Project 2025 and public lands and environment

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When you see a big mushroom cloud to the West you will know what the problem was. Then hope the wind is from the East.
Hansford, INEL, Los Alamos, Sandia, PNNL, NNSS, Tonopah Test Range...all are within spitting distance of prime hunting land.

I've been onsite at several of them. To think that we can easily replace some of the skillsets involved is woefully naive. Some of this is just generational; you have Cold Warriors who are being pushed out, and we haven't backfilled the nuke skillset for 50 years because there hasn't been much of a private sector for nuke power in the US since the '70s.

THAT's why you hire provisional employees, to train them and do the skills transfer for nuke powergen, research, waste handling, etc.

I guess the upside will be more night hunting; glowing elk are easier to shoot....
You love to talk about Politico, but you realize those payments were for subscriptions for both dems and republicans? You want to cry about scandal, but those subscriptions weren’t challenged by anyone last Trump term. Not a peep. Even first quarter of 2024 the speaker of the house and Lauren Boebert had subscriptions, then suddenly they cry about how bad it is. Is so funny you guys fall for this hook line and sinker - you must know you’re getting snowed by the used car guy, but if you don’t it’s obvious to the swing voters that will take the house and senate away if the clown cars and circus don’t leave town.

Why is it so important to fight for looney toons ideas? It’s just weird.
Corruption is corruption and it doesn't make it OK because R's are paying them off too, or I guess you're saying it does?
All I really want to say is that knowing a bunch of 19-24 year olds, I’d highly doubt that they’re the best people for that job. And I highly doubt that they’re finding those things efficiently or effectively. That and they’re attempting to rehire the one guy that resigned over racist comments. The problem I have with Trump and Elon is their character because character matters to me. And approving/attempting to rehire someone who has openly made racist comments within the last year and chalking it up to a kid making a mistake just gives me even more information to believe their character is flawed. The kid in question is 24 years old. That’s no longer a kid, that’s an adult who needs to reap what he sowed but they’re trying to hire him back on and trying to justify his comments as a kid being a kid.

I am frustrated by the federal job cuts and some of the funding cuts for conservation projects but I am not opposed to cutting the funding that was laid out on a previous page (specific amounts and what not, can’t remember the posters name). I don’t like a large portion of trumps policies so far but I am not opposed to everything he is doing.

What I am frustrated with is an unelected billionaire being able to determine what is waste. If billionaires weren’t greedy or at least trying to make more money, there wouldn't be billionaires because they would get to a point and realize they don’t need more. I don’t trust any billionaire making decisions on what is waste. Especially someone who dodged military service and was illegally here in the first place dodging the requirements of his visa. I don’t trust politicians either and I think they should be paid the median salary from the nation, yet they continually vote to give themselves raises. But tell you what, I’d trust elected officials that have the ability to be removed through voting a hell of a lot more than a billionaire that cannot be removed and doesn’t need the money because he has no incentive to do the right thing. Yall want to say he has incentive to do the right thing because he doesn’t need the money, but if that was the case, he’d cut a lot of spaceX dollars because we don’t need to be going to space, we need to be spending money on our own people, environment, and planet. Or maybe he’d cut the government subsidies on SpaceX and Tesla, but he has not done that. If he truly didn’t care about the money, he would recognize those things are waste.
You have legitimate concerns and I can appreciate them. I don't have those concerns, I'm concerned about the country being broke and my grandkids in bread lines. We have to stop the bleeding and take their credit card away and if Elon's tactics work I'm ok with that.
This is aimed at everyone in this threat on both sides. Y’all must have really went to therapy or follow the news to find the gaslighting buzz word. That word has been thrown around so many times and I’m not sure I have seen a single time it has been used correctly.
That could likely be the first time I've used it, trying to keep up with the cool kids. Lol
So you think somebody getting laid off is gonna build a bomb and blast it off? Yeah that's not overly dramatic or anything. Maybe a person like that needs to be fired with cause.
No. This concerns containment, safe storage, fuel rod retirement, safe retention etc. Less like Hiroshima, more like Chernobyl. That being said, in several of these facilities they do handle decommissioned warheads as part of the START treaty.
No. This concerns containment, safe storage, fuel rod retirement, safe retention etc. Less like Hiroshima, more like Chernobyl. That being said, in several of these facilities they do handle decommissioned warheads as part of the START treaty.
Great, they're trying to rehire them apparently so they'll be happy with a little "oops" bonus and nothing to worry about then.
Great, they're trying to rehire them apparently so they'll be happy with a little "oops" bonus and nothing to worry about then.
Unfortunately won't be so easy. First of all, the clearance clock has to restart for a lot of them, so they legally can't be let back in the facility after being fired. Because we're firing the people who do the clearances, that will also take longer.

Also, there will be people who take the exit package, but there won't be skilled backfill because they haven't had time to train the provisionals, who also happen to have been fired.

Last, there's a vibrant overseas market for SMR (Small Medium Nuclear Reactors) that would pay these people multiples of what they were making for DOE. Some of that will be friendly nations, but some will be unfriendlies hiding behind front companies. Especially after having been shoved out, I wouldn't be surprised that many of them look at that option. Even if their intent is purely financial, there's national security risk created overnight.

So, this is one of those "you can't pull that bullet back" issues, at least in part.
Unfortunately won't be so easy. First of all, the clearance clock has to restart for a lot of them, so they legally can't be let back in the facility after being fired. Because we're firing the people who do the clearances, that will also take longer.

Also, there will be people who take the exit package, but there won't be skilled backfill because they haven't had time to train the provisionals, who also happen to have been fired.

Last, there's a vibrant overseas market for SMR (Small Medium Nuclear Reactors) that would pay these people multiples of what they were making for DOE. Some of that will be friendly nations, but some will be unfriendlies hiding behind front companies. Especially after having been shoved out, I wouldn't be surprised that many of them look at that option. Even if their intent is purely financial, there's national security risk created overnight.

So, this is one of those "you can't pull that bullet back" issues, at least in part.
That's not actually how it works, I work with plenty of DoD customers and clearances are not lost because of employment termination. That's just more gaslighting from the Left rags (I'm intentionally trying to use the term now lol) to cause panic. There is a small delay as the employer/agency registers the clearance, we're taking days and it's a few clicks.

If those people were inclined to move out of the country they probably already would have done so. I'm sure they're aware of the job opportunities.

Edit: The exit package deal was stupid all the way around. Nothing like paying people through September for nothing. Plus your more competent people who aren't afraid of finding new employment are likely to take the deal, leaving you with incompetent people who're the ones you want to get rid of.
That's not actually how it works, I work with plenty of DoD customers and clearances are not lost because of employment termination. That's just more gaslighting from the Left rags (I'm intentionally trying to use the term now lol) to cause panic. There is a small delay as the employer/agency registers the clearance, we're taking days and it's a few clicks.

If those people were inclined to move out of the country they probably already would have done so. I'm sure they're aware of the job opportunities.

Edit: The exit package deal was stupid all the way around. Nothing like paying people through September for nothing. Plus your more competent people who aren't afraid of finding new employment are likely to take the deal, leaving you with incompetent people who're the ones you want to get rid of.
NNSA is on a whole other level than DoD. I've worked with both. Have you worked with NNSA, been on site at an NNSA facility???

Just laying out the risks as I see them from someone who has history with both the classified/unclassified side of the labs.
NNSA is on a whole other level than DoD. I've worked with both. Have you worked with NNSA, been on site at an NNSA facility???

Just laying out the risks as I see them from someone who has history with both the classified/unclassified side of the labs.
I've not and obviously higher clearances can have different methodology but I'd be surprised if a clearance is immediately terminated upon employment termination for the simple fact of how long the process takes to obtain it. Most have a natural life and will maintain in inactive status until they expire. This is by design for exactly these reasons, it shouldn't take much to change an inactive clearance to an active clearance. Maybe it's different for NNSA.
The TDS sufferers in this post whine because someone early said something nasty about big government. i and others asked that person to allow the people in this thread to be able to talk. Since then, people like you and many of the other 100% "trump bad" posters have done almost nothing but post complete drivel. You and others like the post below are why this thread will get closed. I am full of nothing but praise for the moderators here. If it was up to me, I would let everything go but I am not the one moderating or putting my money into the site. So I will tell you the same thing I told the right wing guy that said something nasty. Try to resist posting this stuff because there are people posting actual conservation related stuff. This will get the thread closed. Thanks.
Bro….do you even shoot or hunt?
NNSA is on a whole other level than DoD. I've worked with both. Have you worked with NNSA, been on site at an NNSA facility???

Just laying out the risks as I see them from someone who has history with both the classified/unclassified side of the labs.
Hey send me a link or something on these nuclear guys if you don't mind. With the other guys I figured they were just parroting a HuffPost opinion article but your posts convinced me to take a look into it and I'm not finding much with the Google.

The articles I'm finding don't state anything about inability to return to work due to clearances, just a vague reference to maybe not wanting to come back and relies on "anonymous sources" heavily. They also mention that most layoffs were management related and most in green energy, climate change, and solar energy efficiency.

One references the official DOE statement saying only 50 were actually laid off.
"Department of Energy, which said fewer than 50 National Nuclear Security Administration staffers were let go, calling them “probationary employees” who “held primarily administrative and clerical roles.”

So yeah, without further info it seems like HuffPost gaslighting! That's the third time I've used that term, it's starting to feel good.
Hey send me a link or something on these nuclear guys if you don't mind. With the other guys I figured they were just parroting a HuffPost opinion article but your posts convinced me to take a look into it and I'm not finding much with the Google.

The articles I'm finding don't state anything about inability to return to work due to clearances, just a vague reference to maybe not wanting to come back and relies on "anonymous sources" heavily. They also mention that most layoffs were management related and most in green energy, climate change, and solar energy efficiency.

One references the official DOE statement saying only 50 were actually laid off.
"Department of Energy, which said fewer than 50 National Nuclear Security Administration staffers were let go, calling them “probationary employees” who “held primarily administrative and clerical roles.”

So yeah, without further info it seems like HuffPost gaslighting! That's the third time I've used that term, it's starting to feel good.
Here's a good article from about a week ago about the risk of cutting NNSA w/o being extra careful:

IF DOGE goes Nuclear

To paraphrase one personal email, the Pantex plant near Amarillo lost 30% of their headcount. Pantex is responsible for assembly/disassembly of warheads.

Here's an unclassified page of the facility:


Hopefully they can reel these people back in, whatever the final number ends up being.
Here's a good article from about a week ago about the risk of cutting NNSA w/o being extra careful:

IF DOGE goes Nuclear

To paraphrase one personal email, the Pantex plant near Amarillo lost 30% of their headcount. Pantex is responsible for assembly/disassembly of warheads.

Here's an unclassified page of the facility:


Hopefully they can reel these people back in, whatever the final number ends up being.
That Atlantic article is a speculative hype article before anything happened so it's not relevant.

I've read about 10 different articles from various news sites now and they all seem to simply repeat the same thing, repeating each other or citing anonymous sources. I even went to BBC thinking an article outside of the country would be better but it simply sourced "US media outlets" which I'm sure is the same I'm seeing. One article had a quote from a Biden admin appointee that used to head up NNSA.

At this point I'm leaning towards it's all alarmist BS since the official DOE statement is 50 clerical people or whatever it was. I'll keep reading though, see if I can find something different.
What I am frustrated with is an unelected billionaire being able to determine what is waste. If billionaires weren’t greedy or at least trying to make more money, there wouldn't be billionaires because they would get to a point and realize they don’t need more. I don’t trust any billionaire making decisions on what is waste. Especially someone who dodged military service. . .

Why is it that you think that Elon not being elected holds any weight? Have any of you actually thought about this, or are you just parroting the left wing talking heads? Was Fauci elected? Elon and Trump were on the campaign trail months-on-end before Election Day and promising to do exactly as they are doing now. Americans voted knowing this, and Trump won handily.

As for billionaires, do you understand how capital works? The wealth of Bezos, Elon, etc. isn’t just sitting in a bank account. There are a lot of people directly and indirectly reliant on business generated by that capital and assets. Billionaires trying to make more money and “being greedy”, in reality, is them increasing the success of their business and the people that work for and with those businesses.

If you trusted Biden, then you have no issue with trusting a draft dodger. The idea that the state has ownership of your service and life involuntarily, i.e. a draft, is nothing short of heinous.
Why is it that you think that Elon not being elected holds any weight? Have any of you actually thought about this, or are you just parroting the left wing talking heads? Was Fauci elected? Elon and Trump were on the campaign trail months-on-end before Election Day and promising to do exactly as they are doing now. Americans voted knowing this, and Trump won handily.

As for billionaires, do you understand how capital works? The wealth of Bezos, Elon, etc. isn’t just sitting in a bank account. There are a lot of people directly and indirectly reliant on business generated by that capital and assets. Billionaires trying to make more money and “being greedy”, in reality, is them increasing the success of their business and the people that work for and with those businesses.

If you trusted Biden, then you have no issue with trusting a draft dodger. The idea that the state has ownership of your service and life involuntarily, i.e. a draft, is nothing short of heinous.
Im sorry but if they can put those shares of their companies up as collateral for a loan, then they should be taxed on it. I understand that the capital works for others but tell me how I am supposed to believe that when wealth inequality continues rising while corporate profits are at record numbers?

I didn’t trust Biden either. I don’t trust any politicians fully, they’ve spend most of their lives doing that stuff and they have no idea how the real world works. You do have a point with the Fauci comment though. Not much I can argue with there.
This isn’t a left vs right war, we are distracted and people that are hugely rich just keep getting richer while we are all too busy bickering with each other over stupid things that they’re using to distract us. The vast majority of people are seeing their wages remain stagnant while the richest people in the world get richer. This is a class issue and unfortunately we continue falling into arguments like these that distract us from the real issue.
Why is it that you think that Elon not being elected holds any weight?
I think the combination of the dude being unelected and being a billionaire owner of one of the largest social media/news platforms in the world, who has hundreds of millions of dollars in govt contracts, makes me suspicious of his impartiality. I’d be equally suspicious if Bezos, zuckerberg, or Soros was tapped to cut government spending
You do have a point with the Fauci comment though. Not much I can argue with there.
Now that I think more about this, I don’t think this was a valid response. Fauci was in charge of that department since 1984. You’re telling me he went through both republican and democrat presidents after being appointed by Ronald Reagan and didn’t get removed? That’s because he was doing a good job and the right thing in my opinion.
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