None of you get it....wake up!
The movie Predator had it right - they're not "of this world", they come from outer space with crazy awesome technology that allows them to sense trail cameras, also a light weight "foot print filler inner" machine and cloaking device. They didn't show the foot print filler inner in the movie, were afraid to let that cat out of the bag. These technologies and their outer-space-origins are why there were pictures of them when no one had cameras and now there are zero pictures of them when there are cameras every - freaking -where: trail, satellite, hippies with them, gender fluid people walking in the outdoors have them, hunters, cameras are Ev.Ry.Where!!! This is also why tracks are wicked rare and unfindable unless you're kind of odd, have few friends, aren't invited to family functions - then you find them where others just can't.
The movie did mention how they come to trophy hunt on Earth only so often. One wonders if they have like a Sasquatch/Predator Fish and Game commission on their planet and are concerned about overcrowding on Earth and will have a Human Cull Hunt soon - no season, no limit. That would suck bad, but I'd survive and y'all would die, so not that bad. I bet they (Sasqu/Preds) are always pissed at their Fish and Game just like we all are, telling them what planet they can and cannot hunt on, etc.. I could go on...
If you haven't seen Predator with Arnold, Jessi Ventura, Carl Weathers, you're not a man.
The worst crime of all is that the International Society of Cryptozoology, established in 1982 by excellent people, is now shut down due to lack of funds (look it up). They were this close (imagine thumb and index finger really close together with my eye squinted behind it) to documenting all these undocumented creatures.