Sasquatch/Bigfoot/ Steve Isdahl


Oct 19, 2013
Fantastic, and pics to boot. I can't tell what that is from my computer but I take your word for it. From my experience, that is a very rare find. Very cool, thanks for posting.

I didn't realize how rare it is at the time, if I had I would have taken better pics of it. I circled a couple things that are hard to see unless you know. The black circle is a foot pad and the red is the skull, you can see the top front teeth at the bottom left side of the circle. It was a small bear, maybe 100 lbs.Inked15457141610_8013987279_b_LI.jpg


Mar 3, 2012
Two thoughts.

Have you, or anyone you know, ever found bear remains in the woods other than known shot bears? I live in bear country and see live bears regularly and have not ever found one dead, even after bear season. Yet I have found many deer remains.

I have asked that question to hunters ( not in regards to a Bigfoot discussion) for years and have never got a positive response.

Living in the big woods of Pa., I had heard stories of mountain lion sightings. I had declared many times I would not believe it till I saw one. Until my step son and I saw one strolling across the road in broad daylight.

In many years of bobcat hunting and looking at thousand and thousands of tracks covering thousands of miles of back roads we have never seen a lion track in Pennsylvania. Now the Pa game commission admits that there is proof they are here at least as just passing through even though they denied it for years.

So the bigfoot thing is still a far out maybe. I doubt there is and will believe it when I see one with my own eyes.

Yes - I have found two dead bears, one was a winter kill (per biologist who looked into it) The other was who knows, but no evidence of being shot.


Nov 7, 2012
Some of you may have heard Steve mention the Birkenhead river and how it's a major hotbed for sightings...that's where I cut my teeth bowhunting. I remember one of my first days ever walking the woods with a bow in my hand, I had found a mule deer trail and decided to set up at the lower end of it to try and catch a buck coming down for water. I had been sitting there in complete stillness for about 20 minutes, the sun was rising and the forest was beginning to wake up. That's when I heard it, a single loud knock...and it was close! I nervously laughed inside my head and told myself it was nothing. Mind back in the game, I focused back on the trail, visualizing the buck of a lifetime emerging from the foliage. But then there it was again, another single loud knock from the same direction. Now I'm starting to get a bit uneasy, what the hell is that? Again, now it was followed by a second knock. I'm freaking out now, looking all over in the direction the sound is coming from, and then I see it as clear as day!...About 15 yards to my right, there was a dead tree that had fallen against another tree and was stuck there, the knocking was it slowly creaking it's way to the forest floor below, 1/16th of an inch at a time. I sure felt like an idiot in that moment, I remember thinking how many of these damn sasquatch encounters are exactly this though? Ask a dozen serious woodsmen in BC if they believe in them and in my experience you'll probably hear from more believers than non believers...that said I've been in the woods since I was a kid and never seen a thing, been running trail cams for years and never got anything on them either although I have had cameras that weren't locked up appear to be messed with, would assume most people would just take the thing if they're going to go to the effort of wiping my card and turning off the cam but who knows.
Once while mule deer hunting during the front edge of the rut, I put a stock into a small timber patch because I could hear constant footsteps in there moving around. It sounded like either a couple bucks in a good shoving match or a buck chasing around a couple does. I spent a good 45 minutes working my way into that spot that was only a couple hundred yards from me. Finally I held tight on the edge behind a couple dead falls for probably 15 minutes before I clearly noticed the constant rhythm of the footsteps. I then proceeded in to clarify my ignorance and found two dead snags banging against each other softly at their tops. The sounds of the woods will sometimes lie to you as quick as they will tell you the truth.


May 2, 2017
This thread is why you ALWAYS gotta keep some jacklinks beef jerky in your pack!

Its those bigfeet chicks you gotta lookout for , those things get crazy during mating season!!!
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Feb 11, 2016
The human mind is a powerful thing.

A few years ago for about 20 minutes I thought I had run into Sasquatch. I was scared darn near s***less. Then I actually took time to think about what happened.

I was walking out of the bushes one night by moonlight. Early in the day it had rained, so the woods were silent. Up ahead of me about 30 yards I heard something hit the ground that sounded like a sack of potatoes had been thrown from a 3 story building. When it did hit the ground it let out a long deep groan. I almost messed my drawers.

Once I finally got back to the truck, I came to the conclusion I walked up on a bear, with the wind in my favor, that had stood on its back legs to see what I was. Once it realized what I was it came down on all four and high tailed it out of there, letting out the grunt when it’s front legs hit the ground.

Or it was Sasquatch because I did have some jerky that day. If you think it’s the latter, I’ve got some ocean front property to sell you.

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Feb 9, 2019
British Columbia
Ya I had heard this "well explain how nobody ever finds bear remains either" line before too, think I even repeated it a few times as well to skeptics. Then I found some myself and spoke to plenty of others that have as well. In my experience, if something is around, it leaves sign. Will let you guys know if I ever glass one up on Birkenhead peak but won't be holding my breath this season.

Apr 17, 2018
Once while mule deer hunting during the front edge of the rut, I put a stock into a small timber patch because I could hear constant footsteps in there moving around. It sounded like either a couple bucks in a good shoving match or a buck chasing around a couple does. I spent a good 45 minutes working my way into that spot that was only a couple hundred yards from me. Finally I held tight on the edge behind a couple dead falls for probably 15 minutes before I clearly noticed the constant rhythm of the footsteps. I then proceeded in to clarify my ignorance and found two dead snags banging against each other softly at their tops. The sounds of the woods will sometimes lie to you as quick as they will tell you the truth.

I think absolutely ones mind can play tricks on noises heard in the wilderness. However IMO there is no way, (for how many people have sightings reported then knock up the percentage even a bit to embarrassed and scared people that don’t report) that all the hundreds of reports each year are a case of ones head playing tricks. Especially if someone sees one.

I mean just look at this forum as a case study. Most on here are skeptic and remain neutral, the safest route really and one should be a skeptic to learn both sides of everything, then analyze data interpreted from either side to make their conclusion. Now some people maybe so or maybe not on this forum or readers of, always stay on the fence for fear of backlash from the other side. These people are afraid of others opinions and will hide their actual belief so as to not be wrong in anyone’s eyes. That is exactly the opposite of what I’m doing.
Now another portion here has their mind open and is willing to think about new ideas that could honestly be a possibility. The possibility that we as in ‘Society’ may not know everything going on out there. I believe this is how we grow as a group in all aspects. Not just the Sasquatch topic, but in all aspects of our sub culture of being outdoorsmen and women. People stunt their potential by closing their minds off to just what has always been in the past and will always be. Nuance promotes growth.
The last group in this forum has closed their minds off completely. They aren’t willing to accept that maybe they aren’t the all knowing mountain men (or women) they think they are. They have completely shut down potential new knowledge by disbanding immediately. That’s exactly what most people in power want, for us as a collective to shut up, disband, and ridicule all new ideas. It’s not even the folks on here poking fun, their faults at all. Society over time has made most of us that way on purpose for any new idea to be shot down not just Sasquatch. Just some of the people on this forum have become close minded and possibly even simple minded. It’s sad that some will never be open to any new idea or old idea that was deliberately made to be forgotten.
You can take this example of division just in a forum and blow it up to metaphorically describe the exact reason there is division in our nation (US).
Very long story short; with all given sightings, gut feelings from ancestral DNA, encounters in general. One shouldn’t disband and poke fun of, just because it hasn’t happened to them.

By no means am I directing any written tension towards you specifically man, I just started typing and let it flow after responding the first paragraph had a thoughts to write down.

Side note: The US Government acknowledged just this past year that they have had an on going research project on UFOs that over the years has cost millions. If UFOs are now nationally acknowledged as real, is Sasquatch really as far fetched as some here seem to believe?

Mt Al

Dec 16, 2017
then knock up the percentage even a bit to embarrassed and scared people that don’t report) that all the hundreds of reports each year are a case of ones head playing tricks.

Being fair: Then knock down the percentage even a bit to people who are nucking futs, conspiracy theorists, people seeking attention, etc..

Where are the "hundreds of reports each year" collected? Link? Would honestly like to see, especially if they took pictures or found any evidence that passes the laugh test.
Sep 15, 2018
Patiently waiting for pictures still. Everyone has a cell phone on them these days with cameras.


Nov 3, 2019
I will officially go on record saying there is not bigfoot, squatch, yeti, or anything of the like by any other name.

Then you my friend fall into this group;

The last group in this forum has closed their minds off completely. They aren’t willing to accept that maybe they aren’t the all knowing mountain men (or women) they think they are. They have completely shut down potential new knowledge by disbanding immediately. That’s exactly what most people in power want, for us as a collective to shut up, disband, and ridicule all new ideas. It’s not even the folks on here poking fun, their faults at all. Society over time has made most of us that way on purpose for any new idea to be shot down not just Sasquatch. Just some of the people on this forum have become close minded and possibly even simple minded. It’s sad that some will never be open to any new idea or old idea that was deliberately made to be forgotten.

As do I. Especially the simple minded part.


Jun 12, 2019
Then you my friend fall into this group;

The last group in this forum has closed their minds off completely. They aren’t willing to accept that maybe they aren’t the all knowing mountain men (or women) they think they are. They have completely shut down potential new knowledge by disbanding immediately. That’s exactly what most people in power want, for us as a collective to shut up, disband, and ridicule all new ideas. It’s not even the folks on here poking fun, their faults at all. Society over time has made most of us that way on purpose for any new idea to be shot down not just Sasquatch. Just some of the people on this forum have become close minded and possibly even simple minded. It’s sad that some will never be open to any new idea or old idea that was deliberately made to be forgotten.

As do I. Especially the simple minded part.

Sounds good
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Mar 31, 2014
I saw one when I was unicorn hunting. Pretty unsettling. I’ll never get over it. That’s why I carry a 30-06.

If you squeeze a big bottle of foot power in the air, it will drift in big foots direction. Go the opposite way.

Be safe. Wear orange.


Aug 19, 2019
The romantic in me wants to believe in Sasquatch and Ive seen things that really make me wonder.
But the realist in me... I just think we would have more proof than we do. The amount of guys spending endless hours behind glass, watching lions, wolves, wolverines etc. I just think some one would have glassed one up. Even if they have the ability to avoid electronic game cams... that no other species seems to be able to avoid.

And just to be clear, Im darn sure not saying that we as a species know everything there is to know about anything.
I also feel its good for the soul to ponder these things, especially when your laying in your bivy sack, alone, trying to fall asleep in the BC...

BEST logical reply ever and I feel 100% the same way LOL.