Poseurs and Ballers....

First, I really hope your day gets better.
That rant was pretty awesome though. The only thing that drives me crazy and it’s not just isolated to the hunting world is that’s when people take a truck and make it look like it is some off Roading super machine, but in reality it never leaves pavement.
Or this..

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Well since it is festivus. People who ask a question get an answer they dont like then argue why they are right. Why did you ask if you already know the answer

and people who think the 6.5 creedmoor just came out.
First, I really hope your day gets better.
That rant was pretty awesome though. The only thing that drives me crazy and it’s not just isolated to the hunting world is that’s when people take a truck and make it look like it is some off Roading super machine, but in reality it never leaves pavement.

Dude....my day is Epic and will only get better. My credit card debt is $400. I woke up in Kailua....walked a beach that is still public last night and was able to get a glimpse of a green turtle. Drank two cups of coffee that nearly caused me to schitt my shorts it was so Powah-full......then I opened Social Media
Fun read keep it going the world is a funny place and ever evolving some good some bad some indifferent....I try to stay focused on what I can control and laugh at so much of what I see at times🤩 but we all have something’s that send us over the edge 👊
Being one of the first to sign up on this forum, I agree the complexion has changed. There are still lots of guys on the forum that are great and I am all for new members trying to learn. We all have been there. What is missing is the hardcore folks that started the board in the first place. They have all moved on to more success etc. and it has left a hole. The site is so gear centered and not as much centered on discussing hunts and strategies etc. I am one of the biggest gear junkies there is, but I would much rather read about guys hunt experiences and strategies than read about gear. Gear is personal and either works for you or doesn't, but you don't really know till you go.


I was thinking the same thing the other day. Owning this forum and being involved with several others. People get tired of the “one up” mentality that comes with growth. It’s not just forums it’s everywhere. Most people are full of shit unfortunately!

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Surprised you feel 10% of society is still decent. I deal with the public every shift and am disappointed day after day at the downturn of our society.
Anyway, I have to finish reloading my 6.5 prc and ironing my Kuiu. Check back later after my wod.

I check in with another "old timer" every morning and every morning we agree that "old is good"!
Ive noticed a bit of a "pendulum effect", happens to me too. I think that sometimes when you get into a new sport you buy all the perceived best stuff, and go overboard. Then once youve had a play and realise what the actual requirements are things swing back the other way until you settle on a middle of the road option that is capable and not too crazy.
I did it when I built my 4wd, big wheels, exhaust, tunes, steel canopy and all sorts of stuff. Then I realised I really only needed 32"s, 2" lift and a snorkel and I could do 99% of the 4wding I would ever look at, and the other 1% could probably be achieved with a winch.
People get excited about the new endeavour, post a bunch, and then I suspect once they know a bit and have sorted out their set up they don't post as much and they are a bit more balanced.
I reckon most of the painful stuff is from excited people who havent slowed down yet.
Some people are just spuds too though, and spuds gonna spud

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I'm probably close to being on Time Out for being an AH on the Slide. This site a few years ago was a place I could come to for information and actually learning. Guys more Hardcore than I was and had "Been there and done that" more than I had. Could learn about making meals better/cheaper than Mtn House, leuko tape, lacing techniques, reducing ES and SD in load development, etc. Real information.

Lately....WOW! I guess it's time to remove myself. Overall I am simply floored by the amount of Poseurs. So many things chap my ass. What is with people? I see SOOOO many rifles....was ARs five years ago...now it's the PRS/LR game. With soooo much shit on them. Like it's a contest to see how much money you can spend, or how heavy you build your rifle. How much BLING you can add.......to increase your Drip, your Flo or your Swagger. WTF? Buy a new scope.....Oh, Bra.....you gotta put the sun shade on.....look how much bigger it looks! It's no longer Shocks, Pegs = Lucky. It's like everyone has enough money to build an alcohol dragster....but never had a driver's permit.

Does this stem from a Social Media lifestyle competition? Where people can take pics of their blinged out 1 ton truck on 37s, their LR Rifle, their Nock On matching blinged out bows, Mtn Ops flat brim?

Rubicon Jeeps with dual lockers, 37s, Warn recovery system....oh...don't forget the roof rack tent thingy with the ladder.....so the lions in Africa don't eat your ass! Even tho those poor tires have never seen dirt.

Or is it everyone WANTS to be an Operator? TactiCool? I work in Law Enforcement. I've seen some of the biggest pussies, who don't work out, couldn't do ONE pull up or bench their body weight, shoot like absolute shit....show up with Tactical Tomahawks, Shemags, Multi Cam everything, punch knives, 16 tourniquets, etc. Again....WTF?

Shot at a semi public range this weekend. The numbers of expensive semi production rifles on the line was staggering. Optics more than my entire rig. And two Skinny Jean poseurs high 5ing after hitting a 36" plate at 600 yards...No LRF, no ballistic Ap, nada. Realize it's their money and "Right", but for what? An Instagram post?

Is this just "Sportsman's Warehouse......set me up with the whole schmear.....I've got more money than God....put a whole rig together. I don't care what it cost......I'll be there at 3pm and I expect to walk out Chris Kyle"

Many posts and comments seem to floor me. I guess 9th Graders need to obtain guidance and information on things they can't afford and will never purchase also?

I guess it's the beauty of living in the Country we do and having that Freedom. I'm extremely grateful and practice gratitude daily. I'm personally in a great spot. Love life. Love my close circle of who and what I have. Just extremely underwhelmed with 90% of modern people and society. Maybe I'm a day away from trying to buy a Whammy Burger and fries?
I think you are just mad because you can't "run" gear, don't have a "system" and can't come up with any cool number signs or whatever they are called.
I think it boils down to the fact that the economy is booming right now and it has been for a long time. A lot of disposable income or more likely a lot of credit card debt. Not worrying about losing their job. Guy's can "afford" to buy all the toys and gear they want. They don't have to worry about how they are going to provide the basics. 10 years ago I hardly saw anyone where I hunt in Idaho. Now it's so over run with hunters they had to shorten the season and not allow you to use a second tag in that unit. For freaking whitetails. Montana didn't sell out tags. I think point creep in other states has a lot to do with it too. But I'm certainly not going to hope for the economy to crash. I'll just make do with the current situation.

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In the name of FESTIVUS, I must agree, a personal gripe of mine is "rigs" done up to "get into my hunting spots" (usually complete with all the stickers that validate the operator) ...I know some guys need to get twisty to get to the trailhead but I have been in some stock vehicles that, when piloted by someone who has actually spent time 4-wheeling, will get into some amazing places.

I have a mortgage, 3 kids, and an expensive hunting habit. I HATE borrowing money and avoid debt at all costs.

I drive a stock '99 Tahoe, and every time I load a critter or quarters or meat bags or finished taxidermy into it I smile! I always take a picture so when I get chided about a ripped seat, stain, or snagged up headliner I can show people the set of antlers that did it.
Jesse, being in LE you have to know the 70/30 rule. 100% of info -30% bullshit, embellishment, ill recollection....etc leaves 70% viable truth.

Theeeeeeeeen you multiply by the internet superhero sponshurship gloat....and you have about 11% reality.

Luckily the power of Visa can take that 11% and finance it over time to allow some fresh camo to disguise this to most.

You're clearly not most.
Dude....my day is Epic and will only get better. My credit card debt is $400. I woke up in Kailua....walked a beach that is still public last night and was able to get a glimpse of a green turtle. Drank two cups of coffee that nearly caused me to schitt my shorts it was so Powah-full......then I opened Social Media
Considering I don’t know where that place is even at, sounds like you’re doing all right after all.
Wow, what timing. Had some of the same bullshit at work today...….no morals, no ethics, everyone for themselves, cheaters and liars...…...and that's some of the guys I work with. Then there is the general public.
Then I see your thread. Kind of had to laugh. Got home and my reloading supplies arrived with bunch of Reloder 26. Sometimes a guy just needs a hug.

Jesse, you are welcome at my campfire anyday.

Randy ....retired LEO
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So like, what you’re saying is like a 30-06 is like ok? Cool beans.

Were you not going to mention the high dollar camo fashion show going on in the classifieds? I mean shit man, these pearls just DONT match my Kuiufirstlikrypsitka outfit.