I was recently listening to an old Kifaru podcast, and the supplement company Mountain Ops was mentioned. I tried doing a little research and mainly find old reviews/feedback from pre-2020. Most of those reviews seem to be based largely on the image of the company and it’s marketing, and not the actual products. I was wondering if anyone has any more recent updates or reviews? My main concern is with the quality of the product, and not the advertising or marketing.
My interest was piqued when Aron said it tastes really good. I remember trying protein shakes 20 years ago and they were pretty hard to swallow. I recently got into working out again and would like to find something to add to my routine. I understand supplements will never replace quality lifestyle decisions and quality food, but at 35 years old I’ve come to terms with the fact that I don’t like a lot of healthy foods. I’m pretty good at limiting food intake, and eliminating bad foods like carbs and sugar, but I can’t make myself eat healthy alternatives if I don’t like the way they taste. After reviewing Mountain Ops products, I thought their Ammo might be a good meal replacement to try. If the label and ingredients are true, it would probably be a step up from my normal diet. I’m also interested in their Magnum protein powder. I like that I can pronounce everything on the ingredient label. A lot of the old reviews I read were leading guys to Optimum Nutrition supplements, but there’s quite a few ingredients on theirs that I can’t pronounce. I also read and like the idea of using one of their pre work outs (Yeti or Ignite) as just a water flavor to help with water intake. I don’t drink a lot of liquids in general, and it’s hard for me to force myself to drink enough if I’m not dying of thirst. A lot of the old reviews I read were guys just talking about how good it tastes. I’ve tried the stuff at grocery stores for flavoring water and most are terrible. At least the Mountain Ops says it has zero sugar…
I tried doing a search on google scholar but didn’t get very far with it. I’d like to know if there has been any 3rd party testing on their products. I know there are no regulations on the supplement industry, so it would be interesting to see the results if they exist.
My end goal is to find a palatable supplement without a bunch of fillers. I’m open to suggestions for other brands too. This is my first time down this rabbit hole in quite a few years and it’s already pretty overwhelming.
Thanks in advance.