Sadly no second amendment type thing...
Australia, NZ, now Canada.
what do they have in common??
Australia, NZ, now Canada.
what do they have in common??
Sadly no second amendment type thing...
The problem government has with people who have lived with freedom, is they know those people will die at the notion to keep it. Doesn't matter where it is. However, its the constant chipping away in little pieces that accomplishes slavery to those same patriots. At some point, the threat of force in return will have to be recognized in order to get a fair chance at a fair life. And, after seeing this run down of happening in the states over covid 19, we aren't far from Canad's predicament.Somebody needs to tell the king that those rights are “unalienable”. The 2nd Amendment and the rest of the bill of rights are just words on paper. The rights protected by it don’t come from government permission. At least that’s what some men truly believed in 1776. I’d like to think there plenty of us that still do.
OK, that comment right there is more than payback for the "largest national park" thing.
ferfuksake...... 2nd Amendment "type thing".....
That "type thing" is part of the Bill of Rights, an amendment to the US Constitution. It is the single most important legal document ever written by man. It's why russian, chinese or german isn't the universal language of this planet. It produced a population who fiercely guarded their freedom and were willing to fight for the freedom of others.
That "type thing" is part of the Bill of Rights, an amendment to the US Constitution. It is the single most important legal document ever written by man. It's why russian, chinese or german isn't the universal language of this planet. It produced a population who fiercely guarded their freedom and were willing to fight for the freedom of others.
No offense to you personally & I don't know what your true feelings are BUT...It's an interesting topic. Obviously they can still have and use the same weapons they've used for hunting and handguns as well. No regular person has ever needed more than that in any situation if they happen to have a gun on them and can use it outside of the LA Bank Robbers. I know people are going to try to throw some hypotheticals and some crazy one-offs that have nothing to do with anything. I'm talking about your average first world citizen.
Probably. It’s a heated time right now in the KBC household. Emotions and intent are so hard to convey sometimes in text. I’ll leave my comments unedited so people can see me being an ass.