
I'm "excited" that it will be a monstrosity of abnormal colors and that there is design intent behind the execution of its form (pin). The weight is nice as well, but the colors...

I'll put it on a switch barrel Tikka that I use for drop testing. I believe I'm one of two who actually has done this on video, and broke a stock, therefore I should win.

Credentials ---->

Apparently I'm doing an official Rokslide review for the Maven RS1.2 as well, with said rifle and testing, but I do not know how to meme.
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I would put it on a Tikka that is going from 25 PRC to 6UM. The excitement is two-fold:

1) This is the last new hunting rifle i will put together. ( I know i have lied about this many times in the past, but I promise)

2) I won't get teased by my 10 year old for being Rick-Rolled trying to pre-order really fast!
Apparently I'm doing an official Rokslide review for the Maven RS1.2 as well, with said rifle and testing, but I do not know how to meme.
Maybe the comb angle will help me duck the flying AR10 brass from the idiot asshole at the next bench obliviously flinging brass down the line of benches w/o so much as an apology or having been a courteous feller and taken the available bench at the end of the line? <That is why I rarely go to shooting benches. :p

I'm certainly intrigued and will grab one to try on one of my tikka fleet, curious to see how it fits the kiddos in terms of ergonomics, maybe they might just get it on "their" 243win... (don't mind daddy shooting a couple deer with it too this year after seeing it smack down some critters).

Is the "gold" more of an orange color? That swatch looked more orange than piss yellow, if its closer to orange I can see the appeal, make sure I don't leave my rifle in the woods for some other rokslider to find and seek to return to me. :)
I’m most excited that this stock will be the final link that will make me a good hunter. First elk, here I come! Those colors look like they'll have the animals walking up to check out what the hell it is that I’m walking around with.

If I’m fortunate enough to beat out the other 2537 guys looking to buy these, it’s going on a .300 WSM stainless Superlite with MBM Little Beast break threaded, blended and bead blasted by Echelon Rifles (Rokslide sponsor. Great to deal with).
Being a South Paw I cannot express to you how big of a deal it is finally having a legitimate left hand option for the Tikka, I don't even own a Tikka yet; the lack of after market stock options in left hand is largely what has kept me away from them. I still want to build a full custom someday but I think the Tikka platform will be great affordable way to have a "training rifle" 223 or similar for plinking, coyote's and deer then hopefully a couple of larger calibers for larger game that have the same ergonomics.

Current Build Plan Specs:
Tikka T3X superlight 6.5 CM cut to 20" (until I can get a 18" barrel)
TBAC Ultra 5
UM Tikka rings & Level
Scope, undecided possibly SWFA or NF - picky about reticle for hunting and haven't found one I am in love with yet ( I know I am weird).
147gr ELDM handloads