Peax Equipment?

I drank the koolaid n purchased a few things. The head lamp, Broke the clip that holds the lamp to the band first time using it about 10minutes into a hike through some brush.. thankfully I pack a spare. Headlamp is nothing special, several things that others do better, but to each his own. This turned me off from the brand. Much happier with my argali trekking poles. T&k or kenetrek gaitors haven’t failed me.. as for the tipi, good luck to those investing.
I fell for the headlamp deal. Just re-branded with their name. Came without any information/instructions and couldn’t get a response from Peax. Reminded me of a garage operation.
I like their poles and head lamp. I’m not saying either are the best. They’re just the best I’ve owned.
I’ve had there poles 4 years. Head lamp a year
Actually, they don’t. They are doing influencer deals where the discount promo code goes to the influencer’s pocket. Cost the brand nothing but 10% of the sale. From what I can tell, they aren’t spending money on paid search or retargeting.
Whoa whoa. These influencers use gear because it’s just the best available. Not BECAUSE OF sponsorship. I mean who doesn’t need gaiters during a hot dry archery season.
I have their trekking poles. They've been really solid. I don't know about the rest of the stuff though.
The Peax guys were hard to watch on last year's Destination Elk series...

I think they have some decent products but I think others are right, they have been good at marketing.

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I agree 100% with this. I don’t mind marketing as I enjoy it but it was enough to turn me off. I feel like that’s all I saw and heard about.
GOHUNT just put out a post saying the peax tipi is the toughest in the backcountry. I feel like in the past they have vetted equipment quite well.
I agree with this to a point. They do usually do a decent job reviewing them. I will go look at the post but I assume they said, toughest floorless. It’s hard to compete with a freestanding tent for “toughest”. I think with the trekking pole going across mid way up is a great idea. Before I sold my Cimmaron. I could have used that in the Wyoming wind.
Had never heard of them until this post, checked the website and they're in Boze-angeles! I must drive by their address a few times a week.

R&D can also stand for "Ripoff and Duplicate" which they might be doing with the headlamp and poles, or maybe just paying the manufacturer to put their label on it. Nothing wrong with that and its amazing how many companies do that - or just ask the manufacturer to tweak the design a bit or, per earlier post, pay more for additional QC. There are a few good brands built on re-labeling Alibaba products and/or asking the supplier to make a special color run or putting less filler in the plastic.

The tent looks legit! Might have to give that a try. No clue who they are, good luck to them.
I have the lower priced set of their flick lock poles and liked the idea of the replaceable aluminum bottom section. I've used them primarily for skiing and like them a lot.
In comparing the headlamps. Yes it is a rebranded sofrin. However there are two differences.

Peax - 1000 lumen and 3600mAh battery
Sofrin - 500 lumen and 3000mAh battery

Are those two upgrades worth the $$$ to you? That's for you to decide.

These guys don't get paid to hunt, they get paid to use products and show them off. If you could do that and quit your 9-5 you would.
In comparing the headlamps. Yes it is a rebranded sofrin. However there are two differences.

Peax - 1000 lumen and 3600mAh battery
Sofrin - 500 lumen and 3000mAh battery

Are those two upgrades worth the $$$ to you? That's for you to decide.

These guys don't get paid to hunt, they get paid to use products and show them off. If you could do that and quit your 9-5 you would.
Idk man, selling cheap chinese stuff that you got for a fraction of the cost doesn't seem very appealing to me. Now if it wasn't chinese crap, I would feel better about it. American made, I would jump in neck deep. I think all these companies making buku bucks off chinese produced stuff, that chinese people can't even use because hunting is illegal there is wrong. Not to mention, potential slave labor etc.
Idk man, selling cheap chinese stuff that you got for a fraction of the cost doesn't seem very appealing to me. Now if it wasn't chinese crap, I would feel better about it. American made, I would jump in neck deep. I think all these companies making buku bucks off chinese produced stuff, that chinese people can't even use because hunting is illegal there is wrong. Not to mention, potential slave labor etc.
Oh, and lining the pockets of Americas number one adversary. Seems like a bad idea to me to give a portion of every purchase to the CCP.