The 22br experience


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Apr 6, 2020
After watching @huntnful thread about the 22 creedmoor I wanted to start a thread about the 22 br. I am in the process of building a 22 br for coyotes and possibly whitetail in WI.

I have a Zermatt TL3 action.
Chassis will be a XLR element 4.0 magnesium
Triggertech diamond 2 stage
Nightforce NX8 2.5-20 F1 in Mils with Nightforce rings.
Brass is Lapua 6br.
Silencer Co Omega
My goal is to shoot berger 80 gr VLD's but plan to do some testing with the Sierra 69 HPBT.

Barrel will be a criterion shouldered prefit from Northland Shooters Supply at 24", standard palma contour with 1-7" twist and .100 freebore. Barrel specs say 4 pounds 9 ounces at 26", so I will weigh it when it arrives. I have shot a .243, 2 6br barrels and a 6bra barrel from them in PRS matches over the years and do not have anything negative to say about the barrels and customer service. I ordered the barrel the other day and there is a 12-22 week wait for the barrel. Plenty of time to resize the brass.

I have about 6 pounds of H4895 powder and plan on using CCI 450's. According to Hodgdon reloading for a 70 gr bullet and H4895, starting load is 23.0 grains. A few other google searches show people using up to 28.8 grains and getting about 3000 fps with 88 ELD-M's.

The brass neck thickness it right about .015-.016 and after reading a few articles, the recommendation is to turn it down to about .012-.013" for necking it down.

I will have plenty of time to research things further, but if anyone has any experience with the 22br, please feel free to post your results here.
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watching, I have two 22 BR reamers in the drawer. Hoping one will work without having to turn necks. The forum has a decent amount of info if you are on there
My necked down lapua brass is 0.250 loaded diameter, chamber is 0.255. Believe the freebore is 0.150 for 88 eldms. Also works for 77tmk. Bit long for 80 eldm and 85.5 Bergers, however those bullets all do fine jumping 50-80k too. I have two of these, prs trainer barrels. 90gr smk with 28gr varg going 2930 shoots half minute 10 shot groups on paper at 400y. Highly tempted to get a howa mini, open up the bolt face and run the Jefferson box mag with 2.43 internal length. This would allow me to use pretty much any bullet touching lands, as the longest bullet I have is the 88 and touching in 150fb chamber is around 2.380 coal. 77tmk touching is 2.235 coal. I might just go 22arc and skip the bolt face mod, but I'm already set up to load 22br. Would gain a slight boost in velocity and have lapua brass.
The Tikka I do scope zero retention testing is a 22BR.

I cc'd preferred and forster on the same email, sent a few pieces of brass and the die to forster, and they hones it out so no neck turning is needed.
My necked down lapua brass is 0.250 loaded diameter, chamber is 0.255. Believe the freebore is 0.150 for 88 eldms. Also works for 77tmk. Bit long for 80 eldm and 85.5 Bergers, however those bullets all do fine jumping 50-80k too. I have two of these, prs trainer barrels. 90gr smk with 28gr varg going 2930 shoots half minute 10 shot groups on paper at 400y. Highly tempted to get a howa mini, open up the bolt face and run the Jefferson box mag with 2.43 internal length. This would allow me to use pretty much any bullet touching lands, as the longest bullet I have is the 88 and touching in 150fb chamber is around 2.380 coal. 77tmk touching is 2.235 coal. I might just go 22arc and skip the bolt face mod, but I'm already set up to load 22br. Would gain a slight boost in velocity and have lapua brass.
What is the Jefferson box mag that you are referring to? Also, after looking at bergers vs eldm's I might go the eldm route. Any issues with them you know of? I've shot many 108's with no issues. Then at a match a guy was shooting them in a 6 creed and they were blowing up.
What is the Jefferson box mag that you are referring to? Also, after looking at bergers vs eldm's I might go the eldm route. Any issues with them you know of? I've shot many 108's with no issues. Then at a match a guy was shooting them in a 6 creed and they were blowing up.

You'll be fine shooting eldm just don't over twist it, or get a tight bore barrel. I think a 7.5tw 219bore pipe be bout perfect.
50 cases done.

I used a Wilson FL die at the recommendation of Accurate "22br Cartridge Guide". They recommend a FL die rather than a bushing die for this first step to prevent a donuts forming and for neck turning.

I trimmed all the cases to keep the length consistent for turning.

Turned the cases to .0125" using the Hornady neck trimming tool. I like using this one versus the K&M tool.

After turning I ran them through the FL die one more time. Then off to the vibratory tumbler.

Love it! Gotta get my 22BR bolt back soon.

I got to shoot a hundred or so before I sent my bolt off. It’s so fun to shoot and easy.
Just over 7 weeks and still waiting for the barrel.

In the mean time I have 100 pieces of brass prepped. 500 88 ELD-M's arrived and scored another 1000 CCI450's.

5-15 weeks left to wait.
I am using alpha 6br brass in my 22 br. Simple neck down and no turn with my chamber. I dont know specs on the chamber but it shoots well so dont care either.
Im about 800 rounds into the barrel. 75 grain bullets feed fine from mdt metal br mags, but 55 vmax arent the best for feeding, and sometimes just pop from the mag out the ejection port.
I build a 16” 22br last year as a coyote gun and it was amazing the little bit I used it before moving and losing easy access to hunting land. Killed 2 hogs and a coyote and some other small vermin, all with 88 eldms.

From the limited pressure/velocity testing I did, it pretty much mimicked my 26” 223.

I’m not sure what my chamber specs are but I had the barrel chambered by Fischer T&C out of Montana and I sent him a dummy round and he made the chamber and freebore work without needing neck turning. I have shot 60gn hammers, 62eldvt, 75 eldm, and 88 eldms to check pressure and velocity but haven’t done in depth load development.

Sadly I put it up for sale today since I no longer have a use for it.


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