Sad day for Canadian gun owners

Yes by accident or maybe not. I have to get out my deadly over/under I use a few times a year destroying helpless pieces of clay and measure the bore with the chokes out. I might have a prohibited O/U.

it’s pretty funny my O/U may be prohibited but my 870 with a 14” barrel is still good to pack around because it doesn’t have removable chokes. It even has a holographic laser guided heat seaking reflex destroyer sight on it! I wonder if I could make it shoot murder hornets too?
Has anyone mentioned that they have banned 12 Guage shotguns with removable chokes?

For Immediate Release: Trudeau and Blair BAN 12 Gauge and 10 Gauge SHOTGUNS!

They banned shotguns last week. Read it.
Understood. And we are so far from that today it's not even arguable. It's a true pipe dream for some to think they could defend themselves against the weapons today's military has. But that doesn't keep some people from livin' the dream.

I don't agree with this, even in the slightest. Have you been in the military? Do you know how many will follow unconstitutional orders if there is no resistance vs. following those orders when going against some resistance?...resistance which makes the troops do things that they know are unconstitutional and against their oath? That is the beauty of a volunteer military force. Unlike many politicians and bureaucrats, the majority of troops take their oath to the Constitution seriously.

And the people would not just be a guerrilla force, but that same military is made up of our own sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, etc. Also, we are the actual logistics supply for that same you think they are just going to destroy their own logistics supply without a second thought?

Have you seen how things go here domestically, when just a few people can defend themselves? It may not have helped the people in Waco or Ruby Ridge to be armed, but look at the push back that happened for years as the result of those actions. Unarmed, those people would have been rolled up by the ATF (or IRS, FBI, etc in the past) and thrown in jail without anyone knowing about the govt's overreach, and the govt would have just become further emboldened. Also, all areas of this country have a sheriff which can stand up against the Feds when they over reach, but it seems like an armed standoff with the feds is often when the sheriff first gets notified or involved.
I don't agree with this, even in the slightest. Have you been in the military? Do you know how many will follow unconstitutional orders if there is no resistance vs. following those orders when going against some resistance?...resistance which makes the troops do things that they know are unconstitutional and against their oath? That is the beauty of a volunteer military force. Unlike many politicians and bureaucrats, the majority of troops take their oath to the Constitution seriously.

And the people would not just be a guerrilla force, but that same military is made up of our own sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, etc. Also, we are the actual logistics supply for that same you think they are just going to destroy their own logistics supply without a second thought?

Have you seen how things go here domestically, when just a few people can defend themselves? It may not have helped the people in Waco or Ruby Ridge to be armed, but look at the push back that happened for years as the result of those actions. Unarmed, those people would have been rolled up by the ATF (or IRS, FBI, etc in the past) and thrown in jail without anyone knowing about the govt's overreach, and the govt would have just become further emboldened. Also, all areas of this country have a sheriff which can stand up against the Feds when they over reach, but it seems like an armed standoff with the feds is often when the sheriff first gets notified or involved.
Keep dreaming. While you're at it, thrust your weapon in the air and yell "WOLVERINES!" for full effect. ;)

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So Canadians, you gonna turn them in?

Regarding some of the 2A interpretations that I have seen in this thread, It obviously can be interpreted in many ways.

The "well regulated", as far as I have researched is meant as "well timed, trained". The first half is explaining why the militia is important to a free society. The operative clause is the second part, spelling out what is necessary for the Prefatory clause to be possible.
I've been told that the gun registry of all the Canadian guns and owners was lost when the blew out a server 5 years ago. So any guns purchased 5 years or more ago they don't have any records of. This is coming from my brother in law that used to live in Canada. Anyone know if this is true? If so, no point in turning in a bunch of unregistered firearms.
Understood. And we are so far from that today it's not even arguable. It's a true pipe dream for some to think they could defend themselves against the weapons today's military has. But that doesn't keep some people from livin' the dream.

What are you basing this opinion on? What modern day insurgencies have you seen first hand?
So Canadians, you gonna turn them in?

Regarding some of the 2A interpretations that I have seen in this thread, It obviously can be interpreted in many ways.

The "well regulated", as far as I have researched is meant as "well timed, trained". The first half is explaining why the militia is important to a free society. The operative clause is the second part, spelling out what is necessary for the Prefatory clause to be possible.
But that still doesn't matter really, because the definition of "arms" is what's important here.
I've been told that the gun registry of all the Canadian guns and owners was lost when the blew out a server 5 years ago. So any guns purchased 5 years or more ago they don't have any records of. This is coming from my brother in law that used to live in Canada. Anyone know if this is true? If so, no point in turning in a bunch of unregistered firearms.
There is a TON of unregistered firearms since the Conservatives cancel this stupid thing few years ago,Quebec made his own and isn't working good either and there a ton of peoples who doesn't registered anyways and ITS A GOOD THING,i will not turn my weapons and i will not register my weapons, enough is enough of their Gestapo sh*t!!

So this is half true,the server doesn't blow Up this js just not up to date,old stuff,so if i sold or bought weapons in this time the Liberals don't even know what i have now.

They have an agenda and it looks scary.If i look at California and other states you guys looks to have some problems too?

Envoyé de mon Pixel 2 en utilisant Tapatalk
We were talking about it at work the other day and an employee said he was ok with Canada outlawing ARs. Keep in mind that he owns a semiauto pistol which he thinks is perfectly fine. He said that it would save lives so that made it ok. I told him if that is his measuring stick he needs to walk to work and outlaw alcohol. He had no response. .
There is a TON of unregistered firearms since the Conservatives cancel this stupid thing few years ago,Quebec made his own and isn't working good either and there a ton of peoples who doesn't registered anyways and ITS A GOOD THING,i will not turn my weapons and i will not register my weapons, enough is enough of their Gestapo sh*t!!

So this is half true,the server doesn't blow Up this js just not up to date,old stuff,so if i sold or bought weapons in this time the Liberals don't even know what i have now.

They have an agenda and it looks scary.If i look at California and other states you guys looks to have some problems too?

Envoyé de mon Pixel 2 en utilisant Tapatalk
Ok that makes sense. Yes we have Commies living on the East and West coast.
I don't agree with this, even in the slightest. Have you been in the military? Do you know how many will follow unconstitutional orders if there is no resistance vs. following those orders when going against some resistance?...resistance which makes the troops do things that they know are unconstitutional and against their oath? That is the beauty of a volunteer military force. Unlike many politicians and bureaucrats, the majority of troops take their oath to the Constitution seriously.

And the people would not just be a guerrilla force, but that same military is made up of our own sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, etc. Also, we are the actual logistics supply for that same you think they are just going to destroy their own logistics supply without a second thought?

Have you seen how things go here domestically, when just a few people can defend themselves? It may not have helped the people in Waco or Ruby Ridge to be armed, but look at the push back that happened for years as the result of those actions. Unarmed, those people would have been rolled up by the ATF (or IRS, FBI, etc in the past) and thrown in jail without anyone knowing about the govt's overreach, and the govt would have just become further emboldened. Also, all areas of this country have a sheriff which can stand up against the Feds when they over reach, but it seems like an armed standoff with the feds is often when the sheriff first gets notified or involved.

Of course he has never served.