Received the Vaccine today...

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Jul 20, 2019
I'm an RN who has been caring for patients since the beginning. I guarantee you there are many, many people who will never be the same after having this virus.
That is your opinion - I am just saying the beginning wasn’t that long ago, we have no idea what long term impacts there will be. If you were really in the medical field you would know that.


Apr 8, 2018
That is your opinion - I am just saying the beginning wasn’t that long ago, we have no idea what long term impacts there will be. If you were really in the medical field you would know that.
I get the point that since it hasn’t been around long enough, it is by definition impossible to know the “long term” effects. But that doesn’t mean there are not known problems short of death. I have “ground glass opacities” in my lungs from the virus. I don’t know what that will mean for me - in the short or long term. But I doubt that it is a positive. And sure that’s one person’s anecdote, but I’m not alone. And there are other post-recovery conditions.

William Hanson (live2hunt)

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Nov 17, 2013
I applaud you all for keeping this thread mostly civil.

I personally got both doses of the Pfizer vaccine with nothing more than a sore shoulder. I work in healthcare and I am exposed fairly often. I got it mostly to help prevent the spread to my family and others. Yes I know that it is not conclusive on whether it can still be spread after being vaccinated or not, but the evidence is strongly mounting in favor of the vaccine decreasing ones chances of spreading the disease. It's similar to hunting the same drainage for 20 years that always holds elk, next year all the evidence from your history there and knowledge that nothing has really changed in the area would indicate that elk will be there again, but until you go there and find the elk next year you can't definitively say for sure. It is very likely to significantly reduce one's likelihood of spreading the virus, just like it's very likely elk will be in that drainage. Also as was mentioned earlier, the long term side effects of COVID-19 can be devastating and even deadly. I'd like to still be hunting the mountains in 10 years instead of confined to an O2 concentrator at home.

I understand the layman being frightened at the vaccine out of ignorance or even maintaining a confirmation bias that they convince themselves is research, but the science behind these vaccines is clear. This is not some government trick to control you.

An acquaintance posted this recently and I thought it was a pretty good explanation:

"This has been researched since the 90s for CV purposes and has been heavily researched for cancer purposes. This existing blue print allowed for scientists to create the mRNA chain without many issues at all.

As for the "it was developed to fast" people.. you have to understand that for each phase of these double blind studies, simultaneous analysis was taking place. This created a real life feedback loop with information. Add in the largest amount of funding we've seen in these fields, and the rest of this writes itself.

While it's not wrong to question things, especially in this field.. questioning previous data and testing it to see if we can replicate it is the foundation of the scientific process. But to flat out be against it when two separate companies yielded a nearly identical solution? These verify each other...

Sure, we will need more data for the mid term and long term, which is being gathered in real time for analysis. I just find it hilarious because many of us are taking pills that have ridiculous side effects, or consume food items and beverages that cause a multitude of issues over time... but sure... let's jump on the "nope" train and give the antivax movement more ammunition.

Everyone is allowed make their own decision, especially when it comes to their health and what they put in their bodies... I just hope many of us are doing our research and not just listening to the masses... or confusing correlation to be causation.."

I could post peer reviewed article after peer reviewed article but it's quite likely mostly won't bother reading them because frankly they're mind numbing.

If you believe in god and have prayed for an answer, why question the answer given? If you are an atheist, why question the science?

Yes it belongs to each and every one of us to choose for ourselves, but if you aren't accustomed to reading and analyzing actual peer reviewed studies, are you really qualified to appropriately break down the information to form an educated conclusion? The scientific consensus is the vaccines work and are relatively safe and I know I'm not qualified to discredit the majority of Doctors and scientists.

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William Hanson (live2hunt)

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Nov 17, 2013
Also important to note only 6% of those deaths had no known underlying conditions.
No that's really not important to note. If you are color blind but die in a plane wreck, did it matter that you were color blind? If there was some consistency with what underlying conditions were affected, you might have a point. Do you know the percentage of americans with any type of underlying health condition?

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Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
Up until a few days ago, I have pretty consistently said that I would get the vaccine when it is available to me. I really don't have any concerns about the virus for me personally (had it and was not impressed), but I prefer not to be the guy spreading it because not everyone would have the same outcome I did. Now I'm hearing you can get the vaccine, but still get and transmit the virus? Could someone with some actual knowledge help clarify the points below?

I understand that the vaccine will take a little time - maybe up to three weeks - to do its thing in your body and that during that time you may be able to contract and transmit the virus. But after that period of time - do you have a 90-95% chance of immunity with the two major vaccines? Meaning, to a layman like me, I don't get the virus and I don't transmit it?

If a caveat to the above is that a person could still carry the virus in their nasal passages thereby making them able to spread the virus in spite of being immune themselves, I can understand that. But is that not such a low risk proposition as to make it barely worth discussing at all? That stinks of fear mongering a little to me, which I get is how news works these days.

I'm just trying to figure out if the vaccine actually protects folks beyond making symptoms milder. If I could get the vaccine, but still be susceptible to the virus and still transmit it, then I'd pass. But if I can get the vaccine and a month later have a pretty good idea that I would not be getting or transmitting the virus, I'd still be on board. There seems to be a lot of mystery around this, but it also seems that a good deal of it could be from misinformation and folks running with a narrative without necessarily having their facts straight.

I'm not particularly interested in long-term effects of either the virus or the vaccine, as it relates the questions posed above.
Simple answer, no one knows.

As of now, recommendations are that you do not change anything after being vaccinated. Still wear a mask, still distance, avoid any crowded spaces etc. It is all speculation at this point.

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Apr 1, 2013
I understand the argument. The difference is getting vaccinated doesnt take anything away from anyone. And I have lots of I also fully support anyone who chooses not to get it. However with 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school, 5 years of residency, and 2 years of fellowship training I would like to think my decision is a fairly educated one. And I dont care if Bill Gates wants to track me. Hope he can track me down in the NWT during my sheep hunt in August. At least that would mean they opened to Canadian border to vaccinated people lol...
Friend of my was hospitalized pretty bad after second dose.

Statistically a low probably, but it’s not exactly safe. This is just one reporting sight.



Dec 10, 2019
That is your opinion - I am just saying the beginning wasn’t that long ago, we have no idea what long term impacts there will be. If you were really in the medical field you would know that.

In fact we actually do have a very good idea of what some of the long term effects are. People that have a rough go or succumb to Covid is typically because they go into ARDS which has been studied a lot yet is very difficult to treat. The ARDS from Covid is not much different than from other diseases that cause ARDS. Pathologicaly the same thing is happening. Long term outcomes of ARDS have been studied and is difficult to recover from.


Sep 29, 2012
Also important to note only 6% of those deaths had no known underlying conditions.
So if one has an underlying condition, we should be fine with them dying prematurely because of that? I can't say I follow the logic there.

Maybe that could be used as a strategy to defend against murder? No big deal if you kill a diabetic or a fat guy because they would have died at some point anyhow?

Yeah, I still don't get it.
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Spike elk

Jun 17, 2012
I would wager that the long term affects of people having their businesses shut down, losing jobs, kids losing over a year of their education, (disproportionately poor kids and minorities who lack parents with the jingle to send them to private schools or hire tutors, etc.) lost opportunities for the same kids via athletic scholarships, higher number of kids dropping out of school, the added issues of the uptick of addiction and suicide, mental and emotional issues, kids who had no place to turn or escape from abuse from crappy homes and everything else shitty that our government handed to us in the name of public safety, will have far more lasting affects than any probable side affect of Covid. But what do I know, I am not in the medical or science field. Just an ignorant dumb azz that needs to blindly follow the sound science that has had Cali pointed in such a great direction or that did such a great job in New York. I had the chance to take the vaccine two weeks ago and passed. I have already had the real deal and am good to go. My dose should go to someone who really feels that they need it. If the vaccine makes people come out from under the bed then that is a good thing. Gotta love probable science, wish it had been around when I was a kid in school, probably would have had better grades.
Nov 10, 2020
But what do I know, I am not in the medical or science field. Just an ignorant dumb azz that needs to blindly follow the sound science

I don’t think anyone here is calling people who aren’t getting vaccinated a dumba**, but it does feel like those of us in the fields of public health and healthcare are constantly seeing objectively false or misleading arguments being used on this site.
I get that this pandemic was politicized like crazy by both sides, but the healthcare experts have been property constant in their advice ever since last summer, it’s only the Media (and yes that includes both left- and right-wing media) distorts their message for more views.
You have the freedom to not take the vaccine, but if you choose that you need to have thick skin for when every expert in the medical field tells you that’s a poorly informed choice (if you know you already had the real thing then I see where you’re coming from, but many people speaking against the vaccine haven’t had it). If I started arguing with all the plumbers on here about the best way to install piping, I’m pretty sure most of the people on this forum would telll me to listen to the guys who know and stay in my lane.
Anyway I feel like the purpose of this thread is to get more anecdotal information on the vaccine, and not to derail it by talking about other measures taken to stop COVID such as shutdowns.
Jul 20, 2019
but the healthcare experts have been property constant in their advice ever since last summer,
This just isn’t true either - healthcare experts have been all over the place with their advice, definitely not consistent. Healthcare experts are not immune to political bias or personal bias. You can find a healthcare expert to say whatever you want them to. I know several doctors, real experienced doctors, who believe there was no reason to shut the economy down or violate constitutional rights to combat a virus with a 99.5% survival rate.

Hopefull all you guys stressed about the .5% and have been vaccinated will still wear masks and be super careful so you don’t pass the flu to somebody that is high risk or has underlying conditions. The flu can kill them as well.
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