Sasquatch/Bigfoot/ Steve Isdahl

Being fair: Then knock down the percentage even a bit to people who are nucking futs, conspiracy theorists, people seeking attention, etc..

Where are the "hundreds of reports each year" collected? Link? Would honestly like to see, especially if they took pictures or found any evidence that passes the laugh test.

If you listen to podcasts then Sasquatch Chronicles on Stitcher has 600+ episodes to listen to.
Being fair: Then knock down the percentage even a bit to people who are nucking futs, conspiracy theorists, people seeking attention, etc..

Where are the "hundreds of reports each year" collected? Link? Would honestly like to see, especially if they took pictures or found any evidence that passes the laugh test.
Being fair: Then knock down the percentage even a bit to people who are nucking futs, conspiracy theorists, people seeking attention, etc..

Where are the "hundreds of reports each year" collected? Link? Would honestly like to see, especially if they took pictures or found any evidence that passes the laugh test.

No absolutely I’m sure there are those as well. I’m going off of Mr. Isdahls estimates of how many emails he gets of encounters past or recently then lowballed that, as well as missing 411 cases which I being me along with other people that study the topic believe are Sasquatch related and if you get into the books, Mr. Paulides believes as well but doesn’t state it too often.

I don’t think you’ll hear all of the reports from real sources in mainstream at all because people would not want this stuff public ever.

BFRO are garbage but people do try to report to them fairly often
Put me in the simple/close minded group. There are just way too many people and cameras all over the place to believe that something like Bigfoot could go on unnoticed and undocumented.

The fact that past and present cultures all over the world have similar stories just goes to show that humans have always been this stupid.
If you listen to podcasts then Sasquatch Chronicles on Stitcher has 600+ episodes to listen to.

Um, no thank you! I listen to some podcasts but don't plan on spending any precious minutes on the Sasquatch Chronicles. It's not lost on me that I am a hypocrite spending precious minutes on this hilarious yet sad bad.
Put me in the simple/close minded group. There are just way too many people and cameras all over the place to believe that something like Bigfoot could go on unnoticed and undocumented.

The fact that past and present cultures all over the world have similar stories just goes to show that humans have always been this stupid.

Asides from documentation. Are you kidding me? That’s the most blind statement ever made. Sure cultures all over the world speak of something eerily similar ,well they just must be dumb too, that’s just mentally deficient. 2 + 2 can’t mean 4 or any number for that matter cause everyone is dumb. Could it mean nothing, sure, but that’s definitely playing heavily stacked Vegas odds. Native American Tribes still speak of it and acknowledge it to this day. I’m not saying all native American stories are true but the level of coincidence that these hairy bipedal hominids are spoken about on every continent from the native cultures is quite staggering.

If your an outdoorsman that values the connection Native Americans had and still have to the land, then this topic deserves more thought than the stance of being simple minded.
Um, no thank you! I listen to some podcasts but don't plan on spending any precious minutes on the Sasquatch Chronicles. It's not lost on me that I am a hypocrite spending precious minutes on this hilarious yet sad bad.

you got more you want to say then say it
I think absolutely ones mind can play tricks on noises heard in the wilderness. However IMO there is no way, (for how many people have sightings reported then knock up the percentage even a bit to embarrassed and scared people that don’t report) that all the hundreds of reports each year are a case of ones head playing tricks. Especially if someone sees one.

I mean just look at this forum as a case study. Most on here are skeptic and remain neutral, the safest route really and one should be a skeptic to learn both sides of everything, then analyze data interpreted from either side to make their conclusion. Now some people maybe so or maybe not on this forum or readers of, always stay on the fence for fear of backlash from the other side. These people are afraid of others opinions and will hide their actual belief so as to not be wrong in anyone’s eyes. That is exactly the opposite of what I’m doing.
Now another portion here has their mind open and is willing to think about new ideas that could honestly be a possibility. The possibility that we as in ‘Society’ may not know everything going on out there. I believe this is how we grow as a group in all aspects. Not just the Sasquatch topic, but in all aspects of our sub culture of being outdoorsmen and women. People stunt their potential by closing their minds off to just what has always been in the past and will always be. Nuance promotes growth.
The last group in this forum has closed their minds off completely. They aren’t willing to accept that maybe they aren’t the all knowing mountain men (or women) they think they are. They have completely shut down potential new knowledge by disbanding immediately. That’s exactly what most people in power want, for us as a collective to shut up, disband, and ridicule all new ideas. It’s not even the folks on here poking fun, their faults at all. Society over time has made most of us that way on purpose for any new idea to be shot down not just Sasquatch. Just some of the people on this forum have become close minded and possibly even simple minded. It’s sad that some will never be open to any new idea or old idea that was deliberately made to be forgotten.
You can take this example of division just in a forum and blow it up to metaphorically describe the exact reason there is division in our nation (US).
Very long story short; with all given sightings, gut feelings from ancestral DNA, encounters in general. One shouldn’t disband and poke fun of, just because it hasn’t happened to them.

By no means am I directing any written tension towards you specifically man, I just started typing and let it flow after responding the first paragraph had a thoughts to write down.

Side note: The US Government acknowledged just this past year that they have had an on going research project on UFOs that over the years has cost millions. If UFOs are now nationally acknowledged as real, is Sasquatch really as far fetched as some here seem to believe?
Well said. I agree with the thought that society has a closed mind as a whole. I would not call anyone a liar for speaking on an unusual situation that they think could have been Bigfoot. But you must admit, even from a squatchers point of view, that many, if not the majority of encounters are other oddities than Bigfoot. It’s a somewhat interesting topic to me but I still haven’t seen the obvious evidence to convince me yet. I don’t think it’s an ego thing amongst mountain men just a lack of “see with my own eyes evidence” that brings the skepticism. And humor should always be welcome in a Bigfoot discussion.
Well said. I agree with the thought that society has a closed mind as a whole. I would not call anyone a liar for speaking on an unusual situation that they think could have been Bigfoot. But you must admit, even from a squatchers point of view, that many, if not the majority of encounters are other oddities than Bigfoot. It’s a somewhat interesting topic to me but I still haven’t seen the obvious evidence to convince me yet. I don’t think it’s an ego thing amongst mountain men just a lack of “see with my own eyes evidence” that brings the skepticism. And humor should always be welcome in a Bigfoot discussion.

absolutely I agree
The natives in BC love telling white dudes sasquatch stories these days, buy em a 24 pack and they'll keep you entertained all night! The stories won't necessarily be coherent or true but don't let that get in the way of a good tale ;)

Guy said he saw one in Ahousaht a couple years back, that news report had me literally howling. I don't automatically disbelieve every story I hear but some are more convincing that there ain't a damn thing out there than anything. Fingers crossed a big black one walks in front of one of my cams one day and proves us all wrong!
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No absolutely I’m sure there are those as well. I’m going off of Mr. Isdahls estimates of how many emails he gets of encounters past or recently then lowballed that, as well as missing 411 cases which I being me along with other people that study the topic believe are Sasquatch related and if you get into the books, Mr. Paulides believes as well but doesn’t state it too often.

I don’t think you’ll hear all of the reports from real sources in mainstream at all because people would not want this stuff public ever.

BFRO are garbage but people do try to report to them fairly often

This has been good for a few laughs and I'm done after this post. I'm ashamed I've been part of making it longer than it deserves, hope my Rokslide brothers can forgive me. I'll be the first one to apologize if/when a shred of accurate/credible info is found that proves Sasq exists outside of SlimJim commercials.

"people would not want this stuff public ever" is a nice place to hide, is false, and illustrates far more about this whole topic, the human psyche, particularly in groups of people, than any of the rest of the argument. Just going to leave that here.

Hope if we every meet, can agree to disagree and laugh it off.

Anecdotal and of no value but on the same topic:
I was on Prince of Wales Island years ago when a TV crew and their "star" (made sure to make himself look very serious all the time, like he was a truth seeker and no one believed him!) showed up chasing Sasquatch stories. No crime, just like this thread. We were on the float plane dock out of Ketchican and into Thorne Bay with them, but separate planes. The crew was pretty awesome. The residents figured that they could find someone to do an interview with the film crew that would later be edited with bizarre, mysterious music and still images of upright, bipedal, hairy and a face that - no one really knows why - was always angry.

I'm out!
I believe alcohol and / or mushrooms were involved in all Bigfoot encounters.
I have seen enough drinking around campfires and things that happen afterwards that this Is probably the most accurate statement in this thread.