Rokslide shed contest?

Dam Ross with all the sheds you collect you should make chandeliers and lamps. People pay big money for those especially now that its getting fashionable for home decor
Cheers Ross, stitches good, but it hurt to laugh, that is a great pic, he would have a real personality I would imagine.
Well I cannot really compete with Magnum and his sherpa Ross but here are a few pics of some bone Avery and I have picked up this spring. Still looking for the right side of the big 7.

Some great looking antlers there mate, your dog looks like he would be a handy accet, never tire of looking at hunting dogs enjoying themselves.
Nick awesome pics and loving that stud7! You and Avery have done well keep at it we have a few weeks left before the heavy greenup

A hot day yielded some nice ones and a freebie moose paddle in the melting snow back to match them up this weekend;)
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Ross, 5 bucks says you win the contest. It maybe a chewed up 5 bucks though.

What pack are you using in those pictures?
That is the horn hunter full is very comfy and you can stack sheds on it nicely.....are you friends with the game warden as the five buks you refer to sounds familiar?
Something to the effect , Shanty rent is cheap in these parts.

He has a license # to call in to F&G.