Philos, read our FNG forum for a fresh perspective. Some very welcoming folk on there. I also see lots of post on RS about people looking for advice on where to move. Most replies are respectful and welcoming.
I remember the bumper stickers: "Don't Californicate Oregon" and "Don't Let Texans Californicate Colorado"
As a Californian it sucks to be lumped in with all the liberal a-holes from southern California and the bay area. I truly feel bad for other states when liberals from here move there and change the culture of those areas. Like a few others have said on here, when people with money move into an area to retire or even just get out of the rat race it drives property values through the roof, its happen here in Redding. 10-12 years ago we had a bunch of people move up here and it shot housing prices sky high. Its come back down some but still things are over priced.
I have thought of moving from California for a while now, I don't want to deal with all the bull crap that comes with California anymore. Its hard to make a move, especially knowing that as a Californian I'm going to be looked at like just another liberal asshole looking to invade. But I guess that would come with the territory for a while haha.
P.S. anyone from this state that calls it cali is a douche bag
From the perspective of a CA resident, not all of us want to change the area we move too. Chances are if your on Rokslide you have some similiar principles as the majority of those on here. I was born, raised and grew up in Ca. (not Cali?) raised my kids here. Now its time to go, the liberals have ruined this once great state, and most things I enjoy doing are dis-appearing. Like to go to the races on friday night? To bad the racetrack is closing. Enjoy practicing your skills at the shooting range, yeah, they are closing too. Hike or ride your mountain bike at a remote spot, some asshats have figured out its an easy spot to break in to your truck.
A lot of our problems are coming across the border, the rest are coming from the big cities, LA, San Fran, San Jose, those are the folks you dont want in your neighborhood, I get it, neither do I.
Thanks Robby and I appreciate all the feedback. It's funny-most of the true outdoorsmen I know are quality folks that are like minded without regard to their location. income levels or any other measurable pieces of social data. The feedback is pretty much what I thought it would be. The responses validate the commonality of thought most true sportsmen posses.
I cannot imagine someone relocating and NOT wanting to assimilate. It seem to me that the very reason one would move is to be a part of the local culture and pray it doesn't change.
If I move I am under no illusions that I won't miss some things I leave behind but that is part of the give and take of change. I find myself having less in common with my local population and the desire to have room to roam--just to roam. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find the room here.
What I want is a place with fewer people, cooler weather, more outdoor opportunity and a few like minded folks to get to know. These wants also mean I'll have to realize a few trade offs that I now have-fewer amenities , colder winters and I will have to be a bit more self sufficient.
I pretty much operate within what I call a "small circle" mindset...meaning I interact with a fairly small group of people as most of my fellow Carolinian's don't share my appreciation of the outdoors and the lifestyle that accompanies the desire to be out there.
That is not to say there are not some fine people here. My neighbors are great and most of my co-workers are truly good people-they know how I am and even though they don't share in the enthusiasm of the outdoor pursuits they do appreciate a deer roast or a wild turkey breast once in a while.
Thanks again guys for all the candid feedback. When I do get there (wherever there happens to be) I promise to bring very little baggage except possibly a bit of southern charm.
Just to make things clear (at least from my perspective) is that people who are good, honest people will be welcomed everywhere. If any of you moved in next door or etc you would be more then welcome. Its the newcomers with the different mentality that sometimes rubs locals the wrong way and creates a more hostile response.
To a degree.........but even if every single person had the same mentalities, bringing an extra few million people to a state pretty much sucks for everyone in the state at that point. All the differing mentalities and ideologies just makes it 10x worse.
And here I am moving from Cali to Wyoming...shhh, don't tell anyone!
CA to WY, yet you have Utah as your location. Man, you're all kinds of messed up. Or are you updating your location as you head east to WY?
From the perspective of a CA resident, not all of us want to change the area we move too. Chances are if your on Rokslide you have some similiar principles as the majority of those on here. I was born, raised and grew up in Ca. (not Cali?) raised my kids here. Now its time to go, the liberals have ruined this once great state, and most things I enjoy doing are dis-appearing. Like to go to the races on friday night? To bad the racetrack is closing. Enjoy practicing your skills at the shooting range, yeah, they are closing too. Hike or ride your mountain bike at a remote spot, some asshats have figured out its an easy spot to break in to your truck.
A lot of our problems are coming across the border, the rest are coming from the big cities, LA, San Fran, San Jose, those are the folks you dont want in your neighborhood, I get it, neither do I.
The primary problem I see with Californians or others migrating to states such as ID , CO , or MT is when they move to those places and try to change those places and not assimilate. I see this as a MAJOR issue .