Painful joints and feeling "old"

Sep 28, 2018
This is a PSA

I turned 40 about 6 months ago and life is starting to catch me. I'm fighting back though. Last few years its been easy to get a small disk bulge that would put me out for a few weeks of the gym. Injure myself lifting too much. etc.

I got fed up and got back in the gym and still dealing with painful shoulders and lingering back pain.. Bottom line, despite getting stronger in the gym my flexibility was the worst. All my aches and pains were cumulative and not result of 1 instance. Non fully rehab'd injury, sitting in a chair for hours a day 5x week, long breaks from the gym, not focusing on flexibility.

Rehab and flexibility are some big big fixes i've recently implemented and I'm able to significantly subdue daily pains. I don't have much weight to truly loose, Currently I'm 18% bodyfat. which means I should loose 10# to get myself back into "athlete" status at 14%. Hip and low back flexibility are going far for my situation. Its also taken about 30 days of consistently stretching(daily) my low back, glutes, hip flexors, hamstrings and quads. I do 20 minute sessions. Sometimes 2x a day and I've started utilizing my stand up desk for a few hours a day. For shoulders I've integrated band exercisese

If you're feeling all the aches and pains at middle age, consult with a physical therapist. Generally your insurance company will cover a big portion of rehab. Once you've learned all the exercises you can do most of it at home. Some people might need to start with their family/General Practioner. Generally a GP has no problem writing you a script for a PT. Also you can your PT to include the appropriate bands in your billing OR charge the cost of bands against your FSA or HSA.

Get healthy, feel better and remember that you don't have to choose between flexibility and strength. You can have both and need both .


Jul 16, 2019
I'm mid 30s and actually just visited a PT yesterday for some lingering calf/knee issues. It's minor but has been persistent and is limiting the distance I run. So at my annual physical my normal doctor set me up.

I explained the minor discomfort caused and explained to the PT my concern of making sure nothing was wrong in there, as I'm abit of a hypochondriac and I'm afraid I'm causing damage.

He said "dust causes rust". Our bodies are not machines, and the worse thing you can do is remain stagnant. He said if u spray WD on a rusted pair of pliers it wont do anything. You need to work it back and fourth to see the benefit.

Keep moving, rest when needed and don't ignore pain but pay attention to it, it's telling you the areas you need to work on.

I'm focusing on mobility and stretching now at his direction, which admittedly is something I knew going Into this.


Jun 8, 2024
Good post OP!

I'm in my late 60s and have had both desk jobs and active jobs. I felt better by far when I was moving around the most. Worst is sitting at a desk all week, then engaging in something strenuous on the weekend.


Jan 12, 2019
Good post, I'll add that eating right also helps. Sugar (and things that convert to sugar), alcohol, seed oils, and processed foods can also contribute to inflammation leading to aches, pains, and often disease.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 18, 2016
My shoulders would tense up just from a 15lb day pack. Started doing bench press at 70% of max focusing on form. That seems to have realigned my upper back and shoulders.

About two years ago I really lost my agility and endurance on a trail. Knees weren’t painful but just fatigued. Calves would lose their ability to relax. Between the two coming down a steep trail I had maybe 40% of my range of motion from my knees down. You know something is wrong when you’re faster going uphill. Started with finding a good shoe with proper fit. Doing calf raises (body weight only) a few times a week at 100 reps. Looked up some videos on trekking pole techniques, I wasn’t using them right.


Mar 6, 2015
Mississippi & Texas
@ 58 y/o its road trips and plane rides that get me the worst.
Yeah, I feel your pain brother...
I just turned 63. I also just had a total hip replacement done on my left hip, the right one won't be too far behind. I put it off and pushed it farther than I should have, but it's done now and THAT particular pain from arthritis is gone but the recovery is tough. Not sure if my left knee is supposed to be hurting this much either. It's been 3.5 weeks since the surgery and I see my Dr. for the first follow up tomorrow so I will see. The physical therapy has been hard but I can tell it's helping. It's still strange to me how they can split your ass muscles to make the room to cut your femur and remove the ball, drill/drive another ball on a stem into your leg bone, machine the arthritis out of the socket and rework it and send you out on a walker the same day. Then, you begin PT the following day. Still amazes me. I'm walking everywhere on a cane, and all around the house, etc. without it. Modern medicine.