question for the elk hunters

Many have provided valuable information to help you on your elk hunt. I will throw in my 2 cents as well.

1. Get in the best shape you can. Depending on the terrain, elk hunting can be extremely difficult and it is hard work, but at the end of the day the only person you have to please is yourself. The better shape your in will allow for a more enjoyable experience and to be out longer and go further. The more time afield the greater opportunity for success. For me this means being out well daylight and back to camp after dark for most hunts. They say a vast majority of elk hunters never see camp in the daylight:)

2. Experiment with many calls and become proficient with them. Elk make a variety of sounds and many sound very odd or unusual. Your best resource for guidance in this area as noted would be Elknuts collection of videos and cd's. The calls dont do you any good if your afraid to use them.

3. Practice with your weapon and know your effective range.

4. As scouting is out, use other resources like google earth etc to learn the country as best as you can before you arrive.

5. Have fun and your enjoy your time chasing elk as you will be hooked!
Excellent thread and lots of good advice. Spend some time on It's a large site full of good elk hunting info.