Sasquatch/Bigfoot/ Steve Isdahl

When my son was 7 he watched those Bigfoot shows at my in-laws and could hardly sleep at night. He didn’t want to go near the woods. Nothing I said could convince him Bigfoot wasn’t real. There was a Bigfoot hunting seminar at the local state park that summer. I took him to that and we sat in as speaker talked about local Bigfoot sightings and how to call them. About 10 minutes in my boy said alright Dad this guys nuts and he hasn’t been afraid since.

And to answer the question why no dead ones have been found, the guy said they bury their own. That is what the big rock piles in the woods are...

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Every sighting can plausibly be something equivalent of a walking bear. What is implausible is that zero physical evidence can be left by any widespread animal, and based on reports these beasts are as widespread as...bears.

And much more than game cameras, these guys seem to be able to avoid all cameras capable of decent focus. :giggle:

What if they aren’t an animal? What if, now here’s the real giggle worthy idea buckle up.... that maybe just maybe, you don’t know everything going on in our world. Crazy eh?
I had read that Teddy Roosevelt was a big believer
In them as well and I believe People see what they want to see, doesn’t make them dishonest just hard to believe it myself.

Read the wilderness hunter about Teddy’s hunting partner Bauman, his story. He also mentions in that book during his Alpine Caribou hunt chapter in Idaho, that his Native American guide didn’t like to be alone in that area because there were ‘goblins’. Creepy stuff.
What if they aren’t an animal? What if, now here’s the real giggle worthy idea buckle up.... that maybe just maybe, you don’t know everything going on in our world. Crazy eh?

What if they are flying armadillos that hypnotize people to believe they are seeing Bigfoot?

What-ifs are useful if they are plausible. Otherwise, the most useful question is "What is?", not "What if?".

Why would anyone assume people who don't believe in something for which there is no compelling evidence also believe they know everything? I find those people know better than most that we don't know everything, and are the least likely to pretend they know things that they do not or cannot know.

If Bigfoot does exist, that would be awesome. If they do, I hope we find them (and don't kill them). But based on current evidence, I'm not optimistic.
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What if they are flying armadillos that hypnotize people to believe they are seeing Bigfoot?

What-ifs are useful if they are plausible. Otherwise, the most useful question is "What is?", not "What if?".

Why would anyone assume people who don't believe in something for which there is no compelling evidence also believe they know everything? I find those people know better than most that we don't know everything, and are the least likely to pretend they know things that do not or cannot know.

If Bigfoot does exist, that would be awesome. If they do, I hope we find them (and don't kill them). But based on current evidence, I'm not optimistic.

That’s the thing man I think it’s not an awesome thing. I think these things are out there and are more dangerous than we think or no. Like Mr. Isdahl claims, I believe it is absolute bullshit that we aren’t told more about these things.
These photos are of a brochure I found at my local National Forest headquarters sitting in the open for the public as if it is the same thing as a bear sighting. Very interesting as these brochures were not sold there a year ago, I know this because everytime I have been home on leave the last couple years I stop by the National Forest HQ and bullshit..... this year I find this, coincidence it appears the same year Mr. Isdahl with ‘howtohunt’ brings all this light to the topic.

The romantic in me wants to believe in Sasquatch and Ive seen things that really make me wonder.
But the realist in me... I just think we would have more proof than we do. The amount of guys spending endless hours behind glass, watching lions, wolves, wolverines etc. I just think some one would have glassed one up. Even if they have the ability to avoid electronic game cams... that no other species seems to be able to avoid.

And just to be clear, Im darn sure not saying that we as a species know everything there is to know about anything.
I also feel its good for the soul to ponder these things, especially when your laying in your bivy sack, alone, trying to fall asleep in the BC... AK and the northwest, there is a widespread tradition of "hairyman", "bushman", "nantiinaq",'s a cultural belief, kinda like blonde, blue-eyed Jesus...

Here in north west pa/ south west New York where the Iroquois nation called the ‘great swanp’, the Iroquois had a story of part of their history passed down where they went to war with whom they called the ‘Stone Giant’. These stone giants were said to be twice the size of a man and covered in hair. They were said to take children and women and were called stone giants because they would roll in mud then roll in pebbles to stick them to their hair and create a hardened layer that arrows could not pierce. Scary shit.
The romantic in me wants to believe in Sasquatch and Ive seen things that really make me wonder.
But the realist in me... I just think we would have more proof than we do. The amount of guys spending endless hours behind glass, watching lions, wolves, wolverines etc. I just think some one would have glassed one up. Even if they have the ability to avoid electronic game cams... that no other species seems to be able to avoid.

And just to be clear, Im darn sure not saying that we as a species know everything there is to know about anything.
I also feel its good for the soul to ponder these things, especially when your laying in your bivy sack, alone, trying to fall asleep in the BC...

When I was solo on a bow hunt in Colorado I got that uneasy need to turn around and go away feeling in a dark aspen glen once. Immediately after that feeling I found a tree ‘structure’ that people believe these things make. That night at the base of the mountain it was a long night.
I have done next to zero research on this topic, so this is a legitimate question: Is there any evidence whatsoever (other than supposed eyewitness accounts and folk tales) of the existence of these creatures? Any actual physical evidence?

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None of you get it....wake up!

The movie Predator had it right - they're not "of this world", they come from outer space with crazy awesome technology that allows them to sense trail cameras, also a light weight "foot print filler inner" machine and cloaking device. They didn't show the foot print filler inner in the movie, were afraid to let that cat out of the bag. These technologies and their outer-space-origins are why there were pictures of them when no one had cameras and now there are zero pictures of them when there are cameras every - freaking -where: trail, satellite, hippies with them, gender fluid people walking in the outdoors have them, hunters, cameras are Ev.Ry.Where!!! This is also why tracks are wicked rare and unfindable unless you're kind of odd, have few friends, aren't invited to family functions - then you find them where others just can't.

The movie did mention how they come to trophy hunt on Earth only so often. One wonders if they have like a Sasquatch/Predator Fish and Game commission on their planet and are concerned about overcrowding on Earth and will have a Human Cull Hunt soon - no season, no limit. That would suck bad, but I'd survive and y'all would die, so not that bad. I bet they (Sasqu/Preds) are always pissed at their Fish and Game just like we all are, telling them what planet they can and cannot hunt on, etc.. I could go on...

If you haven't seen Predator with Arnold, Jessi Ventura, Carl Weathers, you're not a man.

The worst crime of all is that the International Society of Cryptozoology, established in 1982 by excellent people, is now shut down due to lack of funds (look it up). They were this close (imagine thumb and index finger really close together with my eye squinted behind it) to documenting all these undocumented creatures.
None of you get it....wake up!

The movie Predator had it right - they're not "of this world", they come from outer space with crazy awesome technology that allows them to sense trail cameras, also a light weight "foot print filler inner" machine and cloaking device. They didn't show the foot print filler inner in the movie, were afraid to let that cat out of the bag. These technologies and their outer-space-origins are why there were pictures of them when no one had cameras and now there are zero pictures of them when there are cameras every - freaking -where: trail, satellite, hippies with them, gender fluid people walking in the outdoors have them, hunters, cameras are Ev.Ry.Where!!! This is also why tracks are wicked rare and unfindable unless you're kind of odd, have few friends, aren't invited to family functions - then you find them where others just can't.

The movie did mention how they come to trophy hunt on Earth only so often. One wonders if they have like a Sasquatch/Predator Fish and Game commission on their planet and are concerned about overcrowding on Earth and will have a Human Cull Hunt soon - no season, no limit. That would suck bad, but I'd survive and y'all would die, so not that bad. I bet they (Sasqu/Preds) are always pissed at their Fish and Game just like we all are, telling them what planet they can and cannot hunt on, etc.. I could go on...

If you haven't seen Predator with Arnold, Jessi Ventura, Carl Weathers, you're not a man.

The worst crime of all is that the International Society of Cryptozoology, established in 1982 by excellent people, is now shut down due to lack of funds (look it up). They were this close (imagine thumb and index finger really close together with my eye squinted behind it) to documenting all these undocumented creatures.

Predator is quite possibly the single best movie of all time. Definitely top 5, in competition only with films from the 1990s featuring Jean Claude Van Damm, Stallone and Steven Segal. All cinematic masterpieces.

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I have done next to zero research on this topic, so this is a legitimate question: Is there any evidence whatsoever (other than supposed eyewitness accounts and folk tales) of the existence of these creatures? Any actual physical evidence?

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Look into Scott Carpenter’s YouTube videos on sasquatch DNA with the Sasquatch Genome Project. He got samples and with the funding and other samples from David Paulides (missing 411) they sent these to a Veterinary Geneticist named Melba Ketchum. Her work concluded Nuclear DNA which comes from the father was unknown to Gen Bank and the mother which produces mitochondrial DNA was human. Gen Bank is the collaboration of every participating countries genetic samples from everything living. So in other words her conclusion was human hybrid. It’s wild bro.
I just talked myself out of a 28 Nosler, but now you all have me convinced that I need one 🤣.

We definitely need @16Bore on this thread.

I just bought a Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan in .454 Casull because I don’t want to ever feel as vulnerable as that trip in Colorado. I didn’t enjoy that feeling.
I just bought a Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan in .454 Casull because I don’t want to ever feel as vulnerable as that trip in Colorado. I didn’t enjoy that feeling.
+1 nice choice. I also like having a revolver when I go in the woods... Bigfoot or not, it’s a good safety measure against animals that we know exist.