I started as a bird getter at the age of 4 sitting next to my Dad during dove hunts. Now at the age of 44, after decades of hunting squirrel, dove, duck, and deer without hearing protection, target shooting......my left ear (I'm right handed) rings 24/7/365. I will never hear silence again. If there is not a fan on or white noise, it is really "loud". The worst I attribute to a Browning with Boss that I shot at least a hundred times unprotected between the age of 15 and 25. Also lots of magnum pistol shooting. Then there are several times I remember duck hunting in college and buddy in the blind next to me swung his barrel and pulled the trigger right next to my head. I did it to them a few times too. A couple of times we almost got into a fist fight about it. Then last year 2 shots (2 dead bucks) with my Christensen Ridgeline with a brake were the final straws for me. I did have the plugs around my neck and put them in before shooting, but the left one wasn't quite sealed on that last shot. It's just not worth it anymore. I don't want it to get any worse, or spread to my right ear.
I hunt and shoot rifles with a can from now on, unless I can't (like going hunting in Canada), in which case I will just have a thread protector on there. My health (including my hearing) is #1. Opinions of others didn't make the list.