Sad day for Canadian gun owners

This whole thing is a s%^& show, only think I know for sure is that if all gun owners no matter why you have them, sport, competition or just collection, we will end up loosing everything to the turd.
Stand your ground and more importantly stand together.
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It was discovered yesterday by a Canadian gun dealer that there are also other firearms that were not on the "official list" that have been changed to prohibited status. Wolverine Supplies was the one who noticed them. So that's neat.
The RCMP are changing the status of around 15 guns to prohibited that weren’t on the original list. They aren’t even announcing it. They are also reportedly posing as fake buyers/sellers to catch licensed gun owners trying to buy or sell newly prohibited guns that they may or may not be actually aware are prohibited.
Seems reasonable, make something illegal and not tell anyone then arrest people unaware of the laws you just made.
Police state?
How did we get to a place where the people paid to enforce the laws are now able to make laws?

I truly believe the Canada I knew has died.
How did we get to a place where the people paid to enforce the laws are now able to make laws?

I truly believe the Canada I knew has died.

Kind of like many governors in the US are doing right now.

As corrupt as the legal system has become here, at least we still have a chance in court with the Constitution as a primer...although a better chance if you are rich and have political connections.

Hopefully the courts will offer some respite for Canadians.
So bumping this back up, IBM has been awarded the government contract to put together a buy back program.

I wonder if they will use some of the knowledge they gained helping the Nazis round up the Jews...

Could you fine American brothers please boycott IBM for getting into the firearm confiscation game?
All handgun transfers were frozen today in Canada. No more buying or selling unless you are involved in something like the olympics or sell to LEO. Since the legally owned handguns in Canada are registered, it will be harder to lose them in a boating accident. When you die, there’s no transferring to your kids or other loved ones. They will be confiscated. So although the transfers are frozen, it’s just a confiscation that takes awhile.

My real question though is how will the gang members without handguns be able to get one to protect themselves now against the gang members that already have them?
There is a legal challenge being put together by the Canadian Coalition for Firearms Rights and a retailer has just announced they are also taking legal action. For info from the retailer you can go here;
They have a link to a go fund me to help with legal costs where they set a goal of $50K yesterday afternoon and less than 24 hours later they have just over $45k donated. Other retailers have donated to them as well as a US supplier. I think this may have united the Canadian gun community more than the Lieberal(communist) party of Canada had anticipated.
How long until Trudeau shuts this down?

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Liberalism is a disease
I wish we could undo the left's hijacking of the term "liberal". They aren't liberal at all.

How long until Trudeau shuts this down?

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You mean freeze peoples bank accounts that oppose him? That would never happen….oh wait, it already did.
The court cases are going on still. Some half decent positive news is that the woman at the head of the anti gun movement, Wendy something was not allowed to be a part of the trial as an intervener. Basically someone who argues for one side.
On a side note, how long are y'all planning on keeping that little prick, Trudeau?
Who knows. Right now they have a minority government propped up by the other nut job lefty party, the New Democratic Party (NDP). In the last election the Conservative Party of Canada actually received the popular vote but they way the ridings are laid out the liberals won more seats.
Funny one of the Turd’s campaign promises before he was first elected was electoral reform so the seats would be more fair. Now that it’s working for them, no soup for you!
I should add that the handgun transfer freeze was also done with an order in council (OIC) the same way the 2020 bans were done. No debate, no votes in parliament, just a king’s/dictator’s decree.