Rokslide shed contest?

Elk are starting to drop around here but really only the heavy horns. I'd say about 75% of bulls are still packing. Found a few so far...

Nice find! Where abouts are you? Buddy of mine found a 325" set last week and says there's lots of bones on the ground now... he's down around 39.

PICT1177 (2).jpgWe went out yesterday for a few hours to try to find the matchs to the ones we found a couple weeks ago and found these
No elk sheds yet for us
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my first of the year, elk that is . couldn't find the other side but ill be back. some thick crap this guy is living in. also watched a 6x6 for about a half hour still packing both sides. seems like there hanging on a little longer this year around here for some reason. but next weekend is spring bear and theres always sheds to be picked up during that season


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Littlebuf , l like your "gently used" hunting truck. It looks like mine with a few dents and just throw the shed on the hood :).
that thing is beat to rat $%!t I love it. few years ago I spun out on a ice covered bridge in mid January at about 4 am on my way to go bobcat hunting. ripped the bumper half off and pushed it back into the wheel well. like any good hunter I ripped it the rest of the way off, kicked the fender well out so it wasn't hitting the tire and threw the bumper in the back of the truck and went bob cat hunting. I don't know why my wife doesn't want me to buy a new rig for hunting...
We had a thread on buying a new truck and I argued that we all need a compact beater truck to hunt out of. Drive down a pig trail ? Sure , why not ! Your dog is wet and muddy , hop in boy ! That creek looks a little deep , what if water gets in the cab long as it don't get over the intake it's all good :D
Took my horn pointer out this morning.


Good at finding bone, but hell if I can teach it to retireve. Luckily they work well as a team.


Actually I put in some miles yesterday after shooting sage-grouse. Only found one dink.

mtmiller- that picture with the grouse is the coolest ATL pic I think I have ever seen...awesome!!!

I was re-arranging my man-cave yesterday so I took a pic of one of my best set of deer sheds. I love the charactor of this old buck.

Here's a side-by-side of his previous year's. He put on an additional ~15 inches, going from a mid 180 to just over 200"
My Buddy Brian and I finally hiked into a Smoker bull that has CRAZY mass..........1 stud bull for sure.......the beers went down easily after today:)

That's it my haul so far. Saw three bulls still packing both sides this morning so there is still hope for me


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Along day in a great spot only yielded one fresh shed...the wolves had the elk scattered all over.....
I think Ross and Magnum are running away with this contest. Even though you only got one lonely shed I bet it beat the heck out of going to work !