Sad day for Canadian gun owners

Gun control has always been about CONTROL. Control of the "peasants" by the ruling class. Just imagine how many authoritarian liberal political leaders would have already taken ALL your guns if they could have. They're still trying to in certain states like VA. I'm sure the folks in Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Taiwan, etc. would love to be able to fight back against decades of oppression.

As T. Jefferson said... "what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? let them take arms. ......the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants.

One can make an argument that by having a heavily armed population it actually makes the country much more safer and stable. Peace through strength.. weakness breeds chaos. This has been proven continuously through the history of mankind.

One thing the government almost never does is relinquish control. Anytime they take control, they keep that control. Never in history has the government made a habit of relinquishing control back to people, once they’ve taken it. This goes for any government.
Also, for those who aren't familiar with our current situation- the Liberals are a minority government. This means they don't have the seats/votes to pass legislation without some sort of support by one of the other political parties. They got around this, in the midst of a pandemic suspended parliament, by using a very rarely used clause in Canadian politics, the Order in Council. Basically, Trudeau signed it into law on his own. Completely bypassing parliamentary process. It absolutely smacks of totalitarianism.

Under the Obama admin we had fears over a similar process. In the US a sitting president can write law through what is known as an “Executive Order”. This is a means of bypassing congress. (There is a little more to it, but this is the basic idea). For most presidents it is something that is measured according to public sentiment, usually. After the Sandy Hook school shooting Obama was threatening Executive Orders to ban certain types of firearms. Thankfully the pushback from the public was strong. Thankfully.
I will address the disrespectful guys once more I guess, hopefully this will be the last time and we can move on.

There has been a few guys so far in this thread that seem to think Canadians or Canada is a joke. I travel for work sometimes in the USA and have a work visa so I meet a lot of Americans. For the most part you are wonderful people however there seems to be a certain percentage of idiots just like any group.

There's stupid comments like the one above, I've been to sporting events in the USA wearing my home team's sweater (yeah it's a freaking hockey sweater!) and had my national anthem booed, I've been told Canadians are really just Americans because we live in North America etc.

Those of you who act that way fail to realize just how closely our countries are intertwined. Both of my Grandfathers served in WW2. One of which patroled the pacific side and protected your country so much that he collected a US pension because of it. Or my brother in law who is currently in the Canadian Air Force has been stationed in several locations across the USA and works side by side with his American counterparts. Myself I've never been in military or law enforcement but I've been to Alaska, Alabama, California and Florida and worked on many law enforcement helicopters so they can stay out there keeping people safe.

When you make make syrup jokes, or boo our national anthem, or any other stupid comments like that, you are disrespecting all of us.

Both of our countries have some really great people and some great aspects to them. Both of our countries have some work to do in some areas as well.

Stop being a hoser eh!

Calm down and have a donut eh.
But I do feel for ya. My grandmother was from AB
I haven't read all the posts, but did read the new "laws" these are some interested quotes from it. also it continually states that these weapon are able to shoot semi auto with large capacity magazines.....ironically our magazines are limited to 5 you could have 1 million round magazine.....but it will be modified to only hold 5 rounds...pretty much sums up how dumb they are.

Here are the quotes, basically saying these weapons have been decided that they are not for hunting or sporting, you must hand them in by April 30th. But first nations can keep theirs so that they can hunt with them....

Then it goes on to break down how gun crimes have affected men as a group and women as a group....but then states that first nations are the #1 victim homicide involving guns.

A few years ago the RCMP's stats were released (they were not releasing them due to people pulling the race card) That they found the majority of murdered victims on reserves where in fact killed by their own family or loved ones.......this of course blew up into a race thing...ironically why they hadn't wanted to release it.
So I am assuming that there is a good chance firearms were used

"The prohibited firearms are tactical and/or military-style firearms and are not reasonable for hunting or sport shooting. Individuals may have used some of the listed firearms for hunting purposes on the basis that they were previously classified as non-restricted firearms. In addition, some of the listed firearms may have been used by individuals for sport shooting on the basis that they have been classified as restricted or non-restricted. However, the fact that these firearms are sometimes used for hunting or sport shooting does not supersede the fact that they were built with the intent to be used by the military and are capable of killing a large number of people in a short period of time. Due to the public safety concerns posed by these firearms, they are not reasonable for use in Canada for hunting or sport shooting purposes."

"Recognizing that some Indigenous and sustenance hunters could be using previously non-restricted firearms for their hunting and may be unable to replace these firearms immediately, the Amnesty Order includes provisions for the limited use of these firearms for such purposes."

"Indigenous persons are victims of homicides involving firearms at a much higher rate than the Canadian population and this figure appears to be increasing. The total number of Indigenous victims of firearms-related homicides rose from 10.4% in 2014 to 13.5% in 2016."

this is but a breadcrumb of how insane it is. Pro and Anti gun people should be upset about it

BTW SKS's are still all good, $250 at the local Canadiantire and Cabelas :rolleyes:
Hey man - stop getting defensive and the teasing will stop. It’s all in fun. I enjoy Canada - outside the politics and French influence it’s a neat place.

ohh, one last point - appreciate what your country did/does aligning with ours militarily, BUT if it wasn’t for my grandfathers and their buddies, you would be speaking German/Russian/Japanese...

Canada burned down the White house.... sorry about that.
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I didn't want to reply anymore I've made my point already but I will address this since it is a little bigger than just Canada getting insulted;

ohh, one last point - appreciate what your country did/does aligning with ours militarily, BUT if it wasn’t for my grandfathers and their buddies, you would be speaking German/Russian/Japanese...

I would suggest reading some history books other than some made in the USA history. Much of the world was at war and giving great sacrifices long before the USA got involved. Comments like that are arrogant and disrespectful to all the other countries that fought for what was right at that time. Hollywood and American history books do not teach the whole story of WW2.

This is way off the rails, I'm probably going to regret hitting the reply button.
I didn't want to reply anymore I've made my point already but I will address this since it is a little bigger than just Canada getting insulted;

I would suggest reading some history books other than some made in the USA history. Much of the world was at war and giving great sacrifices long before the USA got involved. Comments like that are arrogant and disrespectful to all the other countries that fought for what was right at that time. Hollywood and American history books do not teach the whole story of WW2.

This is way off the rails, I'm probably going to regret hitting the reply button.
Lol...people try to forget that the Soviets took down Hitler...and the French won the Revolutionary War :p me some Canada, baby (half Manitoban on my mom's side, wife born in Vancouver)...hang in there!
It’s funny, I thought this had gone way off the rails and it was my own fault getting into WW2 but you know who else disarmed his citizens?

Hey man - stop getting defensive and the teasing will stop. It’s all in fun. I enjoy Canada - outside the politics and French influence it’s a neat place.

ohh, one last point - appreciate what your country did/does aligning with ours militarily, BUT if it wasn’t for my grandfathers and their buddies, you would be speaking German/Russian/Japanese...
Yep, you’re a troll.
In colonial times virtually everyone was part of the militia. The bill of rights refers to the "rights of the people" in many of the ammendments to include the 2nd Ammendment. You don't need to read the Federalist papers to know that the rights of the people were not just reserved for the militia.

I feel sorry for Canada, as it will be a necessarily tougher battle trying to maintain their freedoms without some of the same Constitutional and judicial precedent protections that we fortunately have.

As far as sterotypes, 2 out of the 3 friends that I had in college who were from Canada, could be found regularly on Saturday morning drinking beer and eating donuts, while playing street hockey. Coincidence, I think not. :LOL:
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Ive been hunting and fishing and skiing up in Canada 50 years. My only complaint regarding Canadians is that they're too polite. lol. Shame the western provinces really get screwed especially the oil industry and you support the rest of the provinces with Ag, mining timber etc. .

Your Trudeau reminds me of our bumbling man child Obama.

I will address the disrespectful guys once more I guess, hopefully this will be the last time and we can move on.

There has been a few guys so far in this thread that seem to think Canadians or Canada is a joke. I travel for work sometimes in the USA and have a work visa so I meet a lot of Americans. For the most part you are wonderful people however there seems to be a certain percentage of idiots just like any group.

There's stupid comments like the one above, I've been to sporting events in the USA wearing my home team's sweater (yeah it's a freaking hockey sweater!) and had my national anthem booed, I've been told Canadians are really just Americans because we live in North America etc.

Those of you who act that way fail to realize just how closely our countries are intertwined. Both of my Grandfathers served in WW2. One of which patroled the pacific side and protected your country so much that he collected a US pension because of it. Or my brother in law who is currently in the Canadian Air Force has been stationed in several locations across the USA and works side by side with his American counterparts. Myself I've never been in military or law enforcement but I've been to Alaska, Alabama, California and Florida and worked on many law enforcement helicopters so they can stay out there keeping people safe.

When you make make syrup jokes, or boo our national anthem, or any other stupid comments like that, you are disrespecting all of us.

Both of our countries have some really great people and some great aspects to them. Both of our countries have some work to do in some areas as well.

Stop being a hoser eh!

I love going to near by Canada to fly fish, hunt, ski and have been going up to Canada for almost 50 years and My dad took me up there eon first fishing trip when I was %.
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Yes when the rona stuff started happening I was asked by a few people-how do you get a gun license or how do you get a gun? All of them were anti gun before.

I had to explain that in Canada to get a gun you need to do the following;

1. Take a two day firearm safety course with both a written and practical handling test at the end.
2. Submit application to the RCMP
3. Minimum 30 day wait
4. Do phone interview with RCMP
5. Have your two references on your application you've known for at least 5 years do phone interviews with the RCMP
6. Wait for them to mail out your license.


7. Go buy a non restricted rifle


8. Go buy a restricted rifle or any handgun
9. Wait for the registered firearm to be transferred into your name through the RCMP
10. Only be allowed to take it to the range to shoot.

At this point the look of disappointment on their faces is almost worth the hassle I go through to own guns in Canada. Almost.

EDIT: I should ad the application asks a lot of personal stuff obviously and includes a criminal records/ background check. After you have a license, you are run through the system every 24 hours to make sure you haven't done anything that would be bad.
Not quite that involved but, same thing happened here in California. Anti gun libs had their panties in a bunch when they realized they just couldn't walk in with money and out with a gun. Maybe they finally realized "it's too easy to buy a gun" mantra the antis chant is BS. But I doubt it.

Good luck to you all.
407,000 Americans killed
42,000 Canadians killed

That’s what my American history books tell me. Ohh, and we won the war

not to get into your spitting match, but yes It is true America did not get into the war until the later part of it.

Also considering the population difference of Canada and America. Canada has always had much fewer people than America, so of course we could not field nor lose as many in battle....That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

The ignorance of people doing the USA is better than Canada or vice versa is the dumbest thing I have ever heard as well. Our relationship is symbiote, if one fails the other will too.

ALSO if you travel the world much you would also realize MANY countries have their own stories of bravery and sacrifice during those wars, it is not just America, nor Canada.

To say America on its own won the war is complete ignorance of world events,