Alaska Unit 13 A and B Federal Lands Closed to Regular Hunters


Aug 26, 2017
Interior AK
Not sure if this is posted anywhere else on here, but I figured I'd post it as some of you might find it interesting. I am big fan of keep it public for access but this is when it backfires.

As I understand it, the Federal Subsistence Board (Department of the Interior) voted to close all Federal Lands in unit 13a and 13b to any hunting other than federally qualified subsistence hunters. Their justification is bull${it - public safety and overcrowding.

Press Release Here:

It is a high pressure area and the subsistence use in that area is highly contentious from what I've heard and I basically think it is more of a who gets to hunt where vs I need this food to survive type thing. Anyhow, I hate the precedent this sets.... I am leaving for the Brooks Range this week and I am happy to get to hunt in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, but it is a massive chunk of federal land. To know they have the power to shut that down boils my blood.

I know fish and game is opposing this action, but this seems like a its right up BHA's alley.
Calling it a narrow sliver of land kinda diminishes how much land is affected. The highway corridor and paxson area account for over 460,000 acres. That’s a lot of land in my book

Anyhow, hopefully the board reverses their decision as it looks like the opposition is mounting. The state of Alaska, Alaska fish and game, Resident Hunters of Alaska, and Alaska Professional Hunters Assoc all are against it.

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This is a horrible precedent but leaving that aside it's pretty awful anyway. Lots of people use the Paxson/Gulkana corridor for access. It doesn't effect me directly but still pisses me off.
13a is pretty much trashed from all the recreational ATV traffic as it is.

I agree 100%. This isn’t an issue about over crowding or hunt quality. It’s an issue of feds trying to usurp the state’s right to manage wildlife and hunting.

If we need to prioritize subsistence users in that area let’s get fish and game to do it. Let’s not let the feds come in and take this management away from the state. Slippery slope.

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So it is closed to hunting for everyone but federally qualified subsistence hunters for the reasons public safety because of Covid, yet people who are not hunting can still recreate there? Yup, that makes sense. Covid is such a useful tool for bureaucrats.
This is happening again folks... this time they are going after a much larger chunk of land... about 60 million acres would be cut off to Alaska Residents who do not meet subsistence criteria and all non-residents.

Not scientifically based, just misuse of federal laws to keep people out of their hunting grounds:

I encourage anyone and everyone to call in a testify to this meeting. Even if it doesn't affect you now, this sets major precedent. Before long, the subsistence boards across alaska could effectively keep most Americans from hunting on Federal Land in Alaska.