Old School: Who Doesn't Hunt with a Muzzle Brake or Suppressor?

Wow, I had to scroll up and check which forum I was in.... These posts are really kinda surprising, especially for long range hunting. I get that can be different for everyone, but that starts around 500 yards to me. Get a f-ing can, it requires minimal effort.

I also call BS on only having 5 seconds to get a shot off at over 500 yards.
It would take my old shaky ass more like 5 minutes cause I'm getting inside 400 to take a shot these days 😉
Your better off shooting a broke rifle with a good buddy, that way he can hold your and his hat on when you pull the trigger. Joking sorta, they are very effective with recoil management but every one iv'e been around was incredibly violent ..... I don't own one but do wear hearing protection except while hunting .... The state i live in is not free enough for me to own a can ....
In California so can't have a can and shoot a 30-06 that's already plenty loud without a break. The cool thing about guns and hunting is everyone can do what's best for them and their situation.

Imagine if people actually realized that and did what was best for them and their situation instead of telling others why their way is better than someone else's.
I haven’t met a single guy who’s lost hearing from shooting rifles without ear pro that didn’t regret not using ear pro. I’d rather miss the deer than miss out on what people are saying when I’m older.

I don’t use a brake or can while hunting, but I take the time to protect my ears.
I hunt with a .30-06 without a break or suppressor. I don't want the noise of a break and don't want to add a suppressor to an already long and heavy rifle. I carry ear plugs, but don't always have time to put them in whitetail hunting. This isn't at long ranges though, I think my longest shot on a deer the last few years has been 140 yards.

My next rifle will be threaded and I'll jump through the hoops for a can. Same for when I buy my kids their first rifles.
My Weatherby Backcountry 280 AI lightweight 5.3lbs has a factory brake. I've never had or needed one on any other hunting rifle, not even the 300 Weatherby mag.
I don't hunt with a suppressor, and I don't own one.
Mostly because I am not paying the govt to use one either. The hell with them.
Personally, I think they look silly on a gun, but, to each their own.

My Browning SS ABII in 300 WSM has a BOSS on it. I do like that. It turns that lion into a lamb. Its LOUD...
I’m not particularly sensitive to recoil and I refuse to deal with the noise of a brake.

In the next year or two I’ll probably try out the suppressor route, just seems like a pain in the a** that shouldn’t be. In addition to the paperwork none of the rifles I currently own are threaded, so even more $$$
And 100% true....don't let your ignorance get in the way of a good laugh though! That's what smart people do!

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It seems that would largely be dependant on the form of ear pro, cartridge, and brake itself would it not?

If you dampen the sound enough, such as through the use of both plugs and muffs, are you suggesting that brakes still cause hearing damage? Is the idea that it’s the concussion that does so?

I’ve genuinely never heard someone state that ear pro doesn’t work for brakes, period. Can you share some of the evidence on this?
Muzzle brakes have no place on public shooting ranges or on rifles of guys who ever want to hunt with another human being.
I partially agree with this. I have a 375 with a break and I plan the couple of times a year that I shoot it based on when I know the range will basically be empty or I can sit 10 or so benches away from others. If the range is packed, it doesn't leave the pickup.

My little guy still doesn't want to go back to the range because some guy that sat down right next to us this fall with a break on his 300. I even had him sitting about 15 feet behind me. My wife had a similar experience a couple years ago and never really wants to go with to the range. Not the guys fault, well within his rights to be there same as us; just unfortunate. Hard enough to get kids and wife into shooting the way it is.
I also call BS on only having 5 seconds to get a shot off at over 500 yards.

I was referring to the typical distances we shoot here in eastern US which is often under 200 yards. I have a shooting house over a cut corn field where I can shoot out to 650 yards but it never fails that most of my kills from this spot are under 200. The two deer I killed this season were 120 yards and 47 yards. Here is a pic of a buck I shot out the left window that was making a scrape on the tree line. You can see my blind in the background.

Sometimes there are only moments where a shot opportunity will occur.


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Yeah... no kidding.

Men needing brakes and suppressors. Pffft...

I thinks its ironic that same guys who are too tough to use brakes are the same ones complaining about the noise. Wear ear protection at the range or stay home

Itshe same tough guys aboutnout not

Yeah... no kidding.

Men needing brakes and suppressors. Pffft...

Yeah... no kidding.

Men needing brakes and suppressors. Pffft...