To stay somewhere close to the topic, I'm still trying to see the correlation between these ridiculous programs and the termination of low paying seasonal federal natural resource positions that actually are required to show up somewhere on time for a certain amount of hours and perform a task the public benefits from? We pay elected officials on both sides of the isle far more to do far less and still nobody is looking that direction.
For the money I am way more comfortable seeing a Park ranger teaching something to kids or knocking a tree off the hiking trail, having a Forester marking a timber sale, maybe LE make an appearance at the trailhead once and a while to deal with idiots breaking into my truck. The loss and cuts to the programs you list is an easy message that those line items are not important to the administration, however cutting natural resources and public lands budgets and positions send the same exact message that is no different from your examples....we as a user group are not important, as I have said in my prior post, it's time to pay attention