunted Hound Dogs All of my Life, And Long Before i was Born, Along with Many Lifelong Friends, There isn’t a Mountain Range over there that My Dad, Myself, and Friends haven’t Been on at one point or another. We also AVIDLY Hiked in to Alpine Highland Lakes ALL OVER that Country from the Time i was a little Boy, We would Spend a Week at a Time Camped in the Mountains Sleeping on the Ground, Back in the Middle of NOWHERE.

Anyone wanna take a WILD Guess how many Bigfoot Encounters ALL of us Combined had?

So you and your family a
So that has to mean they don’t exist then? I’m not doubting you’re expertise in the Coastal Washington Mountains by any means. To most people’s standards you probably are an expert of that specific land. You should absolutely have pride in knowing that tract of land. Expert’s in scientific fields who study topics their entire lives, still find new discoveries about their field in which they have expertise in. Otherwise we would not have any scientific breakthrough, meaning our understanding would become stagnant and no new discoveries would ever happen. Everyone is so afraid to admit they may not know everything going on in this world. That something could never exist because something doesn’t show itself, the percentage of the year that said individual is in the backcountry. Being open to new ideas is how humans have grown intellectually for thousands of years.

There is a high level of irony in this post. You can't use science do defend your hobby and claim it doesn't apply at the same time. There is no scientific peer reviewed evidence. Being open to new ideas based upon the scientific method is great. That does not apply here. At all.

Is there a Bigfoot forum out there?
I think the main point of this thread,and the the Bigfoot believers in general , is that you have to prove Bigfoot DOSEN’t exist. Not that the believers have to prove he does exist.
None of you get it....wake up!

The movie Predator had it right - they're not "of this world", they come from outer space with crazy awesome technology that allows them to sense trail cameras, also a light weight "foot print filler inner" machine and cloaking device. They didn't show the foot print filler inner in the movie, were afraid to let that cat out of the bag. These technologies and their outer-space-origins are why there were pictures of them when no one had cameras and now there are zero pictures of them when there are cameras every - freaking -where: trail, satellite, hippies with them, gender fluid people walking in the outdoors have them, hunters, cameras are Ev.Ry.Where!!! This is also why tracks are wicked rare and unfindable unless you're kind of odd, have few friends, aren't invited to family functions - then you find them where others just can't.

The movie did mention how they come to trophy hunt on Earth only so often. One wonders if they have like a Sasquatch/Predator Fish and Game commission on their planet and are concerned about overcrowding on Earth and will have a Human Cull Hunt soon - no season, no limit. That would suck bad, but I'd survive and y'all would die, so not that bad. I bet they (Sasqu/Preds) are always pissed at their Fish and Game just like we all are, telling them what planet they can and cannot hunt on, etc.. I could go on...

If you haven't seen Predator with Arnold, Jessi Ventura, Carl Weathers, you're not a man.

The worst crime of all is that the International Society of Cryptozoology, established in 1982 by excellent people, is now shut down due to lack of funds (look it up). They were this close (imagine thumb and index finger really close together with my eye squinted behind it) to documenting all these undocumented creatures.
Possibly the greatest thing I've read this month!
So you and your family a

There is a high level of irony in this post. You can't use science do defend your hobby and claim it doesn't apply at the same time. There is no scientific peer reviewed evidence. Being open to new ideas based upon the scientific method is great. That does not apply here. At all.

Is there a Bigfoot forum out there?

What is my hobby that I’m defending? Also your saying that regarding Sasquatch there is no scientific peer reviewed evidence?