Reluctantly Obliging Matt Rinella


Aug 9, 2020
I don’t consider money towards conservation projects “dollars lost”. They could have sent a vet or first responder on the hunt and I still wouldn’t say it was “dollars lost”.
Bank rolling for a famous snowboarder to hunt private land elk is wasted or lost money IMO.
Worth every penny if he goes home and tells all his buds we aren't actually a bunch of fudds out killing everything that moves like hunters are portrayed in most media since bambi, there's nothing wrong with taking a vet or a first responder by any means but taking a boarder bro or football player will go a long way in helping sway public opinion in our favor in the long run from people that are ignorant to our culture I don't see any value in trying to recruit somebody that's already on your team. To me that's like the alternative energy folks going after "big oil" when big oil puts more R&D into alternatives than just about anyone because they understand it is a finite resource and would still like to be making billions when it runs out it's just good business sense.
I grew up hearing hound hunters aren't hunters, it's cheating, it's not sportsmanship, it should be illegal, and I believed it because nobody in my circle hunted that way, a couple years ago I started still hunting and sharing public land with houndsmen and three years of exposure to albeit stand offish at first, the most dedicated, nice, down to earth people, you'll ever meet my mind has been changed there's nothing "easy" about it, it requires time, dedication, practice, tons of level headedness, and experience in order to attain any level of measurable success anyone that says otherwise has either A never done it or B went out one time with someone who already put in the leg work so to speak and made it look easy, You can't just buy a dog and turn it out and expect a bear in a tree in 30 minutes or even two years for that matter no more than you can buy a 6.5 CM and never put in trigger time and expect a 500 yard dead in his tracks kill shot but there's lots of guys here that can make that look easy to after they've spent hundreds of hours on a range and behind a reloading bench.
It's threads like these that scare me because they make me realize it's not organizations like PETA that's our life styles biggest enemy it's ourselves skater boy will probably never buy another tag again outside of maybe a guided hunt but the story he tells about the people and places when he gets home will last for decades and I don't want to be the sphincter button character that ruins that story for my son to deal with 20 years from now. And if I ever do see the skater skeeter in some deep dark hole staring at a downed critter going well now what? I'll help him pack it out same as I would for anyone else.


Nov 12, 2020
Much more to the story. They forget to mention that they paid for this DB snowboarder in the range of 20-30 k to go elk hunting. All the newbs won’t realize this marketing scheme and think elk hunting is easily and crowd the wild places and take our opportunities away even more.

I’ve owned some Sitka pieces for 8-10 years. While I won’t throw them in the trash I def won’t be buying anymore.
What is DB?


Jun 16, 2016
Typically when people have false expectations, for example watching a 30k tag and thinking it's the same as an otc experience...they tend to quit way sooner then someone that knows what they signed up i judt don't understand the argument how show casing a 30k tag on a film is bad for hunting

If anything the false advertising is bad for hunter recruiting, which is what Matt wants


Mar 16, 2016
Typically when people have false expectations, for example watching a 30k tag and thinking it's the same as an otc experience...they tend to quit way sooner then someone that knows what they signed up i judt don't understand the argument how show casing a 30k tag on a film is bad for hunting

If anything the false advertising is bad for hunter recruiting, which is what Matt wants
I would say that typically what happens in your case is that those individuals don't quit. They turn around and advocate for OTC tags to be reduced/eliminated.
Aug 9, 2021
Brian call -"if your someone that complains about competition, your a bitch, and your gona lose"

Typically dont like gritty but i guess we semi aline on this topic, wish he wouldn't have posted the video tho 🤣
I listened to that and I generally like Call’s stuff but yeah that was a bit much.

What was the video he was referring to?


Jan 10, 2018
The only Hunt Quietly podcast I listened to was Larry's posted a couple weeks ago. Thank God Matt didn't host that one and it was a great listen. Because I listened to that one, after another podcast I was listening to yesterday finished, it automatically started a hunt quietly episode after. It was the episode discussing Cam Hanes and Rogan talking about Matt. It was only 12 minutes and I listened to that Rogan episode, so I figured it was worth giving Matt an opportunity to share his side and make the necessary points. I was able to make it halfway through before having to shut it off. I simply cannot listen to the whining about people shooting more than one animal. On top of that, any hunter that claims that even with all the money in the world that they would sit on their thumbs because their freezer is already full is on such an insufferable holier-than-thou high horse that they shouldn't even care what a mere greedy barbaric peasant like me that wants to kill more than one animal a year thinks. Either you're full of yourself or a liar - seems like he'd make a great social media star with either of those personalities.

That was strike three for me. I'm out on the hunt quietly thing. If he really wants this movement to take off (the core of it has some great legs and points), I'd highly recommend he walks away and passes the torch.
I couldn't agree more on Jim being a great host. I echo the same sentiment another commenter posted about how Matt tends to speak in hyperbole and his point is much like swallowing pills without water, it's hard to get past the taste, but it is helpful at its core.


Mar 1, 2019
I’m still kinda on the fence but I will say I have to agree with some of what I think he is trying to get at. More access would definitely be ok with me.


Oct 30, 2023
Enjoy it. They make fantastic gear. It's kind of the in thing to hate on Sitka and call those who wear it "fanboys." My loyalty starts with my wallet. I will buy what works for me. Having used several manufacturers, Sitka checks the most boxes for what I want in a hunting clothing line. But if someone else comes along and checks more, I'll jump ship in a second.
I'll second that! Sitka gear isn't cheap, and because of that I probably deliberate more than I should on everything I buy from them. That said, I zero regrets on any purchases I have made, and I don't have to agree with their total marketing strategy to believe in their product. They aren't entitled to my business, there is plenty of competition out there.


May 27, 2024
I gave him the benefit of the doubt and listened to a few of his messages. not really my jam.

I will go further to say that I find him a bit of a hypocrite. Matt himself was a midwestern deer hunter / outdoorsman that transplanted to Montana to do western hunting and now he doesn’t like that other people are doing the same thing. The only reason I know who he is is because he was on his brothers hunting media show and podcast and now he is down on hunting media but doing his own version.

on top of the hypocrisy, I just don’t find him interesting as a presenter. I will go further to say that some of his tirades are just whacky - Anal health and cell phone usage while on the toilet anyone?

FWIW - I am a big tent guy. I try to recruit and reactivate hunters all the time. I wanna share the woods with billionaires in Gucci flage with $25k custom rifles that they can’t shoot for shit with their soft, creamy hands and callused handed bubbas in carhartt toting their grand daddy's 30/30. I want them all to buy licenses and tags and vote for laws and politicians that will preserve wild spaces. A bigger voice is better IMO and if that means I gotta put up with a few more orange vests on the trail, I will take it.

PS - if Sitka or anyone wants to pay me to hunt, I am all in baby. I have the will to shill. Just slide into my DMs with aNy reasonable offer and I am your man.
I, too, consider myself a big tent guy. However, I also agree with Matt on a lot of issues. I am not against hunting media. I am just against how most hunting media is focused on self-promoting and recruiting for the purpose of selling products. When I think of being a big tent guy, I think the focus should be on making the tent even bigger, not cramming more people into the tent. If these media guys and Instagram hunters would be as focused on conservation and increasing public land access, as well as advocating for more public access on private land programs as they are on selling me First Lite clothes and Kifaru packs and Onx/GoHunt subscriptions, then maybe I'd think their net effect on hunting would be a positive one. But right now, their motives are a self-serving one


May 27, 2024
The whole "avoid the long range craze and keep shots under 500 yards" thing is pretty laughable. I get not wanting people to be sending bullets at animals farther than they should, but 500 yards certainly isn't irresponsible to anyone who practices regularly, has the right equipment, and is semi competent. Again, i understand what he's trying to do, but making a statement like that just rubs me the wrong way.
Accuracy is only one part of that argument. I could nail 700+ shots all day; I am confident and competent at that range. Ethics, in terms of fair chase, come into play as well. Say you were competent and accurate at a mile. Absurd, I know, but is it really hunting at that point? Where is the cutoff? If the animal has no chance to detect you and escape, is it fair chase? Just because you can make a shot doesn't necessarily mean you should.


May 27, 2024
Where shoukd the line be? What is fair for the animal?
That's my question as well. Whatever the number, it is likely to be arbitrary. Personally, I feel like 500 is fair, but I would like to hear from someone with some sort of expertise on the matter to give a number based on some sort of scientific reasoning. I do know that even at 1000 yards, an animal can notice you and not run, but that can also be true at 500.
Aug 9, 2021
Accuracy is only one part of that argument. I could nail 700+ shots all day; I am confident and competent at that range. Ethics, in terms of fair chase, come into play as well. Say you were competent and accurate at a mile. Absurd, I know, but is it really hunting at that point? Where is the cutoff? If the animal has no chance to detect you and escape, is it fair chase? Just because you can make a shot doesn't necessarily mean you should.

Anything within 417 yards is fair chase. Everything after that is just a video game.
Nov 26, 2018
All I know is that whenever I run into a guy wearing all matching gucci camo, I generally go the other direction.


May 27, 2024
I’m drawing attention to the absurdity of picking some number and then expecting others to conform their ethics around it.
Everybody has a number, though, don't they? Most just base that number on how far they can shoot, but it's still an ethical decision. My point is that maybe we should consider more than just how accurate we are at specific distances to determine that ethical number.