Sasquatch/Bigfoot/ Steve Isdahl

I'm one who has been on the fence about Sasquatch for about 5 years now. I had a scare one night while bear hunting within the Pisgah National Forest. Four other guys were with me. I thought I was the only one awake when it happen, turns out my brother in law was awake when it happen as well. Anyway, investigating in the AM we found this print, it sent us down the wormhole for sure. Took me a while before I stepped foot on that mountain again, but I've since been there a dozen nights or so with nothing odd.

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I love this thread! I would like to start a new one to see what caliber/bullet people think would be appropriate for an imaginary beast. I would think a silver bullet might be good, and if holy water could be sprinkled on it, all the better. At least it's not another "Is this round good for elk?" thread.

Oh I’m sorry did I overstep what’s acceptable in your realm of why to purchase a firearm?
1. Figured it’s a good bear defense gun for hunting in Montana 2. If it’s enough gun for the probability to be high to stop a brown bear then from what people have described seeing, to me seems adequate, JUST IN CASE.

Maybe you should step down off your high horse, instead of being a dick.
I'm on the fence about bigfoot and can't see the point in either side's proselytizing. I don't see how the existence or non-existence of a hairy humanoid changes anything for me. If I find out tomorrow that there are bigfoot monsters running around in the areas I hunt, and I've never had a good or bad experience with one, then it doesn't change anything for me to know they're there. If we were somehow all completely assured that these things don't exist, my hand-wringing over the issue can't decrease from where it is now because the issue rarely enters my consciousness. On the other hand, I didn't know before this thread that they were considered dangerous. Hopefully I'm not maimed, killed or raped by one. But whether I believe or not probably wouldn't change that.

With an attitude like the you probably just ma
Oh I’m sorry did I overstep what’s acceptable in your realm of why to purchase a firearm?
1. Figured it’s a good bear defense gun for hunting in Montana 2. If it’s enough gun for the probability to be high to stop a brown bear then from what people have described seeing, to me seems adequate, JUST IN CASE.

Maybe you should step down off your high horse, instead of being a dick.

If you are ever in a position to shoot a samsquatch in self defense just don't! Really. That would be taking this too far.
I'm one who has been on the fence about Sasquatch for about 5 years now. I had a scare one night while bear hunting within the Pisgah National Forest. Four other guys were with me. I thought I was the only one awake when it happen, turns out my brother in law was awake when it happen as well. Anyway, investigating in the AM we found this print, it sent us down the wormhole for sure. Took me a while before I stepped foot on that mountain again, but I've since been there a dozen nights or so with nothing odd.

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That’s pretty wild
The Predator tie in has my curiosity piqued except that it seems far fetched that an ascendant species would spend tremendous resources and travel vast distance to hide in the forest and hunt. Not very realistic.

Anyhow, back to the thread on how much I am going to spend hunting this year and how far I am going to travel...
Two thoughts.

Have you, or anyone you know, ever found bear remains in the woods other than known shot bears? I live in bear country and see live bears regularly and have not ever found one dead, even after bear season. Yet I have found many deer remains.

I have asked that question to hunters ( not in regards to a Bigfoot discussion) for years and have never got a positive response.

Living in the big woods of Pa., I had heard stories of mountain lion sightings. I had declared many times I would not believe it till I saw one. Until my step son and I saw one strolling across the road in broad daylight.

In many years of bobcat hunting and looking at thousand and thousands of tracks covering thousands of miles of back roads we have never seen a lion track in Pennsylvania. Now the Pa game commission admits that there is proof they are here at least as just passing through even though they denied it for years.

So the bigfoot thing is still a far out maybe. I doubt there is and will believe it when I see one with my own eyes.

I have found 1 dead bear in the hills, I came across it while backpacked in for mule deer and I am the only person I know or have even heard of ever finding a dead one.

As far as Sasquatch goes, I had an experience 5 years ago out elk hunting that still causes me to wake up at night sweating but even still I am on the fence about it existing since I didn't see anything.
I have found 1 dead bear in the hills, I came across it while backpacked in for mule deer and I am the only person I know or have even heard of ever finding a dead one.
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As far as Sasquatch goes, I had an experience 5 years ago out elk hunting that still causes me to wake up at night sweating but even still I am on the fence about it existing since I didn't see anything.

Fantastic, and pics to boot. I can't tell what that is from my computer but I take your word for it. From my experience, that is a very rare find. Very cool, thanks for posting.
Every sighting can plausibly be something equivalent of a walking bear. What is implausible is that zero physical evidence can be left by any widespread animal, and based on reports these beasts are as widespread as...bears.

And much more than game cameras, these guys seem to be able to avoid all cameras capable of decent focus. :giggle:

I will add that we had a black panther on the ranch for years. Was an extremely neat experience to see b the one time it happened by me and several times by others.
Did you take any pics of the footprints?

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Nope. Looking back, I wish I had, but in both cases, one of us pointed it out, we looked at each other, said "Huh. Well, let's head back that way." And did. No further discussion necessary. I'm not really looking to convince anyone of anything, and I'm open to a bear with a messed up foot as a possibility.
I feel I've had a prayer directly answered when I needed it, but I don't hold that up as definitive proof of the existence of a god either. Could be coincidence. Plenty of difficult to explain stuff goes on in the chaos that is our world.
Two thoughts.

Have you, or anyone you know, ever found bear remains in the woods other than known shot bears? I live in bear country and see live bears regularly and have not ever found one dead, even after bear season. Yet I have found many deer remains.

I have asked that question to hunters ( not in regards to a Bigfoot discussion) for years and have never got a positive response.

Living in the big woods of Pa., I had heard stories of mountain lion sightings. I had declared many times I would not believe it till I saw one. Until my step son and I saw one strolling across the road in broad daylight.

In many years of bobcat hunting and looking at thousand and thousands of tracks covering thousands of miles of back roads we have never seen a lion track in Pennsylvania. Now the Pa game commission admits that there is proof they are here at least as just passing through even though they denied it for years.

So the bigfoot thing is still a far out maybe. I doubt there is and will believe it when I see one with my own eyes.

Yep. Found a dead cub. I have one of the claws in my collection of interesting stuff.
You need to talk with Tal H. Branco.

Also this crazy guide I know saw his footprints before Mt. Saint Hellens blew, by ape creek where that famous encounter at the cabin happened.
Definitely a skeptic here. However, there are definitely things I have experienced in the woods that I can't explain.

Part of me would love it if they were found to be real, I think alot of what draws us to hunting and nature is the mystery of not knowing what we will find over the next ridge.

I guess the beauty of things like bigfoot are, you can't prove that they aren't real.