Poseurs and Ballers....

You don’t seem happy like your last paragraph says, and I question that you “practice gratitude daily”.

Why are you so concerned with other peoples looks and material items? Show offs can be obnoxious, but not difficult to ignore. You getting so incredibly worked up about tires or scopes or wtf ever you don’t value plays right into the “look at me” lifestyle. You don’t see point in it but let it get you so bent you write half a dozen paragraphs about it. I get a forum is a place to vent, especially general board, but I just feel like you’re missing the point.

Everyone values things differently. If it’s having the nicest/newest, hunting as minimal as possible, spending $x,000 to drop a couple ounces etc. etc. I don’t think it’s worth ridiculing some you have no idea about.

If it makes them happy and gets them shooting/hunting/outdoors why let it bother you?
I think you are just mad because you can't "run" gear, don't have a "system" and can't come up with any cool number signs or whatever they are called.
And probably don't run lots of rigs, from trucks and guns to toothbrushes. I don't have a single rig, and don't run anything except my dog and run and gun.
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I'm listening to Bill Oreilly thought of the day. Americans are obsessed about money than probably any country in the world. Money, if used wisely is the most import force in your life. Don't be foolish or greedy with your money, says Bill Oreilly.
I don't know why I laughed so hard at this thread. A lot of it resonates, not because I hate any of these people, but just because 98% of the FAQs could be found by using the search tool and reading the other 87 threads on that same topic.

10/10 rant, would proudly do crossfit with Jesse Jaymes after handloading 6.5 organic rounds and drinking single plant origin coffee through my Sitka camo dipped Yeti chalice.
"I live in Ohio and walk some paved trails around Columbus on my lunch break....what are you guys carrying for bear defense? I have a lowered and flared G40 with a 2 oz Poseidon Armament trigger and Zeus industry 8" barrel. I had Steve at Never-ending Ammo supply custom make me a 48 round magazine"

Chances are you need that Glock in Columbus more than a lot of places out west. There are some wild animals around here, just not the furry kind.

Either way this thread makes me lol. There will always be gear queers. Hell, I’ll admit to being one of them, I like nice things, and I make enough money to afford them without being in a boatload of debt. Plus, this is a very “gear” oriented site... If that bothers you, log off.

Tired of newbie questions? Again, log off. Nobody is stopping you. We all started somewhere. Not that long ago I was the newbie asking questions. Now I try to pass what little knowledge I have along so this hunting tradition doesn’t die out and we always have folks that care about our public lands and wildlife. Do I give them my “honey holes?” No, but I do what I can to point them toward finding their own success.

But that’s just me. Overall though I don’t much concern myself with what other people do that doesn’t affect me, and as a result I’m pretty happy.
I know how you feel. There are a few things that immediately set off alarms, including but not limited to: IPAs, PRC, Mtn Ops, flat brims, any lifted truck with “Platinum” in the name, Kuiu, pint nights, Truck stickers, custom rifles, ARs and 5.11 pants or shirts (which is 95% of the range on any given day), CrossFit, Instagram, Facebook, and anything with a pound sign. Yes, it’s a pound sign.

But at the end of the day, who cares? The mountain doesn’t care how many followers you have. Outside of combat, I don’t know that there is more of an equalizer than Mother Nature and the mountain. It’s why I’ve become more libertarian as I’ve become older. Give people enough rope to hang themselves. Fakes and idiots will be shown for what they are, given enough time.
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