Property owner takes trail cam

If you really want to jump down the rabbit hole google the horror stories of guys showing up to their tree stands to see someone else sitting in it and theres not a thing they can do about it.

Intention is important in those situations too. Some people have 10 treestands left on public all season and they might only have 6 sits in a season. They don't get to lay claim to those spots just because they hung a stand there. Setting a second stand right next to it doesn't benefit anyone either. On the other hand, If I hang a single stand a week before opener and go to that stand opening morning to find someone in it, I'd be pretty upset about it.
Intention is important in those situations too. Some people have 10 treestands left on public all season and they might only have 6 sits in a season. They don't get to lay claim to those spots just because they hung a stand there. Setting a second stand right next to it doesn't benefit anyone either. On the other hand, If I hang a single stand a week before opener and go to that stand opening morning to find someone in it, I'd be pretty upset about it.
Totally agree, If my camera is up and you see it feel free to check the card if you have a card reader on you. Just put it back in there, leave a note if you want saying you are scouting the same area. I even write my phone number in sharpie right above the card.
Totally agree, If my camera is up and you see it feel free to check the card if you have a card reader on you. Just put it back in there, leave a note if you want saying you are scouting the same area. I even write my phone number in sharpie right above the card.
You're more generous than I. I don't want anyone touching my camera and I leave theirs alone.

Did come across one this year that was face down after likely a bear broke it off the mounting bracket. I had a spare strap in my pack so strapped it to the tree for the guy and hopefully it's still takin pics.
Trust me, there are just as many land owners that put posted signs up BEYOND where they KNOW their property lines are, as there are hunting trespassers. Coming from a family of former farmers and land owners and knowing many other land owners in my area I know this to be factual...and it isnt just happening in my area..thats for certain. Many land owners, especially ones that own large tracts think they own the entire area and have a penchant for "over-posting" because they know the public typically has no idea what they really do own, and they capitalize on that. I respect land owners...but they can be A-holes too.
Believe I’d call him and see if he’d mind showing around, pointing out his property lines so that maybe you don’t get crossed up in the future. Be nice, apologize, you never know, you might make a friend and get an invite to hunt his property some day.
You could be from OH. I think trail cameras are illegal as are permanent tree stands on public property.
What? No, no, no. Bump that noise! If it ain't yours.. you don't f***ing touch it! It's that simple. Only touch it if you need to temporarily move it out of the way if it's impeding your ability to traverse the public lands somehow, that's about all I can think of.

Yeah.. you can elect to go into some rando treestand you found left in a tree. But just like gravity ad what goes up must come down. That mofo could come around the corner at any time. And he'd be within his rights, in my book, to get real pissy with you if he found you up there on his treestand.

Now. with that having been said. Out here anyway, you're not supposed to leave a treestand up on public lands. So if that other guy where to take down your stand, while a total d*ck move... he'd likely be within his rights to do that since you left it unattended when it's not supposed to be out there anymore, yes?