
4 miles (400') with my wife and Tiny Elvis, the 400' comes (and goes) pretty fast :)

Every 2 minutes for 5 rounds:
-1 power snatch + 1 hang squat snatch (drop the bar) + 1 full squat snatch (drop the bar) + 1 full squat snatch

3 minutes work/1 minute rest for 3 rounds
-20 hang DB snatches + AMRAP burpees over the dumbbell for the remaining time

3 rounds:
10 x GHD back extensions
15 x GHD reverse hypers
10R/10L x bent over pallof press
5 rounds:
Suitcase deads
KB Swings
KB Rows
Suitcase carry

3 sets
Band goodmornings
Band OHP
Band around knees BW Squat

1 hour jiu jitsu

2 mile walk with Chuck and kids