Rokslide shed contest?

little 6x6 match. I will post more later thats all the pics I have for now.
Heres another 6600 foot Elk shed, I wish I could have found the bottom part of it. The pack is a loaded KU3700.


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Avery had a pretty good couple days last week. The first day was great found 5 fresh elk sheds and an old Muley. I decided to head back in two days later to snatch up a white elk shed I glassed on the first day but didn't have time to go further back in and get. Lets just say we didn't expect to find a pack full that day also. Stole the sheds on the rock idea from Ross, just so happened to find them right next to a perfect one. Thanks Ross. Pic heavy.

Over loaded the pic total so here is the second day out. Few ridges further in but same group of bulls a you can see from the first day just a year and two old. Definitely have to get back in and match them all up in the next couple weeks. Ross don't worry I'm patenting a HH dog pack, these two are getting off way to easy these days.


Found this at the archery shoot today. Over 400 people have probably walked that area in 2 years, and I found it!
GonDeep and Avery some sensational finds there. Not sure on the dogs getting off too light though, our mates certainly do a power of work in the field, that many hunters do not understand.
Haha! Better? I'm just happy to see that your little pack survived the short trip out... :p

I'll be stopping by the ranch for my sheds when I get outta here... :D
Thanx Jager and you are exactly right. I can only imagine the miles they put on at the end of the day. Two of the browns from the first day and four of the whites from the second belong soli to him. Wouldn't trade him for anything.
Shed season is officially over in this neck of the out a few more times with limited luck and the brush has gotten to high....time to start practicing with the bow and went by one of my meat poles from last year for some luck in 90+ days! Time to plan the hunt for the big GUY and set up some cameras soon:)

Great season and great pics Ross, I enjoyed them immensely. Magnum and yourself definitely have it figured out. Look forward to hearing about your up coming success this fall.
Well it's time to send in the Kenetraks for a makeover and focus on this falls hit list I guess. Here is Avery and I's last venture out, pretty hard finding with the greenery but was a good day for a walk non the less.

You people with dogs are cheaters!

This is a downhill only load. Downhill only. Not very smart in hindsight.
